In autumn and spring we are especially attacked by viruses. This is expressed in the deterioration of the general physical condition, the appearance of a runny nose, sneezing, headaches and fever. One has only to get caught in the rain or dress poorly, there is already a danger of walking for a week with a handkerchief and constantly blowing your nose into it. They say that the appearance of a runny nose is a reaction of the body to viruses, and not a disease. But if it is not treated, an independent disease may appear - sinusitis. To prevent this, it is important to use medicines in time to reduce the amount of mucous secretions.

What types of cold remedies are there?
Why are we prescribed different remedies for a cold? Why are some used for colds and others for rhinitis, some can be used many times a day, and some no more than three times? We do not even realize that there are several types of medicines for the common cold. Let's try to understand them.
- Antibiotics - act on bacteria that are on the mucous membranes of the nose, are more often used not only to treat a runny nose, but also for sore throats.
- Vasoconstrictor - runny nose is not treated, buthelp to breathe without edema and congestion. Often used in pediatric practice so that children can sleep peacefully at night.
- Antiviral drugs - act on viruses at the onset of the disease.
- Products containing colloidal silver are antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Herbal remedies, homeopathy - the use of various herbs in the treatment of the common cold.
- Moisturizing the mucosa - products containing sea s alt. Designed to moisturize and rinse the nasal cavity. When used together with vasoconstrictors, the effect is achieved faster. But if they don't help, there is another well-known type of drug to treat the common cold.
- Hormonal medicines are drugs based on certain hormones that effectively treat the common cold, but may have side effects.
The action of the drug "Aquamaris"
This drug is a moisturizer. It is actively used in pediatric and therapeutic practice. "Aquamaris", an analogue of which can also help in the treatment of the common cold, contains sterile sea water. This water is valuable because it is rich in many trace elements that help restore the normal state of the nasal mucosa. All these trace elements contribute to the healing and restoration of tissues. In addition, local immunity is stimulated, so after using Aquamaris, a runny nose goes away without consequences.
Indications for this remedy

Himself"Aquamaris", an analogue of this remedy - they are all popular due to the fact that they can be used not only during the period of nasal diseases. They are used to prevent infectious diseases, as well as when a person is working or in adverse environmental conditions. It can be a harsh climate, dry rooms and others. In addition, the drug "Aquamaris" is used in the following cases:
- enlargement of adenoids in children: with this ailment it is difficult for them to breathe, and the remedy helps to restore the normal state of the mucous membrane;
- inflammation of the nose, nasopharynx and sinuses;
- rhinitis of various origins;
- as a result of operations in the nasal cavity, various infections can progress, the drug is used to prevent and restore all functions of the nasopharynx;
- with dryness and heaviness of nasal breathing;
- during SARS epidemics for disease prevention.
How to use Aquamaris
Spray "Aquamaris", an analogue of which we will consider below, contains 200 identical doses of the substance. One injection equals one dose. This is a very convenient form of release of the drug, since when pressed, the entire nasal cavity is irrigated. This drug is used as an adjunct to others, such as vasoconstrictors.

"Aquamaris" is injected into each nasal passage 2-3 times. The drug is used for children older than one year. If the child has not reached this age,use a different form of the drug or an analogue of "Aquamaris" for children.
At the age of 1 to 7 years, the drug is used 2 injections 4 times a day. From 7 to 16 years old, the medication should be used in such doses: 2 injections into the nasal passages 4 to 6 times a day. Adults can use the spray even more: 2-3 sprays 4-8 times a day. The course of treatment is not limited to one week. It is from 2 to 4 weeks of using the drug "Aquamaris". An analogue of a spray with a similar composition is used the same amount. Drops for children apply 2 drops in each nasal passage up to 4 times a day.
What does the spray contain?
The basis of the drug is filtered water from the Adriatic Sea. It makes up the bulk of the product - 30 ml. In addition, the composition of the product includes purified water. Also, the spray consists of sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, sulfate ions. All trace elements have a good effect on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, restoring its functionality and relieving inflammation and swelling.
Contraindications to the use of the drug
"Aquamaris" can be used by almost all people, even pregnant and lactating mothers. But with individual sensitivity to the constituent elements of the drug, it should be replaced with an analogue of Aquamaris. There are also contraindications for children - this is the age of up to 1 year.
Drug price
Like any medical remedy for the treatment of illness, "Aquamaris" has a different dosage. The price of the drug depends on this. In different regionscountries, it may also differ. On average, you can pay from 220 to 350 rubles for a drug. For those who do not like the price, you can find analogues of "Aquamaris" cheap.
Does the spray have analogues?

It's good when expensive drugs can be replaced with cheaper analogues. Not everyone can afford to spend about 300 rubles on nasal lavage, so some patients are interested in: "Are there cheap analogues of Aquamaris?"
It must be said that this drug has not only cheap substitutes. For example, "Humer" is much more expensive than "Aquamaris". In composition, it is an analogue of the last drug, but not everyone can afford to spend large sums on the purchase of Humer. Although patient reviews indicate its maximum effectiveness in the fight against the common cold.

The most popular analogues of the drug include:
- "Morenasal".
- "Physiomer".
- "Marimer".
- "Salin".
- "Dr. Theiss alergol".
- "AquaMaster".
- "Sodium Chloride Bufus".
- "Aqua Rinosol".
- "But-s alt".
- "Atomer".
Also, you can still use saline to replace Aquamaris spray. The analogues of the drug presented above have a different form of release and dosage. They are used in the form of spray and drops. The amount of substance they have ranges from 10 to 100 ml.
What is the equivalent of "Aquamaris" for children?
Our children are often attacked by various colds, especially in the autumn-spring period. These are not the happiest days for parents, because a clogged nose prevents the child from sleeping peacefully, and a cough or a prolonged runny nose promise the development of complications. Therefore, it is important to start the treatment of the common cold in time with the help of various types of drugs.
Many young mothers are interested in the question: "How to replace Aquamaris spray for small children?" For children under 1 year old, there are cheaper drops with sterile sea water. For example, "Morenazal" is a domestic drug that also contains a set of natural trace elements and minerals. They contribute to the rapid restoration of the nasal mucosa.

In turn, "Marimer" in composition is also quite suitable for replacing the "Aquamaris" spray. The cost of the drug "Marimer" is somewhat different and on average it ranges from 100 to 150 rubles per 30 ml.
Another frequently used analogue of the drug is the spray "Doctor Theiss allergol". In composition, it differs from Aquamaris. The main active ingredient is not sea water, but the dry s alt residue of sea water, diluted in purified water. Additional substances: benzalkonium chloride, hydrochloric acid, benzyl alcohol. Prices for this drug are lower than for "Aquamaris", on averagethey range from 120 to 150 rubles for 20 ml.
By the way, some young mothers, focusing on the principle of making the Doctor Theiss Allergol spray, make homemade drops for washing the nose. They can be made according to the following algorithm.
You need to take 1 liter of boiled water. Add there:
- one ampoule of magnesium sulfate;
- calcium chloride stir two ampoules;
- thoroughly stir in 1 more heaping teaspoon of iodized s alt.
Mix all the ingredients in water at room temperature until the s alt is completely dissolved. Then pipette into the nasal cavity, washing it. This solution has its own expiration date. It is no more than 2 days after preparation.
What cheap analogues of "Aquamaris" can adults use?

Effective remedies for the common cold are all of the above. But they are not all cheaper than this drug, for example, the well-known analogue of "Aquamaris" - spray "Physiomer". It consists of a sterile solution of sea water. In different regions of the country, its price is from 350 rubles.
Cheap analogues of "Aquamaris" are such sprays as "Salin", "Naria chloride", "Mornezal". In general, inexpensive substitutes for this drug are suitable for both adults and children. You just need to look at the release form - sprays are unacceptable for small children, as they can lead to spasm. For them, the same drugs are used, only indrops.
There are many analogues of the drug with different price ranges. All of them are aimed at improving the condition of the nasal mucosa and its complete restoration. To quickly overcome the disease, it is necessary to use drugs from 3 to 6 times. Here, perhaps, is all the information on the topic: "The drug "Aquamaris": price, analogues, indications, method of application."
Be he althy!