What helps Vishnevsky's ointment? Let's look into this issue in more detail.
The drug has been used for decades and is popular among both young and old patients. The ointment is an affordable and effective remedy with an antiseptic effect, which is produced by several pharmaceutical companies at once and is intended for external use. The main direction of action of the drug is the treatment of diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature.
But the use of Vishnevsky's ointment is not limited to this.

Everyone knows this drug as an ointment, but the more correct name of the form in which it is presented is liniment. It differs from the usual liniment ointment in production technology. It turns out with a more liquid consistency than the ointment. Liniment Vishnevsky has a yellow-brown color and a specific aroma. The drug is available in packages from 25 to 100 grams.
Bthe composition of Vishnevsky's ointment includes components that were previously used by pharmacies to prepare prescription liniment. After the drug gained popularity, it began to be produced in factories, while retaining the original recipe. The main components of the liniment are:
- Tar. It is a substance known for its antiseptic properties and pungent odor. This component has a natural nature and is extracted from tree resin. Included in the composition of the liniment, tar has an effect on the infectious focus, and also prevents further infection of he althy tissues around the inflammation. What else is in the Vishnevsky ointment?
- Xeroform. It is an antiseptic agent of synthetic origin. Obtained from bismuth compounds. When the skin is treated with this substance, the microbial cell wall is destroyed, which leads to further death of the harmful microorganism. Among other things, thanks to the xeroform, it is possible to eliminate the inflammatory process.
- Castor oil. This component has a restorative effect. The substance is extracted from the castor bean plant and has a pronounced antibacterial effect. In addition, castor oil can soften the skin, eliminate rashes and stimulate cellular renewal of the epidermis. In the instructions, the oil is indicated as an additional component, but its action is no less important than the properties of other substances in the composition of the liniment.

So, what does Vishnevsky's ointment help with?
Linimentworks mainly in two directions: disinfection and antiseptic effect. However, its additional ability to relieve inflammation and heal wounds is also important. Vishnevsky's ointment is known to draw out pus.
It has an irritating effect on tissues, which provides accelerated blood circulation and intensive regeneration at the site of application of the drug. Such an effect in the complex allows you to eliminate the very cause of the pathological process and speed up the healing process.
The use of Vishnevsky's ointment in combination with other drugs is advisable for the treatment of the following diseases:
- Decubituses.
- Abscesses.
- Furunculosis.
- Burns.
- Lymphadenitis.
- Frostbite.
- Trophic ulcers.

The use of Vishnevsky's ointment is allowed even with extensive lesions, when it is necessary to apply the drug to large areas of the skin. Depending on the doctor's instructions, the drug can be applied either directly to the affected area, or use gauze or a cotton swab to apply a bandage. When applying the ointment to the surface of the abscess, it is possible to accelerate its opening and further healing of the resulting wounds.
Vishnevsky's ointment for abscesses has been used since ancient times.
There are cases when gynecologists prescribe medication to relieve inflammation in the appendages and ovaries. For this purpose, the liniment is applied to a sterile cotton swab and inserted into the vagina. Do this before bedand leave the tampon until the morning. With the help of this method of treatment, it is possible to obtain a decongestant, antiseptic and epithelial effect.
There is only one contraindication to the use of Vishnevsky's ointment in liniment. According to the instructions, this is an individual reaction to the components that make up the ointment, including phenol derivatives.
Vishnevsky's liniment is for local use only. The drug should be applied in a thin layer only on the affected areas of the skin. In addition, it is allowed to apply the ointment on gauze, followed by applying a bandage to the inflamed area. Therapy with ointment is carried out until the inflammation and manifestations of infection are completely eliminated. On average, treatment takes approximately two weeks.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug is used with caution and as prescribed by a doctor. It can only be applied directly to the skin, it is not recommended to use dressings in this situation, as this increases the absorption of active ingredients into the epidermis.
When used in therapeutic dosages, the drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions, therefore, during treatment, it is allowed to drive a vehicle.
It is important to remember that before applying the ointment, the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin must first be cleaned. Do not apply liniment to mucous membranes. After using Vishnevsky's ointment, wash your hands thoroughly and make sure that the drug particles do notgot into the eyes and mouth. In case of accidental ingestion, you should rinse the stomach and take enterosorbents.
Since the liniment contains tar, photosensitivity may occur during treatment with the ointment. For this reason, it is not recommended to stay in direct sunlight for a long time during treatment.

Adverse reactions
As a rule, adverse reactions are the result of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as prolonged treatment with ointment. Most often, local allergic reactions occur, accompanied by redness, itching, swelling, rash and local fever. Allergies can spread to other areas of the skin.
If the patient notices other unpleasant consequences from the use of the ointment or feels a deterioration in the general condition, you should consult a doctor. Unforeseen reactions to therapy with Vishnevsky liniment may be the result of individual characteristics of a person.
In general, the ointment is considered safe for use even in children. With the correct application of liniment, no side reactions occur.
Do not apply other topical preparations simultaneously with Vishnevsky's ointment. This can lead to unpredictable effects on the skin. If necessary, you should take a break between the two means of approximately three hours.
Overdose may occur when the ointment is applied in a thick layer. Accompanied by such a state of allergiclocal reaction. In addition, discomfort occurs at the site of application of the liniment. At the first sign of an allergy, take an antihistamine and stop using the ointment.
Analogues of Vishnevsky's ointment
A full-fledged analogue of this tool in terms of composition does not exist. However, a number of drugs are distinguished that are similar to liniment in terms of their therapeutic effect. The most popular among them are:
- Levomekol. It contains an antibiotic, which makes the ointment especially effective for skin lesions with various infections. The drug is affordable and sold in many pharmacies. Many people buy Levomekol for their home first aid kit as an antiseptic and wound healing agent.
- Ichthyol-based ointment. It is also a powerful antiseptic. The instruction allows the use of the ointment in children over 12 years of age. The drug has a very pungent and specific odor, which makes its use rather limited.
- Happiderm. The active component of this analogue of Vishnevsky's ointment is dexpanthenol, which acts as a wound healing substance. The drug is safe for use in patients of any age group.
- "Rescuer". The composition of the ointment includes several herbal ingredients at once, which together create a nourishing and regenerating effect.
One of these remedies, including Vishnevsky's ointment, should be in every home medicine cabinet, as they can quickly stop inflammation and speed up the healing process.

Reviews about Vishnevsky's ointment
Reviews show that this is a really effective and time-tested remedy for infectious skin lesions. In addition, liniment is actively used for the treatment of hemorrhoids, wen, as well as in the field of gynecology. The only drawback of the drug is its unpleasant odor, which many patients do not like.
The drug is often included in the treatment of sinusitis, along with Kalanchoe and aloe juice, as well as cyclamen. According to numerous reviews of Vishnevsky's ointment, it really helps, especially with the timely start of therapy.

The areas of use of Vishnevsky's ointment are very extensive and varied. However, the use of the drug, even just externally, may require the consultation of the attending physician.
How Vishnevsky's ointment works, now we know.