Men's he alth 2024, September

Bergman operation: indications, preparation, technique, postoperative period

Bergman operation: indications, preparation, technique, postoperative period

Bergman's operation can be recommended for testicular dropsy. During surgery, excess fluid is removed that interferes with the normal life of a man. Bergman's operation for dropsy of the testicle is more often prescribed for adult patients than for children. Surgical intervention allows you to save the diseased organ and subsequently have offspring

Horseradish for men: useful properties and contraindications

Horseradish for men: useful properties and contraindications

Horseradish is a seemingly ordinary plant that everyone uses, but how many useful properties, especially for men! And what exactly is the benefit of eating dishes with it, you can find out by reading this article

Kruger's spermogram: norm, deviations, interpretation

Kruger's spermogram: norm, deviations, interpretation

During the period of a couple's fertility study, more and more often a man is asked to take certain tests. Only one test will be able to say whether the representative of the stronger sex is likely to conceive. For the diagnosis of the female body requires more than any variety of activities. That is why doctors prefer to start with her partner. One of the frequently recommended studies is a spermogram with Kruger morphology

The skin on the scrotum is peeling: possible causes and methods of treatment

The skin on the scrotum is peeling: possible causes and methods of treatment

Many men are familiar with the situation when they were surprised to find that the skin on their scrotum was peeling off. This is an unpleasant phenomenon, because it delivers a lot of discomfort. Especially when accompanied by itching and burning. Why can skin peel off in such an intimate place? And how to get rid of it? Well, this topic should be considered in more detail

No erection in the morning: causes, possible diseases, norms and deviations, tips

No erection in the morning: causes, possible diseases, norms and deviations, tips

Every member of the stronger sex can experience he alth problems. Men often do not attach importance to malaise. They often put off seeing a specialist. However, if the representative of the stronger sex notices that there is no erection in the morning, this circumstance causes concern and makes one consult a doctor

Discharge from prostatitis: symptoms of the disease, early diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

Discharge from prostatitis: symptoms of the disease, early diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

Discharge from prostatitis and other symptoms of the disease. How to detect pathology in time and get rid of it? Methods of treatment and diagnosis of prostate inflammation in modern medicine. What do men need to know to stay he althy?

Hormonal imbalance in men: causes, symptoms of the disease

Hormonal imbalance in men: causes, symptoms of the disease

Hormonal imbalance in men is the cause of a deterioration in potency and a decrease in sexual desire. The he alth of the heart and blood vessels, bone tissue, nervous and reproductive systems depends on the level of hormones. Sex cells affect mood, vitality and overall performance

MRI of the prostate: description of the procedure, preparation, indicators

MRI of the prostate: description of the procedure, preparation, indicators

MRI of the prostate gland is necessary in order to diagnose the development of serious diseases of the pelvic organs. This type of study will help determine the presence or absence of tumors at an early stage of their development. To get the most accurate results of the study, it is necessary to properly prepare for the diagnosis

What should I do if the head won't open? Causes, methods of treatment

What should I do if the head won't open? Causes, methods of treatment

Reasons why the head of the penis does not open in a child and an adult man. When such a condition can be attributed to the pathological. In what case is surgical intervention required? Symptoms of phimosis in a child

Walking with an open head: reasons, doctor's advice

Walking with an open head: reasons, doctor's advice

Is it possible to walk with the head of the penis regularly open? The main pros and cons of walking with an open head of the penis. What to do if the foreskin does not allow to open the head of the penis, and when in this case to go for surgery?

Does protein affect potency: the relationship between protein and potency, protein features, the truth about taking drugs

Does protein affect potency: the relationship between protein and potency, protein features, the truth about taking drugs

Does protein have a negative effect on male potency? The main advantages of taking sports supplements and their effect on the human body. The main myths about protein, as well as its effect on the body of an adult male

White flakes in the urine in men: the main causes, symptoms and treatments

White flakes in the urine in men: the main causes, symptoms and treatments

Causes of white flakes in the urine in men and women. The main symptoms that indicate the presence of the disease. Carrying out diagnostic measures and compiling effective treatment with medicines

How to increase the sensitivity of the head: ways and methods, treatment, medical advice

How to increase the sensitivity of the head: ways and methods, treatment, medical advice

The degree of sensitivity of the penis is of great importance for any man. If it is normal, he gets the opportunity to experience vivid sensations during intercourse. Sometimes it happens that sensitivity is lost completely or partially. As a result, the man suffers from unstable erections, lack of orgasms and sexual dysfunction. The causes of this pathological condition are described below

Bladder volume in men: description, structure, functions

Bladder volume in men: description, structure, functions

The bladder is an organ of the urinary system located in the pelvic cavity. It is elastic: it can shrink if the amount of excrement is small, and stretch if there is a lot of urine. The volume of the bladder corresponding to the norm in men and women indicates a he althy functioning of the excretory system. Under the influence of certain factors, the size of the organ can change, which negatively affects he alth in general

Does prostatitis affect potency? How to cure prostatitis? What drugs increase potency

Does prostatitis affect potency? How to cure prostatitis? What drugs increase potency

Prostatitis is an acute or chronic disease that is diagnosed in many men. Decreased potency in prostatitis is a fairly common phenomenon. But many sick men are embarrassed to go to the doctor, which further exacerbates their situation. How to restore potency after prostatitis? There are several ways

Is it harmful not to cum - features, consequences and tips

Is it harmful not to cum - features, consequences and tips

Is it possible to have an orgasm for a long time without ejaculation? The main dangers of prolonged erection prolongation and possible complications. Dangerous diseases and their treatment. Orgasm problems in women and how to deal with them

How to increase potency at home?

How to increase potency at home?

Reduced potency is a phenomenon that is caused by a wide range of factors, for example: alcohol and nicotine abuse, sedentary lifestyle, regular stress, overweight, pathologies of the genitourinary system. There are many effective folk recipes to increase potency at home

Red dots on the head of the male organ: photo, reasons

Red dots on the head of the male organ: photo, reasons

Men can be very worried when they find red dots on the glans penis. Guys also experience anxiety about the sometimes rather unpleasant physical appearance of a "spotted" penis and what a sexual partner might think about it. It's quite understandable

What to do if a guy cums fast?

What to do if a guy cums fast?

As a rule, the relationship between a man and a woman at the initial stage of development resembles a fairy tale. However, loving hearts cannot always enjoy only spiritual intimacy, sooner or later the moment of physical intercourse comes. Many girls are taken by surprise by the situation when a guy ends quickly. Indeed, at that time the lady had already fallen in love, but it is almost impossible to continue the relationship without enjoying sex

Effective exercises to increase potency

Effective exercises to increase potency

How to avoid failures in amorous affairs and prove your masculinity to the ladies? Unfortunately, no one can be completely confident in themselves at any time. If troubles still appear, exercises to increase potency will help correct the situation

Spermogram in Moscow: features of the procedure, the best medical centers and reviews. Where to take a spermogram in Moscow

Spermogram in Moscow: features of the procedure, the best medical centers and reviews. Where to take a spermogram in Moscow

Spermogram in Moscow or another city is carried out directly by collecting the seminal fluid of a man. Today we will find out which clinics are popular in the capital, and how to properly collect material for analysis

Inflammation of the foreskin in children: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the foreskin in children: symptoms and treatment

Moms of boys often face such an ailment as balanoposthitis. Pathology causes inflammation of the foreskin. This problem is much more common in children than in adults. You can cope with unpleasant symptoms and relieve the child of discomfort at home. Let us consider in more detail the causes, symptoms and the safest methods of treating a pathological condition

Gynecomastia removal: surgery and rehabilitation

Gynecomastia removal: surgery and rehabilitation

Gynecomastia is an enlargement of the mammary glands in the stronger sex. Breast growth occurs due to swelling of adipose or glandular tissue. This part of the body is hypertrophied. The mammary glands look saggy. Visually, they resemble female breasts

Redness on the head: causes and treatment

Redness on the head: causes and treatment

After unprotected sexual contact, most men are in a state of mild panic, especially if they suddenly find redness on the head. The reasons for this phenomenon can be very different

Agglutination in semen: what to do?

Agglutination in semen: what to do?

Some men are horrified when they hear that they have been diagnosed with semen agglutination. Is it that scary? And, most importantly, what should be done next?

Spermogram description - what every man needs to know

Spermogram description - what every man needs to know

There is an analysis that many men are embarrassed to take, but which is simply necessary in some situations. The description of the spermogram is the key to solving many issues, in particular, such an important one as the absence of children in a married couple

Why does a man finish quickly and how to deal with it?

Why does a man finish quickly and how to deal with it?

In today's world, most of the stronger sex lives in a rather tense and fast rhythm of life. Constant worries, thoughts about additional earnings, sedentary work at a laptop monitor - all this ultimately affects both the he alth of men and male strength. As a result, many women experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as premature ejaculation

Why is my belly growing? men have problems

Why is my belly growing? men have problems

As a rule, young guys look slim and fit. Even girls sometimes envy them, they say, guys eat whatever they want and do not get better! And the thing is that the youthful body is a rather energetic thing that can process all the calories that enter it. But the years go by, the guy grows up. Sometimes his stomach also enlarges. Let's talk about this

Several reasons why itchy balls in men and guys

Several reasons why itchy balls in men and guys

Well, frankly, the topic is sensitive. And, of course, purely masculine. Girls are probably not very interested in why the eggs in men itch, and the men themselves do not care about this until they unwittingly rumble to the hospital! But, let me! Someone needs to address this issue. And perhaps I will. In this article I will tell you why men have itchy balls

Erection ring - a brief description, types, tips for use

Erection ring - a brief description, types, tips for use

The erection ring (nozzle) allows you to maintain an erection and further stimulate the walls of the vagina. With proper use and optimally selected size, such a ring is absolutely safe. Tightly clasping the penis, the nozzle restrains the outflow of blood, due to which it becomes possible to prolong sexual intercourse

Signs of prostatitis in men, diagnosis and treatment

Signs of prostatitis in men, diagnosis and treatment

Knowing what the first signs of prostatitis should be of concern, when they appear, a man can turn to the doctor in time. When the disease is just beginning, the likelihood of its successful treatment is much higher than in an advanced case. In practice, it turns out that the majority ignore the alarming symptoms, and they come to the doctor when it becomes unbearable to endure

Why is there blood in the urine of a man: causes and possible diseases

Why is there blood in the urine of a man: causes and possible diseases

Two organs are equally responsible for the production of urine in the human body. These are the bladder and kidneys. In any case, blood in the urine is not a good symptom, but you need to find out which of these organs dysfunction it indicates. To do this, you will need to consult a therapist, and then a nephrologist

Leukocytes in semen: causes and main treatments

Leukocytes in semen: causes and main treatments

Spermogram in medicine means a comprehensive and most detailed analysis of sperm, which, in turn, allows you to determine the fertility of absolutely every man, that is, the ability to fertilize. Most often, the need for this test occurs in those couples who seek to have children, but all attempts are in vain. This type of analysis is quite expensive and very complex. In this article we will talk about such a problem as leukocytes in semen

The consequences of varicocele - a small scar in the groin

The consequences of varicocele - a small scar in the groin

Varicocele is a disease characterized by varicose veins covering the spermatic cord and testis. This disease is most common among men. The most dangerous consequences of varicocele - male infertility

How to treat prostatitis in men? Expert advice

How to treat prostatitis in men? Expert advice

Prostatitis in medicine is understood as a disease in which inflammatory processes are observed directly in the prostate gland itself. According to experts, this kind of ailment is currently ranked among the most common among the entire male population. According to available statistics, about 50% of men on our planet have experienced symptoms of such an unpleasant problem at least once in their lives

Prostatitis in men. How to treat the disease?

Prostatitis in men. How to treat the disease?

The most common diseases associated with the sexual sphere are prostatitis in men. How to treat this inflammatory disease, in which the prostate gland suffers first of all?

Cystitis in a man: causes, symptoms and treatments

Cystitis in a man: causes, symptoms and treatments

Cystitis in a man is an inflammatory disease that is accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane of the bladder. The disease passes with severe pain in the lower abdomen and pain when urinating. So what are the causes of the inflammatory process?

What is the treatment for thrush in men? Expert answer

What is the treatment for thrush in men? Expert answer

Thrush is a disease from which neither women nor men are immune. However, due to a different structure of the genital organs in the latter, this ailment may not proceed so brightly. On the other hand, this fact does not mean that this problem can be ignored. What is the treatment for thrush in men? Is therapy really needed? The answers to these and many other related questions can be found in this article

How is thrush treated in men: basic principles of therapy

How is thrush treated in men: basic principles of therapy

Candidiasis is considered to be a female disease. Nevertheless, representatives of the stronger sex often become victims of this disease. So how is thrush treated in men? What are the causes of the disease? How does candidiasis manifest itself?

How and how to treat candidiasis in men?

How and how to treat candidiasis in men?

When talking about candidiasis in men, they usually mean a disease of the urogenital tract, which is called thrush. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a urologist. Only a doctor will tell you how and how to treat candidiasis in men