The most common diseases associated with the sexual sphere are prostatitis in men. How to treat this inflammatory disease, which primarily affects the prostate gland?

To determine the strategy for treating an ailment, the doctor must determine what caused it.
Prostatitis can occur when an infection enters the body or have a non-infectious origin. The former cause pathogens that rise to the prostate gland ascending from the urethra, and are caused by genitourinary infections and viral diseases, the latter occur due to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. Non-infectious prostatitis is directly related to a sedentary lifestyle and sexual dissatisfaction.
The first signs of prostatitis in men are:
- bladder problems when emptying - feeling of incomplete emptying persists;
- frequent urination;
- intermittent jet;
- painful urination;
- problems with potency, which can be associated with bothrapid ejaculation and vice versa, with unnaturally long coitus.

Such causes prostatitis symptoms in men. It is better to start treatment at the initial stage of the manifestation of the disease, until it becomes chronic.
Complications that the disease can give if you do not pay attention to it are veseculitis, inflammation of the seminal tubercle, the occurrence of sclerosis, abscesses and cysts of the prostate gland. It can even form stones!
All complications are accompanied by significant pain not only during urination, but also after ejaculation. Therefore, if diagnosed with chronic prostatitis in men, how to treat, the specialist must decide without delay. The disease impairs the quality of life. For example, veseculitis.

Unilateral pain, which may not be related to emptying the bladder, radiates to the sacrum or groin. Men who have this complication avoid sexual activity, as pain persists for more than 3 hours after intercourse.
Inflammation of the seminal tubercle is indicated by blood that appears during ejaculation, and possible ejaculation during defecation.
Usually, urologists are faced with an advanced form of the disease, when it is difficult to understand what causes prostatitis in men, how to treat and where to start this process.
Most men delay the visit to the urologist to the last, randomly drink antibiotics. Such behaviornot only drives the disease deep into the body, translating it into a chronic form, but also contributes to the fact that microorganisms become resistant to drugs.
And if at the initial stage, complex treatment with the appointment of antibiotics, immunomodulating agents and prostate massage easily eliminates prostatitis in men, how to treat the disease in an acute or chronic form becomes a problem. And then you have to resort to various types of surgical intervention, during which the prostate is removed completely or partially.