Men's he alth

What are the signs of alcoholism in men?

What are the signs of alcoholism in men?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Alcoholism is one of the most common problems in modern society. How can such a disease be avoided? Are there signs of alcoholism in men, due to the timely determination of which it is possible to save a loved one? Read about it in the article

What causes pain in the lower abdomen in a man

What causes pain in the lower abdomen in a man

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The causes of pain in the lower abdomen in men and women, as you understand, are slightly different. And today we will try to figure out what causes these alarming symptoms in the stronger sex, and what diseases can be behind this

Tablets "Sildenafil": instructions for use, price and reviews of the drug. Is Sildenafil effective for women

Tablets "Sildenafil": instructions for use, price and reviews of the drug. Is Sildenafil effective for women

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The article contains basic information about the drugs, the active ingredient of which is sildenafil. From it you will learn how to properly take a product containing sildenafil, how much the original drug or its analogue costs, whether women can take sildenafil and why, in addition to stimulating an erection, Viagra is used

The problem of impotence: treatment with folk remedies. Herbs for erectile dysfunction

The problem of impotence: treatment with folk remedies. Herbs for erectile dysfunction

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Erectile dysfunction, or, as it is popularly called, impotence, is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection until the completion of a full-fledged sexual intercourse. Periodically, this condition can occur in any man, regardless of age

How to get rid of snoring for a man with medication: reviews

How to get rid of snoring for a man with medication: reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

As you know, snoring is not only a medical but also a social problem. Most often, representatives of the strong half of humanity suffer from this disease. Therefore, let's talk today about how to get rid of snoring for a man

How to increase testosterone folk remedies in men? Drugs that increase testosterone

How to increase testosterone folk remedies in men? Drugs that increase testosterone

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

How to increase testosterone folk remedies in men will be discussed in this article. We will tell you about all the natural ways to increase the amount of this hormone in the body

Impotence: treatment at home. Methods of treatment, drugs

Impotence: treatment at home. Methods of treatment, drugs

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What should a man who has such a disease as impotence do? Treatment at home is one of the ways out of the situation. To do this, you can use various means of not only classical, but also traditional medicine. Read more about this below

What is urology? Symptoms of urological diseases in men

What is urology? Symptoms of urological diseases in men

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Diseases of the urinary system are the science of urology. Symptoms in men may vary, but most often it is pain, burning and itching when urinating. Urology is defined as a surgical science, as it deals with the surgical removal of the causes that caused the development of unpleasant symptoms

Urinary system of a man: structure. Diseases of the genitourinary system in men

Urinary system of a man: structure. Diseases of the genitourinary system in men

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The male genitourinary system includes two different, functionally and morphologically related structures. Each of them has certain organs that perform certain tasks

Ointments for thrush in men. Treatment of thrush in men

Ointments for thrush in men. Treatment of thrush in men

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Thrush is perceived as a female disease. However, candidiasis also occurs in men, only due to the peculiarities of the structure of the genital organs, the disease proceeds in a milder degree and is almost asymptomatic. Ointments for thrush in men can not only eliminate the symptoms, but also neutralize the pathogens

Effective herb for men to increase potency

Effective herb for men to increase potency

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Now there is hardly a man who does not want to increase his own sexual potential. On every continent, in every country, people have always looked for herbs to enhance potency. Doctors of antiquity described in the writings of more than a thousand species of such plants

Why is one testicle bigger than the other in men? Causes and treatment

Why is one testicle bigger than the other in men? Causes and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

This article discusses the main reasons why one testicle is larger than the other in men. And also about how to cope with this problem and when to consult a doctor - read the text below

High blood pressure in men: causes, signs. What to do with high blood pressure?

High blood pressure in men: causes, signs. What to do with high blood pressure?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

This article will discuss such a problem as high blood pressure in men. The causes of the pathology, the symptoms, as well as the methods of getting rid of it - everything can be read in the text below

Prostate adenoma - what is it? benign prostatic hyperplasia

Prostate adenoma - what is it? benign prostatic hyperplasia

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Unfortunately, today many men of mature age are faced with such an unpleasant problem as prostate adenoma. What it is? Why does such a disease develop? How dangerous can it be? What treatments are available?

Plastic frenulum foreskin - what is it?

Plastic frenulum foreskin - what is it?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The frenulum on the penis is a longitudinal skin fold. It is located on the bottom of the penis. The frenulum connects the glans and foreskin

Treatment of the prostate in men. Prostate inflammation symptoms and treatment

Treatment of the prostate in men. Prostate inflammation symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

If you do not take care of your he alth, then even a strong half of humanity begins to suffer from the fact that the prostate gland in men does not function the same way. Treatment is essential to avoid more serious problems

Trichomoniasis in men: causes, symptoms, treatment

Trichomoniasis in men: causes, symptoms, treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Trichomoniasis in men is a fairly common pathology. Infection occurs mainly during intimacy. Do not underestimate the severity of this disease

Prostate gland - what is it? Functions of the prostate

Prostate gland - what is it? Functions of the prostate

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The anatomy of a man differs significantly from that of a woman, especially in the genitourinary system. The prostate gland, whose functions are closely related to procreation, plays an important role in the he alth of a man. Attention to it helps to avoid serious problems with it

Male doctor: what is the name and when should he be contacted?

Male doctor: what is the name and when should he be contacted?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In most cases, men treat their he alth without due attention. Any woman knows that for all the problems of her reproductive system, she needs to contact a gynecologist. And, in fact, quite often it does. For men, everything is much more complicated: some of them do not even know that there is a special male doctor, what is the name of his specialization and what diseases exist in this area

Testicular biopsy in men: description of the procedure, preparation, cost and patient reviews

Testicular biopsy in men: description of the procedure, preparation, cost and patient reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

A testicular biopsy in men is a manipulation that allows you to determine the presence of a tumor in the male gonad or to obtain material for IVF. Today we will learn how this procedure is carried out, its methods, as well as side effects. And also find out what people think about testicular biopsy

Physical exercises to increase potency at home (complex)

Physical exercises to increase potency at home (complex)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

It's no secret that quite a lot of modern men over the age of 40 (and sometimes even earlier) begin to experience intimate difficulties. Rather, this is the deepest secret: God forbid, one of the comrades or colleagues finds out that today you turned out to be insolvent in bed! Therefore, almost all representatives of the strong half of humanity prefer to hush up such problems, letting things take their course. But in vain

Pain in the right lower abdomen in men closer to the groin: causes

Pain in the right lower abdomen in men closer to the groin: causes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Pain in the right lower abdomen in men does not appear just like that. Often they indicate the development of the disease in the internal organs and require an urgent visit to the doctor. Often, discomfort is accompanied by additional symptoms that allow the doctor to determine the diagnosis. Let's look at what causes pain in the lower right abdomen in men

Exercise for prostatitis and prostate adenoma. A set of exercises for prostatitis

Exercise for prostatitis and prostate adenoma. A set of exercises for prostatitis

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Prostatitis, prostate adenoma - men's diseases. Doctors state: in recent years, there are more and more men complaining of this ailment. What do these diseases mean? And how can you help yourself?

El Macho drops: doctors' reviews, contraindications, method of application

El Macho drops: doctors' reviews, contraindications, method of application

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

How to avoid failure in bed? The drug based on natural ingredients El macho has already helped thousands of men to cope with the disease

Cure for cystitis in men: what is the most effective?

Cure for cystitis in men: what is the most effective?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What drugs to treat cystitis in men - a disease that is more associated with the female sex? Are representatives of the strong half of humanity also capable of undergoing inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the bladder, most often of an infectious nature? They can. True, not so often: 1% of all diagnosed cases and most often after 45 years

Generic "Dapoxetine": instructions for use, reviews of doctors and patients

Generic "Dapoxetine": instructions for use, reviews of doctors and patients

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Male strength is something that has to be constantly kept in good shape. Often, a variety of biological supplements and vitamins help in this matter. What can you tell about the drug "Dapoxetine"? How to use it? How effective is it?

Drug "Secret of the Emperor": reviews of doctors, instructions and photos

Drug "Secret of the Emperor": reviews of doctors, instructions and photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Problems with potency in men often have to be solved with the help of various medications. There are a lot of them on the market. What can be said about the drug called "Emperor's Secret"? What are the pros and cons of it? Does it really help?

Pills for potency Boss Royal Viagra: description, composition, instructions for use and reviews

Pills for potency Boss Royal Viagra: description, composition, instructions for use and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Increasing potency in men plays an important role. Sometimes you have to resort to the help of different medicines. What can be said about Boss Royal Viagra potency pills? What is this remedy? How effective is it?

Removal of the testicle in men, postoperative period, consequences

Removal of the testicle in men, postoperative period, consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

There are a large number of diseases of the male genital area, many of which are so serious that doctors suggest that the representatives of the stronger sex perform an operation to remove one testicle - hemicasterization. This measure is used only in the most extreme cases

Cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy: causes, photo, treatment, operation, reviews, consequences

Cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy: causes, photo, treatment, operation, reviews, consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

A spermatic cord cyst in a boy (may be due to abnormal development in the womb) is an isolated hydrocele. This disease involves the accumulation of fluid. The size of the cyst can be different - from very small, which are almost invisible, to those that disrupt the entire reproductive system of the boy

Varicocele of the left testicle: photo, causes, surgery, treatment with folk remedies without surgery

Varicocele of the left testicle: photo, causes, surgery, treatment with folk remedies without surgery

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Varicocele is an exclusively male disease, but many members of the stronger sex have never even heard of it. Meanwhile, such a pathology is considered quite common, and it is diagnosed in 15% of the male population of the planet

What are the benefits and harms of peanuts for men

What are the benefits and harms of peanuts for men

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Many are interested in the question "What are the benefits and harms of peanuts for men?". Undoubtedly, this is a product that needs to be eaten. After all, legumes contain many useful vitamins and minerals. But still there are limitations that should not be forgotten. We will talk about all this in the article

Kidney failure: symptoms in men. Causes, treatment, diet for kidney failure

Kidney failure: symptoms in men. Causes, treatment, diet for kidney failure

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Renal failure is a dangerous disease, the result of which is a metabolic disorder. According to medical statistics, about 3% of the population currently suffers from pathology. These figures are increasing exponentially every year. Both women and men are equally susceptible to the disease. The disease does not bypass even small children. In this article, we will try to figure out what are the symptoms of kidney failure in men

What is the use of honey for men? The most useful honey for men

What is the use of honey for men? The most useful honey for men

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In translation from Old Slavonic, the word "honey" means "charm". Indeed, this is a magical remedy that helps with any disease, gives strength and youth to the body. What properties honey has and what is useful for men will be described below

Spray M16: reviews and instructions

Spray M16: reviews and instructions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Problems with potency can affect almost every man. Nobody is immune from this. Therefore, it is always important to understand which remedy is best for increasing male strength. What can be said about the M16 spray? How to use it? How good is this?

The benefits of pine nuts for men: composition and beneficial properties

The benefits of pine nuts for men: composition and beneficial properties

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The benefits of pine nuts for men have been appreciated by folk medicine since ancient times. Indeed, the product obtained from the Siberian pine and pine nuts - the long-livers of the Siberian lands, brings good he alth to mankind, and its male half - sexual strength and energy

The problem they don't talk about: a pimple on an egg

The problem they don't talk about: a pimple on an egg

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Let's put aside modesty, shyness and try to openly discuss a common problem in men - white pimples on the balls. What's this? Is this the norm? How to perceive such a phenomenon?

What does the spermogram show? Indicators and interpretation of spermogram analysis

What does the spermogram show? Indicators and interpretation of spermogram analysis

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Quite often, men are advised to take a sperm test. Of course, the representatives of the stronger sex are interested in additional questions. What does a spermogram show? How to properly prepare for the test? What deviations are possible and what to do in such cases? The answers to these questions will be of interest to many readers

What makes the veins on the guy's arms visible?

What makes the veins on the guy's arms visible?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Men rarely attach serious importance to protruding veins in their arms. On the contrary, dilated vessels under the skin often disturb the fairer sex, since such manifestations are considered not only a cosmetic defect, but with the development of certain pathologies, they can cause pain

Acne on the buttocks in men: causes and treatment

Acne on the buttocks in men: causes and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Acne and other skin rashes are not only an unpleasant phenomenon, but also a sign that a malfunction has occurred in the work of the human body. After all, since ancient times, the skin was judged on the state of he alth