Hormonal imbalance in men: causes, symptoms of the disease

Hormonal imbalance in men: causes, symptoms of the disease
Hormonal imbalance in men: causes, symptoms of the disease

Hormonal imbalance in men is the cause of a deterioration in potency and a decrease in sexual desire. The he alth of the heart and blood vessels, bone tissue, nervous and reproductive systems depends on the level of hormones. Sex cells affect mood, vitality and overall performance.

Causes of hormone problems

Hormonal imbalance in men can be caused by many different factors. Most often, this problem is faced by men who have reached the age of extinction of reproductive function. There is a pathology in young men who have reached puberty. During these periods of life, the vulnerability of the endocrine system of a man reaches its maximum value. The development and functioning of the male body is influenced by hormones, the main of which is testosterone.

The hormonal background changes not only with age, but also during the day. This is not harmful to he alth, but it has a certain effect on mood, sexual desire, and the degree of fatigue. If such fluctuations occur frequently, then the reason may be both in increased andlow levels of testosterone or estrogen, a female hormone that is also present in the male body.

In young men, the causes of hormonal imbalance can be heredity, tumors, unfavorable environmental conditions, lack of physical activity, testicular injuries, acute and chronic intoxications of the body, pathologies of the endocrine system, congenital anomalies of the endocrine glands. Violation of the functional activity of at least one of the organs of the endocrine system leads to hormonal failure.

hormonal imbalance signs
hormonal imbalance signs

Often, problems with hormones are caused by toxic damage to the body associated with the peculiarities of professional activity, bad habits, the use of certain types of household or industrial chemicals. With a combination of adverse factors, hormonal failure can provoke malnutrition. Carbonated drinks with synthetic dyes pose a great danger to the human body.

At any age, the symptoms of hormonal imbalance can be caused by chronic overwork, both physical and mental, constant lack of sleep, frequent stress. Some pharmacological drugs can affect the synthesis of hormones. For example, the level of male hormones is reduced by drugs used in the treatment of peptic ulcers.

Other triggers

The level of testosterone is reduced by shortness of breath, reduced diuresis (the amount of urine) against the background of pathological changes in the kidneys, highbilirubin and blood glucose, elevated cholesterol, high heart rate, high blood pressure, changes in hemoglobin in the blood, both up and down.

The overheating of the testicles has an adverse effect on the synthesis of hormones. The genitals of a man function normally at a temperature of about 33.5 degrees Celsius. Wearing warm underwear in hot weather and constant overheating can lead to hormonal imbalance.

hormonal imbalance symptoms
hormonal imbalance symptoms

In older men, the functional activity of the gonads naturally decreases. The amount of "male" hormones in the blood decreases, and "female" - increases. Lack of testosterone leads to female-type obesity, and further to active synthesis of leptin. Leptin further inhibits testosterone production.

Signs of hormonal failure

A common sign of hormonal imbalance is a decrease in sex drive and potency. In addition, a decrease in physical endurance, a tendency to depression, a decrease in muscle mass, general irritability, frequent weakness and malaise, dryness and brittle hair, fat deposits in the abdomen (female-type obesity), a decrease in skin elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles, pain in muscle and bone fragility.

Hormonal failure can lead to the development of osteoporosis in men, provoking a decrease in bone strength, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and nervous disorders. Adolescence may show signsboth acceleration and deceleration. In some cases, secondary sexual characteristics appear in boys as early as 7 years old. It is necessary to check the hormones and with a delay in sexual development for two years or more.

hormonal imbalance causes
hormonal imbalance causes

Test for hormonal disorders

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in men experts divide into several groups. A simple test will help determine the type of hormonal failure. More than three matches in the symptoms of hormonal imbalance in men means that you need to see a specialist. In the first group, there are such signs as fatigue, weakness, decreased libido, weight loss and muscle mass, worsening of erection. In this case, we can talk about insufficient production of testosterone by the ovaries. This is the most common type of hormonal imbalance in men.

With baldness on the head, increased irritability, the appearance of fat deposits on the abdomen, weight and breast gain, hair loss on the body and an enlarged prostate gland, we are talking about an excess of "female" hormones in a man's body. With a deficiency of the hormone produced by the adrenal glands, brown spots appear on the skin, physical endurance decreases, the skin becomes flabby, memory and attention deteriorate, and pressure decreases.

In some cases, a man has a subfebrile temperature, which is poorly controlled by drugs and lasts a long time. There may be irregular heartbeats, trembling hands, weakness in the arms and legs, mood swings, trouble sleeping (asusually insomnia), increased sweating. These symptoms may be caused by problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is definitely recommended to undergo a full examination by an endocrinologist.

hormonal imbalance causes
hormonal imbalance causes

Diagnosing the problem

At the first signs of hormonal imbalance, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. The hormonal background is assessed by a blood test. Before the analysis, a week of sexual rest and proper nutrition are recommended. Blood should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. If you do not properly prepare for the analysis, the results may be incorrect.

It is obligatory to study the state of internal organs. He alth may have deteriorated due to hormonal imbalance, so common causes of problems such as tumors, CNS lesions, or cirrhosis of the liver must be ruled out. To detect pathologies of the cardiovascular system, an ECG, ultrasound scanning of blood vessels and lipid profile analysis are prescribed.

Treatment of hormonal failure

If a hormonal imbalance is found based on the results of tests and a general examination, what should I do? Treatment depends on the characteristics of the organism, the age of the patient, concomitant diseases, and so on. In the vast majority of cases, medication is prescribed, which is supplemented by conservative treatment.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance in men at a young age consists in the appointment of therapy aimed at activating the work of the gonads, improving the activity of all organs and systems of the body, inwhich is the synthesis and exchange of sex hormones. The treatment regimen may include preparations of both herbal and synthetic origin, vitamins. In certain cases, normalization of the work of other organs is required. Certain genetic abnormalities require hormone replacement therapy from an early age.

hormonal imbalance what to do
hormonal imbalance what to do

Substitution therapy

Deficiency of certain hormones, detected in adulthood or old age, usually requires lifelong use of testosterone preparations. This is not so scary, because the benefits of using hormonal pills aimed at maintaining the desired level of biologically active substances in the body are obvious compared to a deficiency.

After reaching the required concentration of testosterone, the work of the heart and blood vessels, the endocrine system, bones and muscles, cognitive function, that is, memory, concentration and attention, and general well-being improves.

Additional events

In addition to the complex of medications, the patient is prescribed vitamin therapy, physiotherapy, herbal medicine. Sanatorium-and-spa treatment, physical education and diet correction are desirable. Mud therapy is recommended. The procedure is carried out at balneological resorts. Laser therapy, hirudotherapy, massages are carried out.

Correction of diet

If a hormonal imbalance is detected, how to restore the norm? The absence of stress and correction of nutrition is very important. It is recommended to consume the so-called he althy fats, whichrelieve inflammation, increase metabolic rate and promote weight loss. The body functions well with sufficient intake of omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fats. This normalizes the hormonal background and even prolongs life. Omega-3s are found in fatty fish and seafood, flaxseed oil, flax seeds, and walnuts. Omega-6 rich in sunflower seeds, sunflower oil, walnuts, almonds, chicken and turkey meat.

hormonal imbalance how to treat
hormonal imbalance how to treat

Folk remedies

How to treat hormonal imbalance? Folk remedies are also actively used to increase testosterone levels, but only as an additional measure, and not as the main treatment. Celery juice helps (two sips three times a day, the course of treatment is a month), freshly squeezed carrot juice (take 50 ml three times a day for four weeks), a decoction of yellow lily root (it is enough to use one tablespoon before meals three times per day), ginseng tincture (dosage varies by age), yarutka decoction (one tablespoon four times a day).

Before using any of the herbal remedies listed above, it is imperative to consult with a specialist about possible contraindications. You should not try to replace folk remedies with medicines prescribed by an endocrinologist or andrologist. Traditional medicine recipes are quite effective, but should be used as maintenance therapy, that is, as an auxiliary method of treatment.

Positive changes

When normalizingpositive changes occur in the level of testosterone and other hormones in the body. The general he alth of a man immediately improves, well-being and general tone, the ability to concentrate and remember increases, and mood stabilizes. Bone tissue is strengthened because the process of calcium leaching stops. Reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes by improving the he alth of the heart and blood vessels. The course of hypertension is facilitated, and in diabetes, the risk of complications is reduced. In addition, muscle mass and tone increase slightly.

hormonal imbalance in men treatment
hormonal imbalance in men treatment

Basic prevention measures

Treatment of hormonal imbalance in some cases requires lifelong, while in old age, the decline of reproductive function and related complications are a normal process. But if you exclude risk factors, then problems can be pushed aside. In the presence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, hormones cease to be synthesized, so it is necessary to monitor the state of he alth. Testosterone production drops with prostate disorders.

A man must control his weight, because the presence of extra pounds negatively affects the hormonal balance. Physical activity and physical activity should be age-appropriate. A sedentary lifestyle will immediately negatively affect potency. With insufficient supply of body cells with blood nutrients and oxygen, tissues will begin to atrophy.

Irreparable harm to menHe alth is caused by bad habits in the form of smoking and alcohol abuse. It also contributes to the death of he althy male germ cells. Bad habits can lead to pathological changes in the prostate gland.

hormonal imbalance signs
hormonal imbalance signs

In conclusion

Hormonal imbalance in men can be diagnosed at any age. You need to be aware of this problem and try to correct the situation by following the doctor's recommendations. Regular medical examinations and a he althy lifestyle will significantly improve a man's well-being and prolong his sexual life.