Effective exercises to increase potency

Effective exercises to increase potency
Effective exercises to increase potency

Sex is an integral part of the life of most people inhabiting our planet. It is needed by both men and women. But for the stronger sex, it is especially important, because it is an indicator of masculinity. Unfortunately, failure happens to everyone - there is nothing to be ashamed of. The reasons for this are countless. The modern too frantic daily rhythm of life, numerous stresses, adverse natural factors, and improper nutrition can eventually lead to certain problems. That is why the stronger sex begins to worry about the question of how to increase male potency.

Exercises to increase potency are a very effective way. Difficulties can be de alt with in a variety of ways. Often, men immediately resort to drugs, although sometimes it is enough to simply change their lifestyle, diet, and start doing gymnastics. However, it is worth mentioning that the first step should certainly be a visit to the doctor in order to make sure that the problem is not associated with any kind of disease.

Weakened erection, as a rule, occurs due to insufficientfilling of the penis with blood. Exercises to increase potency are aimed specifically at supplying blood to the hip area and genitals. They need to be performed regularly, making part of the daily exercise. Only under this condition will they bring tangible benefits. Here are some exercises for example.

potency exercises
potency exercises
  1. The “bicycle” exercise known to everyone since childhood, which is performed lying on the floor.
  2. Lie on your back, hands behind your head, knees bent. Quickly take twelve breaths in and out with your stomach. After moving the pelvis to the left and right, as if rubbing the tailbone.
  3. Step in place with high knees.
  4. Standing on legs bent at the knees, with maximum effort to strain and relax the buttocks.
  5. Also, on half-bent legs, alternately lift your heels off the floor. The toes must remain motionless. You need to do the exercise with the greatest speed.
  6. Lie on your back, feet on the floor, knees bent. Raise and lower the pelvis.
  7. Lying on your back, strain and relax the muscles located between the scrotum and buttocks, the so-called "potency muscles". This must be done with maximum effort. Exercise is similar to urinary retention.

The last exercise is the most effective. By the way, it can be done while sitting. This version of the performance allows you to practice at a convenient time and anywhere, unnoticed by others.

how to increase male potency
how to increase male potency

The above exercises to increase potency are necessaryuse constantly, then after a few days there will be a noticeable improvement. But what if problems arose directly in the process of having sex? Whether fast increase in an erection is possible or probable? There are erotic exercises that are more like a prelude to passionate sex, and can be performed by any of the partners.

  1. Stroke the head of the penis on the vulva and clitoris.
  2. Tapping the member on the clitoris and labia of the partner.

Both exercises can very quickly bring male dignity back to normal, and the partner will not even notice that there were some difficulties with erection.

In conclusion, it must be said that exercises to increase potency are best used in combination with a he althy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Then failures in alcove affairs will bypass the stronger sex.
