The consequences of varicocele - a small scar in the groin

The consequences of varicocele - a small scar in the groin
The consequences of varicocele - a small scar in the groin

Varicocele is a disease characterized by varicose veins covering the spermatic cord and testis. This disease is most common among men. The most dangerous consequences of varicocele are male infertility.

The mechanism of the formation of the disease is as follows: blood from the testicle rises through the veins of the scrotum up to the heart. If the veins of the reproductive system are in a normal state, then the backflow of blood is prevented by the valves of their walls. But with the development of the disease, they simply do not work. The result is a violation of the normal blood supply to the testicle and inhibition of its function. Symptoms of the disease begin to appear later.

consequences of varicocele
consequences of varicocele

Causes of occurrence

One of the reasons contributing to the formation of this disease is the congenital weakness of the vascular wall, due to the genetic predisposition of the body.

The second most common cause of varicocele is an increase in the normal blood pressure of the scrotal and/or pelvic veins. The vein passing through the testicle is sometimes occluded by other vessels, which, in turn,causes a narrowing of its lumen and, accordingly, an increase in pressure. The testicle seems to be surrounded by a network of enlarged venous vessels.

This provokes a violation of the thermoregulatory function of the scrotum, the temperature inside the testicle is much higher than normal. Consequences: Varicocele suppresses spermatogenesis.

Reasons that cannot be directly attributed to the main provocateurs of the disease, but contribute to its development, include the following: too much strength training, weight lifting, chronic constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea.

Symptoms of the disease

varicocele surgery consequences
varicocele surgery consequences

The disease is almost asymptomatic and only in a neglected state can manifest itself outwardly. A man can observe such consequences of varicocele as scrotum prolapse, precisely from the side of the formation of the disease. There is also an unpleasant sensation in the groin, aggravated by sexual arousal or physical exertion.

Varicocele treatment

It does not belong to the group of life-threatening diseases and the main indicator for surgical intervention is only male infertility, persistent pain in the testicles and an aesthetic defect of the scrotum.

The most commonly used surgical method is microsurgical operation of varicocele. The consequences of such an intervention are not negative: the risk of developing such a frequent postoperative complication as dropsy of the testicle is practically absent. As a rule, male reproductive function is restoredcompletely.

varicocele after surgery
varicocele after surgery

Probable Complications

But even with a correctly performed surgical procedure for varicocele, the consequences after the operation can be expressed in the occurrence of various complications.

1. Lymphostasis. The most common complication. It develops on the first postoperative day: painful swelling of the scrotum occurs, disappearing within 2 weeks after the operation.

2. Pain sensations. In a small percentage of cases, pain in the testicular region can persist for quite a long time.

3. Dropsy of the testicle. It is characterized by the accumulation of interstitial fluid in the testicular membrane.

4. Testicular atrophy. The most dangerous complication. Leads to absolute infertility.

After a successful operation, a small scar will remain as the only consequence of a varicocele. But, as you know, scars only adorn men.
