Discharge from prostatitis: symptoms of the disease, early diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

Discharge from prostatitis: symptoms of the disease, early diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention
Discharge from prostatitis: symptoms of the disease, early diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

Stable functioning of the prostate can go completely unnoticed by a man. But as soon as inflammation appears, prostatitis develops, the body begins to undergo pathological influences. The disease is not always accompanied by obvious symptoms, for this reason, you need to be vigilant about any nuances. Discharge with prostatitis is a rare phenomenon, but possible, this symptom cannot be neglected.

Prostatitis - what kind of disease?

Medical statistics show a steady increase in the number of men who have experienced prostatitis in their lives. What kind of disease it is, and for what reasons it develops in the male body - these are questions that concern the strong half of humanity.

Causes of prostatitis
Causes of prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, which is considered the most common disease of the male genitourinary system. There may be several reasons why pathology appears:

Infection with infections, mainly sexually transmitted. This reason is commonagainst the background of untreated venereal diseases, which gave complications to the prostate gland.

Failure in the blood flow of the small pelvis. This phenomenon develops against the background of a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, improperly selected underwear and clothes (too tight pants or trousers). Poor circulation interferes with the circulation of oxygen and nutrients, which leads to inflammation of the prostate.

Problems with urination. If a man suffers from a pathology of the urinary tract, then this can lead to urine entering the channels of the prostate gland, causing inflammation.

Irregular sex life: frequent coitus interruptus, prolonged abstinence, artificial prolongation of the act. All unnatural processes adversely affect the he alth of the prostate.

Hormonal failure can lead to the development of complications in the body of a man, including inflammation of the prostate gland.

Decrease in immunity and defense mechanisms of the body. This can happen against the background of overwork and severe stress, or with hypothermia.

The development of the disease is individual, requires careful consideration by a specialist. The urologist must study all aspects of prostate inflammation, identify the underlying cause of the pathology, and then prescribe the correct course of therapy. Any symptoms, discharge with prostatitis also depend on the nature of the pathology and the root causes of its appearance.

It is customary to divide the disease into acute and chronic forms of the course.

The role of the prostate in men's he alth

It is not uncommon to come across a statementthat the prostate is the second heart in the male body. The role of the prostate gland is great, its he alth is reflected in the work of other vital systems.

The role of the prostate
The role of the prostate

It has been proven that a man is able to live with prostate pathologies, or without it at all, but it will be a life closely associated with medications and medical supervision. For this reason, keeping the prostate he althy should be an important task in a man's life.

The role of the prostate is to produce the necessary male hormones, as well as to participate in the formation of seminal fluid. The secret of the prostate gland allows the sperm that have entered the female body to reach the fertilization of the egg, that is, it increases their vitality. This is an indispensable organ in the process of natural procreation, and its state of he alth cannot be discounted.

What to do if there are signs of prostate inflammation? Are there discharges with prostatitis?

Main symptoms of prostatitis

What should alert a man? What kind of discharge with prostatitis can be detected? What symptoms should trigger a trip to the doctor?

Symptoms of prostatitis
Symptoms of prostatitis

Prostatitis symptoms:

  1. Reduced sexual activity, loss of erection, difficulty urinating.
  2. Difficulty going to the toilet, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, weak urine stream.
  3. Frequent urge to go to the toilet, in some cases involuntary urination.
  4. Feeling uncomfortable whenurination.
  5. The appearance of pain from long, motionless sitting in one place.
  6. Appearance of pus or mucus. With prostatitis, discharge from the urethra may contain white impurities, which are initially detected in the morning.
  7. Possibly decreased activity, weakness, constant fatigue.

If alarming symptoms appear, then it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the doctor. Early diagnosis will allow you to restore he alth at the lowest cost, otherwise the process may become irreversible, and treatment will only be aimed at maintaining the basic functions of the organ.

Types of discharge for prostatitis

A man should be vigilant about his he alth. If in the morning white discharge is found on the underwear or bedding, with prostatitis this indicates the presence of inflammation and pus that has entered the urethral canal.

Doctors pay attention to the fact that the acute form of the disease is rarely accompanied by this symptom. Allocations with prostatitis are characteristic of the chronic form of the disease, and the discovery of such inclusions should immediately push the man to the urologist.

If the pathology remains untreated, the nature of the discharge changes, it becomes abundant and thick.

So, what kind of discharge happens with prostatitis? Abundant white blotches indicate the presence of infection or bacteria in the prostate gland. Dark discharge indicates a mechanical injury to the prostate gland, which caused blood to enter the urethra.

With any options, you mustsee a doctor in a timely manner, get diagnosed and start treatment.

Visit to the doctor
Visit to the doctor

Diagnostic Methods

The correct, and most importantly, timely diagnosis depends not only on the professionalism of the doctor, but also on the frankness of the patient at the first appointment. It is important not to hide all symptoms and alarming moments from the urologist, this will allow you to quickly determine the nature of the pathology.

The following tools are used for diagnostics:

  1. Oral patient interview.
  2. Palpation of the prostate by the rectal method.
  3. Ultrasound of the prostate, which will show a possible change in tissues and their structure.
  4. Urine and blood tests.
  5. Examination of prostate secretions.

In the process of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, the main parameters of the pathology, the nature of inflammation, its focus and root cause will be determined. A man must truthfully answer all the doctor's questions, even discharge from prostatitis will help to better choose a method of treatment.

Treatment of disease

Acute prostatitis often turns into a chronic stage, so it is best to catch the disease in the early stages. Acute inflammation of the prostate is treated with antibiotics. If the process began to move into a purulent stage, then the man will need hospitalization and more radical methods of eliminating the infection.

The chronic form of the disease is treated comprehensively. The entire period of therapy takes a rather long period, while achieving complete recoverysucceeds not always. Often the patient goes into long-term remission, which requires constant monitoring and support.

Medical therapy
Medical therapy

General principles of drug therapy:

  • Taking antibiotics.
  • Prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Painkillers and antispasmodics.
  • Immunomodulating drugs.
  • It is recommended to take a course of vitamins.

All of the above funds allow you to extinguish the focus of inflammation, while providing additional support to the body, allowing it to recover faster. If discharge was a symptom, during the treatment of prostatitis, their intensity will decrease and disappear completely.

In addition to using the achievements of pharmacology, the following methods of combating pathology are used:

  1. Massage of the prostate gland, which improves blood circulation in the organ. However, this method is contraindicated in acute inflammation.
  2. Various physiotherapy techniques that are aimed at improving the metabolism in tissues in the prostate area.
  3. Experts recommend adding daily physical activity that is moderate and does not lead to overexertion.

In extreme cases, in the most advanced cases of prostatitis, a surgical operation is indicated. The doctor decides to remove the organ, partially or completely. This approach is the most undesirable, especially at a young sexually mature age, as it leads a man to infertility.

Folk remedies to combat pathology

Before using traditional methods in treatment, it is important to consult a urologist so as not to cause additional harm to a weakened body.

Most of the alternative medicine recipes are based on natural ingredients, the action of which is aimed at reducing inflammation, disinfecting the body. Folk recipes are presented in the form of decoctions and infusions, which are recommended for oral use. As part of such products, you can often find the following components: parsley, propolis, black elderberry, pumpkin, bee pollen.

Possible Complications

Prostatitis left untreated for a long time can lead to complications. Unpleasant consequences can be associated with both sexual and other body systems.

Complications of prostatitis
Complications of prostatitis

Main complications:

  1. Sexual dysfunction.
  2. Infertility.
  3. Depression or apathy.
  4. Neurosis.
  5. Development of an abscess.
  6. Development of oncology.

To avoid undesirable consequences, it is important to regularly undergo a preventive examination by a doctor, which will identify the pathology in the early stages and eliminate it with the least loss to he alth.

Prostatitis prevention methods

It is impossible to completely insure against inflammation of the prostate gland, this is indicated by the main factors that provoke prostatitis. However, the adverse effects of daily factors can be minimized.

Prevention of prostatitis
Prevention of prostatitis

Main prevention is maintenancemoderately active life, eat right and fully, avoid unwanted injuries and hypothermia. Experts also note the importance of a regular, he althy sex life, preferably with one partner.

Keeping a he althy lifestyle will help reduce the risk of developing pathologies.
