Spermogram description - what every man needs to know

Spermogram description - what every man needs to know
Spermogram description - what every man needs to know

There is an analysis that many men are embarrassed to take, but which is simply necessary in some situations - a spermogram. Describing it is the key to solving many issues, in particular, such an important one as the absence of children in a married couple. Therefore, false shame should be left to the stronger sex. Spermogram delivery, in fact, is no different from blood donation and other tests, and in a civilized society it has long been considered a necessary procedure for a man who cares about his sexual he alth.

description of the spermogram
description of the spermogram

Note that women in infertile families perked up when this type of research appeared in medical practice. After all, it became clear that not only they, but also partners could be to blame for the absence of pregnancy. The latter, by the way, should not perceive the sad result of the analysis as a verdict - timely identified problems can be successfully treated.

How does a spermogram give up?

Before this analysis, a number of prerequisites must be met. If they are not fulfilled, the description of the spermogram may differ significantly from the real picture. First and foremost, healinfectious diseases of the genitourinary system (chronic transfer to the stage of remission). Two weeks should pass from the moment of treatment. If a patient abuses alcohol and nicotine, uses drugs, or, for example, has contact with toxic substances on duty, their effect on the body should be excluded for at least 2 months before the upcoming study. Regular smoking and drinking "on occasion" should be avoided for a whole week before passing the spermogram. You also need to refrain from sexual activity for 2 to 7 days (if the doctor prescribes a second test, then abstinence in both cases should be the same - so the description of the spermogram will be more accurate). Massage of the prostate gland, as well as visiting saunas and baths, must be stopped a week before the test. On the eve of the responsible day, it is necessary to refrain from hard physical work and weight lifting.

The collection process itself is simple: a man is given the opportunity to stay alone to stimulate an erection (for this, many clinics offer men's magazines, and in some places specific films). The sperm is collected in a special container given by the doctor. After that, the laboratory assistant studies the collected material and compiles a description of the spermogram.

spermogram description
spermogram description

What will the sperm say?

Actually, there are only two options here: the description of the spermogram can either correspond to the norm (then the man can only be congratulated), or not coincide with it. But stop panicking! Even if some of your indicators turn out to be not as they should, do not rush to conclusions. Generallyonly a doctor can make conclusions, and it is better to choose a highly qualified specialist who will tell you what you should consider and change before donating sperm again. And it should be required. Firstly, you could prepare incorrectly, secondly, not cure some disease, and finally, thirdly, the laboratory assistant is also a person, and a banal mistake cannot be ruled out either.

how do you get a spermogram
how do you get a spermogram

But even in the most extreme case, if you have a severe verdict - infertility, do not despair! Modern science will allow you to have a child born through IVF, or you can always adopt a baby who will call you the most beautiful word on earth - "dad".