How and how to treat candidiasis in men?

How and how to treat candidiasis in men?
How and how to treat candidiasis in men?

Candidiasis is a ubiquitous disease caused by fungi that belong to the genus Candida. It affects children and adults, regardless of gender. Mainly appears on the skin and mucous membranes.

There are erased and distinctly pronounced benign types: candidiasis of the oral cavity and pharynx, skin, genitals, rectal mucosa in the anus. There are also severe forms of the disease with a poor prognosis. These are systemic lesions of various organs and tissues: lungs, esophagus, stomach, intestines, kidneys, etc., leading to sepsis.

candidiasis in men than to treat
candidiasis in men than to treat

Most often observed clinical forms with superficial lesions in the genital area. When it comes to candidiasis in men, they usually mean a disease of the urogenital tract, which is called thrush. When the first signs of this disease appear, you should immediately consult a urologist. Only a doctor will tell you how and how to treat candidiasis in men. Thrush is not at all as harmless as many people think: undertreatedthe disease is dangerous because it can become chronic, and then recovery is not guaranteed.

Candidiasis in men. Symptoms

Thrush in men can be manifested by several diseases: balanitis (balanoposthitis), urethritis, cystitis.

Balanitis is the most common form of urogenital candidiasis in men, which is characterized by inflammation of the glans penis. As a rule, it is combined with a lesion of the foreskin (balanoposthitis).

symptoms of candidiasis in men
symptoms of candidiasis in men

There are three clinical forms of this disease:

  • with the formation of sores, vesicles, red spots, films;
  • appearance of rashes in the form of eczema and spotty-scaly foci of hyperemia;
  • damage to the inguinal and femoral muscle folds, as well as the perianal region.

First of all, the process affects the glans and foreskin, then the skin of the body of the penis, then the inguinal region, and lastly the scrotum.

There is a slight swelling of the head and infiltration of the skin of the foreskin. In the altered areas, a grayish-whitish coating can be found, under which there is an erosive red surface. On the head - small sores, on the foreskin - a whitish coating and cracks along the edge. Inflammation is accompanied by pain, burning and itching. With an erased form, only hyperemia of the coronary sulcus and accumulation of masses in the form of a white powder under the foreskin are observed. In addition, papules and small erosions may appear.

Another sign of thrush inmen - this is candidal urethritis, or inflammation of the urethra. It is characterized by pain during intercourse and urination, as well as white thick mucous discharge from the urethra.

candidiasis in men than to treat
candidiasis in men than to treat

Candidiasis in men can be manifested by cystitis - inflammation of the bladder. At the same time, patients complain of frequent urge to urinate, pain and heaviness in this area. Urine is usually cloudy, sometimes with blood.

Candidiasis in men. How to treat?

There are many drugs for internal and topical use. It can be tablets and capsules, as well as creams, ointments, talkers, solutions. According to what scheme and how to treat candidiasis in men, the doctor should determine. Therapy depends on the form of the disease. Self-medication is strongly discouraged.

How to treat acute candidiasis in men?

When balanoposthitis is usually used local remedies in the form of a cream with clotrimazole. It should be applied in a thin layer on the head and foreskin for a week twice a day. In some cases, Fluconazole (Flucostat) is prescribed orally - 150 mg once.

To enhance the effect, general tonics (vitamins) and immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed, since candidiasis often occurs in immunodeficiency states and when the body's defenses are weakened.

How to treat chronic candidiasis in men?

how to treat candidiasis in men
how to treat candidiasis in men

As a rule, an acute disease is very quickly treatable, and the symptomsdisappears after a few days. For this reason, many stop treatment prematurely and thereby make a big mistake. The fact is that untreated candidiasis soon returns and gradually becomes chronic, which is difficult to get rid of. The reason may be insufficient dosage and duration of the course, individual insensitivity to antifungal drugs. Usually, chronic thrush is treated for several months, while prescribing drugs inside and local remedies. If a man's candidiasis flares up four times a year, the following scheme may be offered: 100 mg of Fluconazole (Flucostat) orally once a week for several months. We repeat: self-medication is highly undesirable!

With thrush, it is important to follow a special diet. It is recommended to completely exclude moldy cheeses, yeast sweet pastries, bread. It is necessary to eat live yoghurts, hot peppers, grapefruits, garlic, lingonberries.
