The degree of sensitivity of the penis is of great importance for any man. If it is normal, he gets the opportunity to experience vivid sensations during intercourse. Sometimes it happens that sensitivity is lost completely or partially. As a result, the man suffers from unstable erections, lack of orgasms and sexual dysfunction. The causes of this pathological condition are described below. In addition, the main methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors on how to increase the sensitivity of the head of the penis (penis) are considered.
Symptoms and causes
It is important to understand that this condition is a sexual disorder. Before increasing the sensitivity of the glans penis, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its decrease.
Provoking factors are the following conditions:
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Pathologies of an infectious nature.
- Various spinal injuries.
- Overweight.
- Pathologies of the nervous system.
- Type II diabetes.
- Damage to nerve fibers in the genital area.
- Tobacco smoking.
- Alcohol abuse.
- Failure to follow the rules of intimate hygiene.
- Hormonal imbalance.
- Using drugs.
Besides, the psycho-emotional state of a man plays an important role. A long stay in a state of stress, numerous complexes, shocks, low self-esteem - this is just a short list of what can provoke a decrease in the sensitivity of the head of the penis. How to increase it in this case, the psychologist should tell.
In addition, the degree of sensitivity may decrease after injury to the penis. The latter is a consequence of masturbation, rough sex, very long and frequent sexual intercourse. This is due to the fact that with an aggressive impact on the penis, damage to the skin occurs. This is expressed in the form of pain and redness. Over time, the skin becomes rough, turning into a barrier between nerve receptors. In such situations, sensitivity may be completely lost.
The main symptoms of the pathological condition:
- Sexual arousal is achieved over a longer time.
- Erection becomes less pronounced. Sometimes she doesmissing.
- The duration of sexual contact becomes shorter.
- There is no bright orgasm even when ejaculating.
- The feeling of pleasure from sexual intercourse disappears.
- It becomes difficult to achieve ejaculation.
If you have the above symptoms, you need to see a doctor, he will help increase the sensitivity of the head. Treatment may include taking medications, using special devices, using external agents, and massage. In rare cases, surgery is indicated.
Ignoring the problem leads to erectile dysfunction and therefore depression. Over time, the symptoms become more and more pronounced, making it impossible to live a full life. At the same time, a long absence of sexual arousal leads to the fact that the nerve endings stop transmitting signals to the brain. The natural result is the occurrence of impotence.

Drug therapy
When the first warning signs appear, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will carry out diagnostic measures and, based on the results of the research, will tell the patient how to increase the sensitivity of the head of the penis.
Often, this pathological condition indicates the presence of serious he alth problems in a man's body. In this case, the root cause that caused the decrease in the degree of sensitivity of the head is initially being fought.
The treatment regimen is different in each individual case. dependingfrom the identified disease, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal therapy, etc. is prescribed.

The surface of the head is permeated with a huge number of nerve endings. They are responsible for erection and achieving orgasmic sensations. From the nerve endings, certain impulses enter the brain, which accelerate the production of hormones. The latter, in turn, are responsible for the formation of feelings of pleasure and excitement.
In addition, against the background of their production, more liquid connective tissue enters the penis. This is necessary in order to keep the organ in an erect state, and also to ensure the passage of seminal fluid from the scrotum to the outside.
As a result of receiving various kinds of injuries of the penis, pathological changes can occur in the nerve endings. As a result, weak impulses enter the brain or do not move to it at all. The natural result is a decrease in the intensity of sensations.
It is important to understand that surgery is a treatment that is indicated in very rare cases. This is an extreme measure, which has to be resorted to when conservative methods are ineffective. Information on how to increase the sensitivity of the head in men through surgery is provided by the doctor. It is he who evaluates the feasibility of applying a particular technique. Currently, surgical intervention is carried out using minimally invasive methods that differshort recovery period.

Help from a psychologist or sexologist
These experts can also provide information on how to increase glans sensitivity. Currently, prolonged exposure to stress is not uncommon. Troubles can lie in wait for a person everywhere. As a result, depression is formed, which is one of the main causes of not only a decrease in the sensitivity of the penis, but also many other pathologies.
A natural consequence of psycho-emotional instability is a violation of sexual function. If this is the reason, you need to contact a psychologist or a sexologist. A specialist will help get rid of depression, give advice on establishing interpersonal relationships and suggest how you can increase the sensitivity of the head.
Using intimate gels and creams
Currently, a large number of stimulus funds are being sold on the market. The active components of the preparations penetrate the skin, favorably affecting the nerve endings. If you ask a doctor about how to increase the sensitivity of the head before sexual contact, the specialist will first of all recommend local remedies.
The following drugs are considered the most effective:
- Titan Gel.
- XXL Power life cream.
- Man Oil.
Gel "Titan" is an innovative development, on which highly qualified specialists have been working for a long time. Originally meanswas intended for penis enlargement, but is currently recommended by doctors for men who are concerned about how to increase the sensitivity of the glans (including after circumcision).
The active ingredients of the drug penetrate the skin, where they have their positive effect. Nutrients, entering the cells, contribute to an increase in the severity of erection and increase the sensitivity of the penis. In addition, the body's endurance during sexual contact is also stimulated. As a result, the man gets a vivid sensation.
The composition of the gel is represented only by natural ingredients. It does not contain synthetic additives that can harm the male body. Thanks to this, the drug has no contraindications.

Gel "Titan" is recommended to be used within a month. This is due to the fact that long-term use ensures the achievement of the maximum possible effect. However, even with the first use, the drug significantly increases the sensitivity of the head.
XXL Power life cream is also a product, the composition of which is represented by natural ingredients. Among them: thistle extract, Goryanka, lichen juice, ginger, ginseng, horse chestnut. The only synthetic substance is dimethicone. It is necessary in order to easily apply the cream to the organ. In other words, it acts as a lubricant.
Unlike the Titan gel, the XXL Power life cream does not start to act immediately. The manufacturer claims thatmiraculous effect is achieved within a month, but subject to regular use of the product. After about a week, the sensitivity of the head increases, after another week, men notice an increase in the duration of sexual contact. In addition, the size of the penis also changes in a big way.
Man Oil is designed to strengthen and heal the penis. If men are interested in how to increase the sensitivity of the head slightly, experts advise this particular tool and the like. In addition, oil is an ideal alternative to artificial lubricants.
The tool helps not only to enjoy sexual contact, it also helps to improve the body. The oil contains an acid that can kill yeast infections.
The following describes how to increase the sensitivity of the head at home without using any devices. All you need is massage oil. Any will do, but doctors recommend focusing on shea and coconut. This is due to their softening properties, which also have a positive effect on sensitivity.
The male penis is represented by two muscles: ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus. Between them there are cavities, each of which is filled with blood during erection. Since the penis is a muscle, it can also be trained. One of the best methods is massage. Regular exercises increase the sensitivity of the penis and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. In addition, massage is an excellent prevention.impotence.
- Preparation stage. This is a very important point. Without prior preparation, you can harm the penis. First of all, you need to take a shower. During water procedures, it is recommended to warm up the penis with light stroking movements, not forgetting also about the groin area and testicles. As a result, blood will begin to flow into the organ, and the tissues will become softer.
- Warm-up. After completing the water procedures, lubricate the penis with oil or lubricant. Then the organ must be clasped with both hands and slightly rolled between the palms. Movement should not be intense, so as not to provoke pain.
- Then you need to clasp the penis with a ring formed by the connected thumb and forefinger. After that, you need to move up and down the head.
- Grapple the base of the penis with one hand. The other is the head. Simultaneously with both hands, slightly squeeze and unclench the organ.
Massage should not be done on a fully erect penis. As soon as this state is reached, it is necessary to stop for a few minutes. If there is an allergic reaction or pain, further manipulations are not recommended.
Massage should be done daily. But before you increase the sensitivity of the head in a man with his help, you need to make sure that there are no serious causes of this pathological condition. Otherwise, massage will only be an auxiliary measure, as it is not intended to treat infections and mental problems.

Expediency of using nozzles
There is an opinion that with the help of a vacuum pump you can increase the sensitivity of the head. How does this device work? There are 2 types of pumps: hydrovacuum and air. In the process of using both, the penis is squeezed due to a decrease in the pressure indicator. Contrary to popular belief, pumps are designed to relieve glans sensation in men who complain of ejaculating too quickly. Thus, their use is inappropriate.
Doctors' recommendations
To questions about how, by increasing the sensitivity of the head, to prevent the recurrence of this condition, experts answer as follows:
- It is necessary to regularly expose the body to moderate physical activity.
- It is necessary to refuse sexual contacts that are aggressive in nature.
- Especial attention should be paid to hygiene.
- It is recommended to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
- It is important to constantly control body weight.
- You must wear underwear made from natural materials.
In addition, it is recommended to make adjustments to the diet. It is advisable to follow the principles of proper nutrition.

Increased sensitivity
Strong susceptibility of the head also significantly affects the quality of sexual life and can provoke the development of complexes andpsycho-emotional instability. Especially if this condition is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the organ (for example, balanitis is often diagnosed in men).
Increased sensitivity of the head is treated with medications and anesthetic intimate gels. In addition, experts recommend using all kinds of nozzles and vacuum pumps.
Information on how to treat glans hypersensitivity should also be provided by a doctor. This is due to the fact that this condition is often accompanied by inflammatory processes in the organ.

In conclusion
Reduced sensitivity of the head may be the result of diseases of the reproductive or nervous systems. To make a diagnosis, it is recommended to consult a urologist. If necessary, he will refer you for a consultation with a psychologist or sexologist.