Walking with an open head: reasons, doctor's advice

Walking with an open head: reasons, doctor's advice
Walking with an open head: reasons, doctor's advice

Men often wonder if it is possible to walk with the head of the penis open. There is nothing wrong with this, moreover, it even has its advantages. For some men, the glans penis is not always open, so in order not to worry about its condition, it is recommended to have an operation to remove the foreskin.

Features of the structure of the penis

To accurately understand the mechanism of opening the glans penis, it is important to consider the general structure of the organ. It includes three parts: the root (it contains the scrotum with testicles), the body (it is also called the trunk) and the head itself.

At the end of the head there is a special hole through which urine comes out at the time of urination, and in adult men, sperm when getting an orgasm.

On the head is a patch of skin covering it. This skin is called the foreskin. It consists of several parts (petals). One part is a simple skin and refers to the outer. And the second (internal) is covered with a mucous membrane. In the mucous membranes there are special glands that provoke the secretionmucus - smegma. Such mucus is distinguished by its unique composition, which provides the head with a smooth glide, and also protects the genital organ from damage by various pathogens and bacteria.

In newborns at an early age, the foreskin is most often connected to the head with the help of adhesions, which in the medical field are called synechiae. It is they who help the head to remain within the foreskin. Older men do not have such fasteners, their head can freely open both at the time of ejaculation and in the normal state.

Head opening time

Opening the head of the penis is an individual procedure. According to statistics, in about 4% of boys, the foreskin opens the head in the first month after birth. In 15-20% of children, the head begins to open at the age of 6-12 months. But in 90% of children, this process begins between the ages of 3 and 5 years. In this case, the opening is most often carried out with the help of parents or pediatricians and takes place without much pain.

baby boy
baby boy

Independent opening of the head, as a rule, occurs at the age of 6 to 8 years. In some children, this process begins already at a late age (from 12 to 14 years). It is important to remember that if the full opening has not occurred even after 15 years, then the child must be immediately shown to a specialist.

teen boy
teen boy

Circumcision procedure

After receiving an answer to the question of whether it is possible to walk with an open head, many men decide to have an operation. For a long time nowCircumcision is considered the simplest method of keeping the glans clean on a regular basis. In some countries, this operation is mandatory.

When to do it

Men go for the removal of the foreskin from the penis for various reasons. Some do it for hygienic reasons, as dirt and a large number of pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate in the foreskin, which can provoke the appearance of a dangerous disease.


Others decide to remove the flesh because of their sexual partner, who may not like the look of a closed glans penis. Most often, medical indications and aesthetic factors play a major role in the decision to have surgery.

Main benefits

Can I walk with my head open? There are many advantages to this state:

  1. Protection against inflammation in the urinary tract. Some men who walk with the glans constantly closed have a large amount of smegma in the preputial sac. It leads to inflammation of the head of the penis, causes discomfort, including severe burning. Most often, this problem occurs in the presence of phimosis - fusion of the foreskin of the head. This condition is especially common among children, but with age it disappears and requires surgery only in extreme cases.
  2. Prevention of oncological formations in the body. Smegma contains dangerous carcinogens that can cause cancer of the head of the penis.body.
  3. Elimination of problems with urination. If the foreskin closes the external opening of the urethra on the glans penis, then this can make it difficult for urine to pass out and provoke fluid retention, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in the volume of the bladder.
  4. Skin lesions. With regular closure of the glans penis, the risk of skin diseases increases several times. Smegma is considered a good environment for the spread of pathogenic organisms, bacteria, infections and viruses.
  5. Protection against AIDS. Experts have been able to prove that circumcised men who constantly walk with an open head, the risk of HIV infection is significantly reduced.
is it possible to walk with an open head
is it possible to walk with an open head

Dangers of circumcision

The main disadvantages of circumcision include:

  1. Getting a painful shock. If surgery is performed without anesthesia, then the person feels severe pain, which can lead to pain shock. To a greater extent, this applies to babies.
  2. Hygiene procedures. After the circumcision procedure, there is a need for careful and regular care of the glans penis. It is important to remember that a large number of bacteria and viruses can accumulate in the folds and depressions near the frenulum. The foreskin helps protect against their effects.
  3. Not following ethical rules. If circumcision is performed on a newborn child, then this will discredit him. Manyenvironmental and human rights organizations believe that the removal of any part of the body from any person must be accompanied by his consent. The baby cannot give his consent to such a procedure, which means that circumcision in this case should be prohibited.
  4. Possible complications. Performing surgery on a man who has not reached puberty can provoke some physical injuries: retraction of the penis into the body, the onset of bleeding, the appearance of a bend due to lack of skin, accidental cutting off of the glans during surgery, varicose veins, problems with sensitivity.
can walk with head open
can walk with head open

Flaws of the procedure

Can I walk with my head open? It is possible, but there are certain nuances. The disadvantages include the fact that with constant walking with an open head of the penis, a man increases the risk of accidental injury. In addition, in this case, the head of the penis may hurt due to regular rubbing against underwear.

I walk with my head open all the time
I walk with my head open all the time

Some men report a decrease in sexual arousal during intercourse, in some cases even problems with erectile function.

Other guys even like to walk with an open head, they notice an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse. Which is a significant plus. This can be explained by the fact that if you walk with your head open, the sensitivity will be much reduced. This is everyone's personal choice.
