How to increase potency at home?

How to increase potency at home?
How to increase potency at home?

Deterioration of erection is a serious nuisance for any man. With a potency disorder, not every representative of the stronger sex is in a hurry to run to the doctor. After all, instead, you can use folk methods of treatment to eliminate the problem at home. What are the recipes of alternative medicine that will restore the lost male power? How to increase potency without resorting to the use of pharmacological drugs? The most effective and safe means will be discussed in our publication.


potency enhancers
potency enhancers

It's no secret that there are products that enhance potency. Contributes to the elimination of erectile dysfunction, the inclusion in the daily diet of such foods:

  • milk, cheese, nuts, meat, fish - foods that contain an abundance of protein and protein;
  • seaweed, shrimps, crabs – rich in iodine and minerals;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs - are the source of the widest range of vitamins needed to maintainhe alth;
  • Spices have long been used by traditional healers to stimulate potency, as they are known for their ability to enhance sexual desire.

Physical exercise

potency enhancing products
potency enhancing products

Increase the potency will allow regular physical activity. You can resort to training for a variety of muscle groups, because such actions benefit the whole body and have a beneficial effect on overall well-being. There are complexes of special exercises developed by specialists for a targeted impact on the genital area. We are talking about workouts that tone the muscles and saturate the tissues responsible for erection with blood.

What should be done to restore male power? You should resort to the following exercises:

  1. The man takes a sitting position on the floor with legs wide apart. Hands go down, and the back is in a straightened state. Calm, short breaths are taken through the nose, during which the palms are sharply compressed and the muscles in the buttocks are tensed. Then the exhalation follows. About 7-8 such approaches are carried out. This is followed by a break for a minute, after which the exercises are repeated. Training makes it possible to accelerate blood flow and has a stimulating effect on the prostate gland area.
  2. In a sitting position on a chair, legs are widely spaced. Then the muscles located in the scrotum are tightened. In this case, the buttocks area remains in a relaxed state. The exercise allows you to carefully work outand strengthen the tissues responsible for erectile function.
  3. In order to increase potency, you can resort to a simpler workout. To improve blood flow to the genitals, as well as to saturate the local tissues with an abundance of oxygen, they perform marching movements while standing still. During the exercise, it is desirable to actively work with the limbs, raising the knees as high as possible.

It is worth noting that positive changes will be observed only if the intensity of the above training is increased. Such exercises are recommended to be performed in the morning and in the evening, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.

Yard plasters

How to increase potency at home? You can use such a simple and affordable solution as mustard plasters. The latter are dipped in warm water and then placed on the feet. Warm woolen socks are put on the feet. This compress is held for 10-15 minutes. Then the feet are washed under running water and thoroughly rubbed with a hard washcloth or towel. Thanks to these actions, there is a stimulating effect on active points in the tissue structure. The result is a rapid increase in sexual activity.


garlic for male potency
garlic for male potency

How to increase potency? Several heads of garlic are crushed in a meat grinder. Alternatively, you can use a fine grater. The resulting mass is diluted in a glass of water. The composition is placed in a dark place where room temperature is maintained. Here the remedy is insisted for two weeks. Then the liquid is carefully filtered.

Means take one tablespoon 2-3 times a day. A positive effect is observed after a few months. The medicine may not seem the most pleasant to taste. Therefore, when used, it is allowed to mix the healing composition with milk.

Infusion based on aloe, honey and wine

How to quickly increase potency? To do this, you should resort to the use of the following recipe. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • red wine - 300g;
  • aloe juice - 100g;
  • honey – 200g

The above components are combined and thoroughly mixed. The infusion is tightly covered with a lid and sent to a dark place. Here the medicine is kept for 10-12 days. Take a healing composition daily for several tablespoons. This solution makes it possible not only to eliminate sexual dysfunction, but also to quickly increase excitability at the right time.


how to increase potency at home quickly
how to increase potency at home quickly

If a man wants to increase potency with folk remedies, oats can serve as an excellent solution. About two tablespoons of grain are soaked in 500 g of water. Then the composition is placed on a small fire and boiled for half an hour. The infusion is removed from the stove and carefully filtered. Juice squeezed from one lemon is added to the liquid. The mixture is sent to the refrigerator for a day.

Take a teaspoon daily. It is better to take the medicine on an empty stomach. As a rule, to increase male potency in this way allows the use of the composition for a month.

Pumpkin and honey

Howquickly increase potency at home? For these purposes, take about 500 grams of raw pumpkin seeds. The grains are peeled. Raw materials are ground using a meat grinder. The resulting mass is combined with honey in the amount of 250 grams. The mixture is rolled into small balls and placed in the refrigerator.

The product is taken before meals, one ball at a time. To quickly increase potency, such a medicine is chewed or absorbed for several minutes. The method helps to increase sexual desire.


how to quickly increase potency
how to quickly increase potency

Healing root has been used for centuries by traditional healers as a means of increasing potency. The composition of ginseng contains an abundance of active substances that are natural stimulants of sexual desire. An effective solution is to prepare a tincture based on the miraculous root.

To create a potency enhancer, take about a tablespoon of crushed ginseng. About 350 grams of honey is added to the composition. The resulting mass is infused for 10-12 days. In order to increase erection, the medicine is taken 3 times a day. If you continue such therapy for several months, not only potency will improve, but also general well-being. After all, the action of the ginseng root is to normalize the activity of the endocrine system.


How to increase potency with calamus? For these purposes, previously cleaned rhizomes of the plant are divided into small pieces. The latter are gradually chewed, absorbing the juices of the plant. Resorted tosuch actions 2-3 times a day. The solution helps to eliminate physical exhaustion, makes it possible to feel a surge of energy. All this has a beneficial effect on increased desire and male power.

You can use another recipe using calamus root. We are talking about the preparation of alcohol tincture. To make a medicine, they take crushed plant materials, which are combined with strong alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Infuse the remedy for 14 days. Take a healing composition daily for 2-3 teaspoons. The expected results from such treatment are observed approximately one month after the start of the course of therapy.


how to increase potency in men
how to increase potency in men

Still how to increase potency in men with folk remedies? A pretty good, safe option is to use a mint-based tincture. The following recipe is recommended. They take a thermos, where one liter of boiling water is poured. About 5 tablespoons of mint are placed in the liquid. The agent is infused for 20-30 minutes. Then the composition is filtered. The resulting liquid is drunk 3 times a day, one glass. The medicine perfectly tones the body and makes it possible to noticeably increase potency within a fairly short period.


There is a proven remedy based on nettle, which makes it possible to increase potency in men. How to prepare a healing composition? Take a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials. The grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and the composition is allowed to brew well. The medicine is taken shortly before meals. The result is the stimulation of metabolic processesin the body, as well as improving the functioning of the genitourinary system.

Baves based on bay leaves

To increase excitability makes it possible to take baths with the addition of a decoction of bay leaf. For these purposes, about 100 grams of vegetable raw materials are poured with a liter of boiled water. The broth is insisted for half an hour. The liquid is filtered and added to the bath. They lie in such water for 20-30 minutes.

To increase excitability, the procedure is performed several times a day. It is best to take a bath with the addition of a decoction shortly before the intended intimacy. Traditional healers note that the method allows you to eliminate erectile disorders that have been observed over the years.

Ice packs

how to increase potency in men folk remedies
how to increase potency in men folk remedies

How to increase potency by this method? The decision will make you feel some discomfort. But as practice shows, the result exceeds all expectations. Regular use of the method makes it possible to increase excitability and improve blood flow to the genitals.

So what should we do? Several ice cubes are placed in a piece of gauze. The compress is applied in the chest area, after which it is moved to the scrotum. Detain means in the specified places no more than a minute. Such actions are repeated 3-5 times. It is recommended to resort to the method shortly before sexual contact.


Lemongrass is a good herbal remedy for improving potency. Traditional healers recommend regularly drinking tea,prepared from the leaves and fruits of this herb. You can also eat the fresh berries of the plant. But don't overdo the product. Since such actions will lead to excessive excitation of the nervous system.

Schisandra contains a whole lot of vitamins and essential microelements for the body, such as silicon, sulfur, iron. Enrichment of tissues with useful substances helps to improve well-being, the appearance of additional energy, and the removal of nervous tension. All this has a positive effect on improving potency.

Drink based on white wine

An alcoholic drink, which will be discussed later, acts as a kind of erection stimulant. To prepare the remedy, white wine is used in the amount of one liter. About 200 grams of orange and 100 grams of lemon juice are poured here. Then add a tablespoon of liquor, a few tablespoons of honey, a couple of fresh mint leaves, a handful of cardamom, cinnamon and cloves. The resulting composition is heated over low heat until the liquid begins to boil.

The drink is sent to the refrigerator and insisted for three days. Next, the liquid is filtered. Absorb the healing agent before sexual contact. As the reviews of men who managed to test the method show, the result is not long in coming. An increase in erection is observed almost immediately after using the remedy.

In conclusion

As statistics show, problems with the deterioration of potency are observed with approximately the same frequency among men of different ages. To avoid unnecessary problems inIn the future, it is wise to resort to strengthening the body with the help of proven folk recipes. Using the methods mentioned in our publication will improve your erection and will not force you to seek help from doctors.
