Many men are familiar with the situation when they were surprised to find that the skin on their scrotum was peeling off. This is an unpleasant phenomenon, because it delivers a lot of discomfort. Especially when accompanied by itching and burning.
Why can skin peel off in such an intimate place? And how to get rid of it? Well, this topic should be considered in more detail.
As a rule, the skin on the scrotum of a man flakes off for the following reasons:
- Irritation of the intimate area with synthetic underwear. Most often, peeling is observed in the hot season.
- Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene. When a man does not take a shower for a long time, the exfoliating epidermis remains on the skin and becomes like scales.
- Using inappropriate personal care products. Perhaps the gel that the man uses is overly perfumed or has a low-quality composition. It is better to buy a hypoallergenic product.
- Working at the chemicalproduction. Reagents adversely affect the structure of the skin. In this case, it collapses over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe body. You can find out about this by the appearance of cracks.
- Unbalanced diet. If there is not enough protein in the body, a violation of the structure of the skin is possible. The result is peeling.
In any case, first a man notices cracks in the skin of the scrotum. Only then does peeling appear.

They are obvious. If the skin on the scrotum flakes off, then its particles fall off like dandruff. A man can notice them on linen and bed.
Also, the skin turns red and rough. Often a man experiences unbearable itching. This is bad, as many do not stand up and begin to comb the scrotum in the blood. When the skin heals, it becomes thin, and therefore often cracks.
If the peeling is mild, and there is no discomfort, then you should not worry - perhaps the skin is simply getting rid of dead epidermal cells.
So, if the skin on the testicles is peeling - what to do? If one of the above reasons is relevant, it is recommended to do the following:
- Instead of synthetic underwear, start wearing cotton.
- Shop hypoallergenic hygiene products.
- Take a shower more often. At least wash your face in the morning and evening.
- Change underwear once a day.
- Change careers.
The peeling that disappeared after following these recommendations willtestify that the man is he althy.
However, if it continues to be present or even spreads to neighboring tissues, which is accompanied by an increase in other unpleasant symptoms, then it's time to make an appointment with a urologist, dermatologist or venereologist.

Disordered metabolism, increased sweating, neglect of personal hygiene - all this can lead to the appearance of fungus.
It's easy to find out about its availability. In men, the fungus is manifested by the appearance of spots that differ in color from normal skin. You may also experience the following symptoms:
- Pink spots that appear on the scrotum turn yellow over time. Gradually there are more of them.
- Itching, feeling of pain.
- Scaling covers the entire area, may extend to the groin.
- Skin cracks over time.
- The areas become dry, the protective properties of the dermis are violated.
- He althy skin also flakes off in contact with the affected areas.
Treatment should be started, even after noticing small rashes. It takes very little time for them to turn into a large spot that can "grow" up to the buttocks.
Fungus treatment
Of course, therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor after an examination and examination of the patient's tests. But as a rule, everyone is prescribed the same drugs.
A popular remedy for both women and men is Clotrimazole ointment. Instructions for use are simple. First you needIt is good to treat the surface on which the ointment will be applied. That is, thoroughly wash with the gel, and then wipe dry with a towel. Then you need to apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected area, but do not rub.

Also in the instructions for use of Clotrimazole ointment for men it is said that you should not press on the skin. It is important to be careful. You should not get involved in this procedure yet - 3 times a day is enough. On average, the course is from 14 to 30 days.
Exoderil, Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Triderm, Mycospor and Lamisil ointments are also suitable for the treatment of fungus.
It is important to combine local therapy with the use of tablets, since this is the only way to influence the pathogen from the inside. The doctor may prescribe Itraconazole, Terbinafine, Ketoconazole, Lamisil, Fluconazole, Griseofulvin, Diflucan, etc.
Another reason why the skin on the scrotum can peel off. Neurodermatitis is a chronic skin disease of a neurogenic-allergic nature that can affect a person at any age. Risk factors are:
- Atopy (unusual reaction to an allergen).
- Heredity.
- Hyperactive skin.
- Violation of the autonomic nervous system.
- Problems associated with the functions of higher nerve centers of regulation.
Symptoms are as follows:
- Small rashes.
- Local burning, tingling, desire to scratch the skin.
- Redness and swelling of the affectedarea.
- Impregnation of the skin with plasma or blood (infiltration).
- Severe peeling, which is fraught with cracks, erosions and crusts.
Diagnosis is performed by a dermatologist, treatment is prescribed by him. Enterosorbents, laxatives, diuretics, choleretic, vitamins, as well as histaglobulin, an anti-allergen for subcutaneous administration, can be prescribed.
Corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, sedatives, antibiotics, antivirals, and mast cell membrane stabilizers are also often prescribed. What kind of therapy will be depends on the individual case.

Scabies mite
Another reason why the skin on the scrotum often cracks. The scabies mite is a microscopic parasite that lives and reproduces exclusively on the human epidermis. Symptoms are:
- Appearance of scabies. On the skin, they look like small white stripes no longer than 1 cm.
- Severe itching that gets worse at night.
- Paired rashes of nodular-bubble character.
It should be noted that symptoms do not appear immediately after infection. The incubation period is 10-14 days. Only after this time, the skin on the scrotum begins to peel off. You can get infected in different ways:
- Public places. Baths, saunas, swimming pools, sports clubs.
- Infected belongings of another person.
- Sex with an infected person. Infection occurs even in the case of protection.
- Criticalviolation of hygiene rules.
To get rid of the scabies mite, you need to thoroughly clean the room and wash all things with disinfectants. For a speedy recovery, you need to use the following drugs:
- Emulsion of benzyl benzoate. This remedy destroys parasites at any stage of development after the first application.
- Medifox. Destroys eggs, larvae and adults.
- "Spregal". This spray should be applied to the affected area and not washed off for another 12 hours.
It is best to wash with Veda or Pedilin shampoo, and choose Vitar as soap.

Sexual infections
If the skin of the scrotum turned red, began to peel off, then it is possible that the man has contracted some serious disease. This happens most often due to unprotected intercourse. Here's what STD this symptom might indicate:
- Herpes.
- Trichomonas.
- Gonorrhea.
- Latent syphilis.
STDs are usually accompanied by burning during urination, unpleasant discharge from the urethra, fever, rashes, general malaise, etc.
But the disease may not manifest itself in any way. Therefore, it is better to take tests and be examined by a venereologist.
According to the results of the diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe an oral drug that acts directly on the pathogen. It can be Gerpevir, Zovirax, Famvir,Acyclovir, Fluconazole, Nystatin, Diflucan, Flucostat, Ceftriaxone, Spectinomycin, etc.

This unpleasant disease can occur for a variety of reasons. Genetic predisposition, problems with the endocrine system, impaired metabolism, malfunctions in the immune system, emotional shock … there are many provoking factors.
The symptoms are specific. With genital psoriasis, the skin of the scrotum itches and flakes, redness and a small rash appear, accompanied by itching, and there is also discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse.
For the treatment of this disease, ointments such as Antipsoriasis, Antipsor, Akrustal, Kartalin, Magnipsor, Cytopsor, Naftaderm, Daivobet, Berestin, Akrustal, etc.
It is better to combine the use of local remedies with tablets. The doctor may prescribe drugs such as Milgamma, Befungin, Heptor Likopid, Methotrexate, Metipred, Betamethasone, and others.

Atopic dermatitis
This is the last of the most common causes of peeling on the scrotum. This is a non-contagious inflammatory skin lesion, manifested by dryness, irritation and itching. It occurs due to a decrease in the protective functions of the body. In addition to peeling, dense plaques with dry bumps may appear on the scrotum.
It is recommended to avoid frequent washing of the genital area, and use moisturizers for hygiene. To ailmentpassed faster, you need to use a series of Skin-Cap products. There is a shampoo, an aerosol for the treatment of the affected area and a cream. These are safe products that quickly eliminate itching and irritation.
You can also use creams called "Fucidin", "Naftaderm" and "Radevit". Zinc ointment and Tsindol suspension are also suitable.
But, again, only a specialist can prescribe adequate treatment. Therefore, when peeling appears on the scrotum, you must first go to the doctor for an examination to identify the cause.