Does protein affect potency: the relationship between protein and potency, protein features, the truth about taking drugs

Does protein affect potency: the relationship between protein and potency, protein features, the truth about taking drugs
Does protein affect potency: the relationship between protein and potency, protein features, the truth about taking drugs

Does protein affect male potency? Many people are interested in the answer to this question. Currently, a he althy lifestyle has gained particular popularity, which will eventually be replaced by bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking). To maintain their he alth and fitness, many men take up sports, increasing the volume of their muscles and improving the appearance of their bodies. During active muscle building, men use a special supplement - protein. It includes a large amount of protein, which has a positive effect on muscle growth.

Protein determination

Does protein affect potency? Let's try to figure it out. Protein supplements have little effect on potency. Protein includes a large amount of protein and amino acids. Amino acids are a split protein that is already ready for absorption by the human body. There are the following types of protein:

  • whey;
  • soy (concentrate and isolate);
  • egg;
  • dairy;
  • casein.
Protein for men
Protein for men

Female hormone supplement

Does protein affect potency? Amino acids are found in many foods, but they are much less than in protein. It has a negative effect on male potency only when it contains female hormones. But this applies only to low-quality products that are sold at a reduced price by irresponsible sellers. If the protein is bought in a specialized store that has all the quality certificates, then such a product affects only the muscles, helping them grow. Good protein has no negative effect on potency.

Protein intake
Protein intake

Experts warn that taking a large amount of protein with female hormones in the composition leads to impotence. Before buying a product, it is important to study its composition and instructions for use as carefully as possible.

Effect on the body of a man

Does protein affect male potency? Now it is unreasonably widely believed that protein has a bad effect on the state of male potency. But in fact, everything is completely different, since a large number of amino acids can be found in simple foods, such as milk and eggs. But their use in food does not affect the state of erectile function of a man. This nutritional supplement includes natural ingredients that only help improve the condition of the body.

protein foods
protein foods

Protein provides good physicalform and helps a man develop endurance and strength. Does protein affect potency? A protein product cannot negatively affect potency.

Main protein myths

For a long time, opponents of protein products claim that their intake has a negative effect on the reproductive system of a man, introduces changes in the female character into his body (a man's chest begins to grow, the voice timbre changes, fat accumulates in the hips). But a large number of studies confirm the incorrectness of this opinion. With the correct use of such a nutritional supplement, it has no effect on the state of male potency.


How does protein affect a man's potency? Despite many statements about the safety of the protein, some athletes have noted a deterioration in their condition after taking the supplement. But all the cases when it seems that the protein has a negative effect on potency can be explained:

  1. Poor quality products. The protein is created on the basis of whey of dairy products, eggs or soy (for vegetarians). Soy protein costs much less, but it is for this reason that it can adversely affect the male reproductive system. Like beer, it contains plant estrogens, which are very similar to female sex hormones.
  2. Overloading the body with exercise. Regular hard workouts and non-compliance with the norms of body recovery lead to the accumulation of fatigue, exhaustion of strength, and as a result, to a decrease in the quality of potency. The athlete mustit is imperative to properly distribute your physical activity, monitor proper rest and sleep. If a man does not monitor his physical condition and constantly overloads the body, then sooner or later he will achieve a deterioration in potency.

Bad mental attitude

Wrong mental attitude. If a man constantly listens to the fact that when taking protein, potency inevitably worsens and impotence occurs, then the “placebo effect” may work for him. Many doctors say that in order for a remedy to bring a really good effect, it is important to believe in its power. So in this case, if a man himself believes that protein is harmful to potency and can worsen he alth, then the risk that this will happen will increase markedly. You should not trust people who do not understand this area or have only superficial knowledge about the product.

It is important to remember that any sports supplements, including protein, have some contraindications. Before you start taking such funds, it is important to consult a doctor and identify all possible contraindications in order to avoid further he alth problems.

When can harm?

Compared to spicy, sweet, smoked, fatty foods, protein does not have any negative effect on the human body. But at the same time, there are some contraindications, in which it is forbidden to take the drug:

  • serious kidney pathology;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the sports supplement.

Except as describedcases, the correct intake of protein will only positively affect the he alth of adults, children and the elderly, especially when meat and dairy products are not enough in their daily diet.

Protein for athletes
Protein for athletes

When deciding to start taking a protein product, it is important to study the instructions in detail, as well as familiarize yourself with the main dosages. The daily dose of protein should not exceed 2.5 grams per kilogram of human weight. If the specified mark is exceeded, the excess unsplit protein will change to a carcinogenic compound. In addition, excess protein negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys, heart, and impairs immune defenses.

Some men have dysbacteriosis when eating protein. To avoid this condition, experts recommend the use of special enzymes that help the protein to be quickly absorbed and digested in the body.

How to identify hypersensitivity

To identify individual intolerance to protein in a man, it is important to carefully monitor the state of his body after taking a sports supplement. If a man is hypersensitive, then after taking such a remedy, he will have the following symptoms:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • diarrhea or diarrhoea;
  • severe heartburn;
  • redness on the surface of the skin, rash as a result of an allergic reaction.

In this case, it is very important to stop taking the protein supplement in time or minimize it. When choosing a dosage is very importantconsult your doctor first.

The effects of BCAAs on the body

BCAAs are amino acids derived from eggs and cow's milk. Such a product includes natural ingredients in its composition, helps to restore and build muscle mass. The drug is especially popular among athletes who need to improve their physical condition and achieve good results in a short time.

Benefits of Protein
Benefits of Protein

Sports nutrition and erectile function have nothing to do with each other. Amino acids are considered completely safe for potency. Sports supplements help:

  • protect already formed muscles;
  • increase muscle mass;
  • reduce fat;
  • helps develop stamina and physical strength.

BCAAs provide an energy boost that athletes can use to improve their endurance without harming their he alth. With regular use of the remedy, a man may notice such an effect as calming the nervous system. Tranquilizing effects can sometimes worsen potency, but this effect is considered temporary and completely disappears after rest.

Protein Features

Protein is very important for a developing organism. It is important to remember that only when you get the required amount of protein per day, full cell growth and normal recovery of the body is possible.

Protein features
Protein features

Protein is an important element of the cellular structure. If you meet the required amount of daily protein dosage, you can:

  • improvestate of the nervous system;
  • strengthen conditioned reflexes;
  • accelerate muscle growth;
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • get extra energy;
  • reduce weight (with a properly designed diet);
  • improve metabolic processes in the body.

When entering the human body, the protein breaks down into amino acids, which then create protein molecules. With a combination of amino acids, you can get different proteins that will differ from each other in their composition and characteristics. There are 22 amino acids found in food, but there are about 80 in nature.

All proteins are divided into vegetable and animal. Amino acids can be interchangeable (synthesized by the human body) and irreplaceable (obtained from food). Proteins of animal origin are of greater biological value and are more quickly absorbed by the human body.