The process of ejaculation includes two stages. The first is to reduce the seminal vesicles and vas deferens. With this process, the man already feels the imminent onset of orgasm. The second stage is the orgasm itself, during which ejaculation occurs. It is important to answer the question of whether it is harmful not to cum for a man and a woman.
Premature Orgasm
For a long time, physicians have tried to accurately characterize premature ejaculation. The study took into account the number of frictions and the total duration of sexual intercourse. The generally accepted result of sexual intercourse is the satisfaction of both men and women.

The following factors can lead to premature ejaculation: strong sensitivity of the head of the penis, excessive arousal, the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
Types of premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation can be of two types:
- primary - a disorder in which premature ejaculation manifests itself from the very beginning of a man's sexual life;
- secondary disorder- occurs after some time has passed since the start of sexual activity, which had previously been normal.
Like many sexual problems, the causes of premature ejaculation can be psychological as well as organic.
Danger protracted orgasm
Is it harmful not to cum? To prolong the pleasure not only of their own, but also of their sexual partner, men try to prolong ejaculation and delay it for a while. But it is important to understand that with the right approach, too long sexual intercourse is not required, and a delay in erection can harm a man's he alth.

Stagnation that occurs in the body when holding ejaculation adversely affects he alth. Many doctors believe that the forced restraint of orgasm is very harmful to the body, since it cannot be called natural for a person. As a result, such actions lead to disruption of the functioning of the male genital organs. Doctors advise not to try to restrain ejaculation in order to protect your body from functional failures and disorders.
Another reason not to try to make intercourse longer is to reduce the pleasure of the process itself. It may seem that prolonged sex brings pleasure to two partners at once. But regular prolonged sex can lead to the fact that as a result of orgasm it will be very difficult to achieve. Resuming such a function will be much more difficult than trying to prolong an orgasm.
The main common mistakeis the opinion of men on the account that prolonged sexual intercourse will help a woman achieve orgasm. Orgasm in women is a rather complex and illogical phenomenon. To bring a woman to orgasm by simply prolonging the time of sexual intercourse will not work. In this case, the main role is played by the time of intercourse, and its quality. A woman's orgasm can start within minutes if a man can find the right approach.
Orgasm without ejaculation
Is it bad to get turned on and not cum? Most often, sexual intercourse as a result ends in men with ejaculation. It is caused by nature. After reaching orgasm, a man feels tired, wants to rest, and the ability to have sexual intercourse again appears only after some time has passed.
There is also such a phenomenon as orgasm, in which ejaculation does not occur. In this condition, the seminal fluid is not released, but is stored in the male body. Thus, the man retains strength and the ability to achieve another orgasm at any time.

An orgasm without an erection may well be, but some consider it to be more vivid than a simple climax of sexual intercourse. You can learn how to delay ejaculation on your own if you start performing a set of special exercises.
But there is another situation when a man wants to finish sexual intercourse usually, but a violation occurs in the body, and ejaculation does not occur. This phenomenon is called anejaculation, it may indicate the presence inbody of certain diseases and problems.
Main danger
Is it harmful to not cum for a long time? It is important to remember that an orgasm without ejaculation is quite dangerous in some cases. It can lead to the following consequences:
- The addictive effect. Some men, especially those who do not have a good psyche, with regular sex without ejaculation, can get mental exhaustion and even apathy.
- The absence of ejaculation for a long period of time will result in negative consequences, for example, a man will completely refuse to have sex. Stagnation of seminal fluid in the body can provoke the process of inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system.
Is it harmful to masturbate and not cum? Not achieving ejaculation while masturbating is a bad idea. Since at the same time the level of hormones rises, arousal occurs, the man tenses up, and as a result, the energy goes nowhere. Is it bad to cum in your mouth? No, there is nothing dangerous in this process.
Aspermatism disease
In some cases, the impossibility of ejaculation during sexual contact is due to disorders in the nervous system. This disease is called aspermatism, and it is often accompanied by additional symptoms: dizziness, loss of coordination, pain in the head.

Aspermatism can be congenital or acquired:
- Innate. Such a disease occurs as a result of injuries received at birth or at a young age. This form of injury does notfully developed and secreted by the male sex cells, so a man with this form of the disease is not able to experience an orgasm and conceive a child.
- Secondary form of the disease (in other words, false aspermatism). It appears in a person as a result of a mental disorder or a violation of the patency of the urethra for the ejaculant, due to which the sperm simply cannot leave the penis. Is it bad not to finish? During sexual intercourse, such a man may feel an orgasm, but the release of sperm occurs in the bladder. This process is called retrograde ejaculation, it can occur for various reasons. Most often, inflammatory and infectious processes in the reproductive system lead to damage.
Possible consequences
Is it harmful to cum in the ass? An orgasm in the ass of a sexual partner can be pleasant, but it can cause some frustration, and sometimes conception. It must be remembered that during ejaculation, erupted sperm, when it enters the ass, very often provokes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the anus. As a result of such sexual intercourse, a woman runs the risk of prolonged diarrhea for several hours.

The second danger of such a culmination of sex is that sperm is distinguished by its fluidity, so if a man cums in a woman's ass too abundantly or not deep enough, then part of the seminal fluid may simply leak out. There is a very small distance between the anus and the vaginal opening, so the sperm from the priests flows into the vagina itself, and with good activitysperm, they manage to get to the vagina and fertilize the egg, resulting in an unwanted pregnancy.
Difficulties in a woman
Some scientists believe that during intercourse a woman must necessarily experience an orgasm. Otherwise, due to stagnation of blood in the body, she may develop quite dangerous diseases: fibroids and mastopathy.

Is it bad for a woman not to cum? In the absence of an orgasm, a woman's body experiences severe stress and overstrain. When excited, there is a rush of blood to the genitals. If an orgasm does not occur, the blood stagnates, which can lead to various disorders. There are many reasons why a girl can't reach orgasm.
Orgasm problems
Sometimes it happens that a woman who can achieve orgasm on her own has some difficulty in intercourse with a man.

The following reasons may lead to this situation:
- A man poorly prepared his partner for sexual intercourse, she was not aroused to the desired level. As a result, such intercourse is rapid, which does not give the woman time to reach orgasm.
- A woman is used to having a clitoral orgasm. It often happens that the sensations in the vagina are quite pleasant, but they are not enough to get a real orgasm. For this reason, the girl has to use additional stimulation of the clitoris with her hand, but even after reaching orgasm, there arefeelings of dissatisfaction, as it turns out to be dependent.
- A woman suddenly has an emotional rejection of a man during intercourse or pain appears. In this case, reaching an orgasm is simply impossible.
- The presence of some diseases associated with the reproductive system. At the same time, a woman may feel pain, unpleasant symptoms that prevent her from experiencing an orgasm.
There are two more common reasons. The girl had never experienced an orgasm before, and with the onset of sexual activity, nothing has changed. A woman can only orgasm with one man, and nothing happens to others.