Agglutination in semen: what to do?

Agglutination in semen: what to do?
Agglutination in semen: what to do?

Some men are horrified when they hear that they have been diagnosed with semen agglutination. Is it that scary? And, most importantly, what should be done next? Please note that this article only describes the problem. You need to get detailed recommendations from your doctor. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. Because of this, you can get even more problems.

agglutination in semen
agglutination in semen

So, let's understand the concepts. In order for spermatozoa to perform their direct functions, they must be functionally and structurally complete. They also need to be able to move easily. But if there is agglutination of spermatozoa, then germ cells stick to each other and cannot move towards the tubes. But this does not mean that a man who has a pathology has never been able to become a father. This disorder is successfully treated. Also, one should not draw conclusions from a single analysis.

How is agglutination detected in a spermogram?

You need to pass a standard semen analysis, during which a laboratory assistant will evaluate the physico-chemical properties of the sample, examine the material under a microscope and evaluate the macroscopic picture. For the results to be reliable, the studyneed to prepare. Within 3-7 days before the tests, you should refrain from sexual intercourse, visiting the bathhouse and drinking alcohol. These factors may just be the cause of temporary agglutination.

how to treat agglutination
how to treat agglutination

Knowing if you have this problem or not is pretty easy. In the results of the analysis there is a column "Agglutination", in which there will be "+" or "-" respectively. If the result is negative, you can breathe easy. In the case when the analysis is positive, pay attention to the number of pluses (from 1 to 4). The higher the index, the more pronounced agglutination in the spermogram. If the result is 3-4 pluses, most likely you have a problem.

False agglutination happens when you prepare for analysis incorrectly. But there are other options as well. Repeat the study after 2 weeks. Moreover, the period of abstinence should be the same as in the first analysis.

How to treat agglutination?

If both analyzes show an impressive number of positives, you need to take 2 more examinations. First, the seminal fluid is sown on nutrient media. The purpose of this analysis is the detection of pathogenic microorganisms. Often the cause of agglutination is an infection, which may not manifest itself at all.

sperm agglutination
sperm agglutination

The second analysis is aimed at detecting antisperm antibodies that destroy spermatozoa. If the assumption is confirmed, then there are immune causes of agglutination.

Next stepsdepend on the results obtained. But don't despair! Agglutination in the semen is a condition that is treatable in the vast majority of cases. If this does not happen, intrauterine insemination is possible. So don't worry ahead of time. Moreover, stress adversely affects the quality of the ejaculate. Be optimistic, make your life he althier, consult good specialists, and you will succeed.
