Leukocytes in semen: causes and main treatments

Leukocytes in semen: causes and main treatments
Leukocytes in semen: causes and main treatments

Spermogram in medicine means a comprehensive and most detailed analysis of sperm, which, in turn, allows you to determine the fertility of absolutely every man, that is, the ability to fertilize. Most often, the need for this test occurs in those couples who seek to have children, but all attempts are in vain. This type of analysis is quite expensive and very complex. In this article, we will talk about such a problem as leukocytes in semen.

white blood cells in semen
white blood cells in semen

General information

This analysis requires male material, namely the sperm itself. The most optimal method for its collection and further research is masturbation in the laboratory after a fairly long abstinence. Of course, to check the white blood cells in the semen, you canuse other methods, but certain time frames and temperatures must be clearly observed.

Semen analysis

  • So, such an analysis is carried out, as a rule, in two stages. First of all, the physical properties of the ejaculate itself are determined (for example, color, quantity, viscosity, etc.). Then the microscopic examination itself is carried out, during which the aforementioned fertility indices are calculated. Such indicators include the following: the presence of mucus, density, gluing of spermatozoa, their viability, whether there are leukocytes.
  • Semen contains, according to experts, seminal fluid itself and a large number of spermatozoa. This fluid is produced in special vesicles or in the prostate gland as a secret. It should be noted that the rate of leukocytes in semen should be approximately 3-5 units (otherwise - 1 million cells per 1 ml of ejaculate). The change in these indicators upwards in medicine is officially called leukocytospermia. Let's talk about this problem in more detail below.
high levels of white blood cells in semen
high levels of white blood cells in semen

What does high white blood cells in semen indicate?

Most likely, the increased content of these cells indicates the presence of inflammatoryprocesses in the body. These pathologies, first of all, include the following:

  • testicular inflammation;
  • chronic prostatitis, congestion directly in the prostate gland;
  • inflammatory processes in the wallsurinary canal;
  • consequences of various diseases transmitted through sexual contact.


leukocyte count in semen
leukocyte count in semen

If a problem such as white blood cells in semen is detected, it is strongly recommended to seek the advice of a qualified doctor and undergo a full examination in order to find out the cause of such changes and, if necessary, further therapy. It should be noted that with this ailment, the treatment is quite long and involves the use of very serious drugs. Otherwise, in the absence of proper therapy, a neglected disease can progress and adversely affect the entire body. Stay he althy!
