Gynecomastia removal: surgery and rehabilitation

Gynecomastia removal: surgery and rehabilitation
Gynecomastia removal: surgery and rehabilitation

Many men often face an unpleasant problem of an aesthetic nature - an increase in the mammary glands. For the representatives of the stronger sex, this seemingly mere trifle often causes serious depression. Raised from childhood on the axioms that men should not complain, they take this rule literally. And they do not turn to plastic surgeons, thinking that by doing so they show weakness. Doctors reassure all gentlemen: the removal of gynecomastia, and this is exactly what professionals call the procedure for returning breasts to a normal shape, is a non-dangerous operation. By agreeing to the intervention, you can permanently get rid of a small flaw in your appearance.

gynecomastia removal
gynecomastia removal

Main Causes of Gynecomastia

As already mentioned, gynecomastia is an increase in the mammary glands in the stronger sex. Breast growth occurs due to swelling of adipose or glandular tissue. This part of the body is hypertrophied. The mammary glands look saggy. Visually, they resemble female breasts. The problem is the result of variousendocrine disorders, cancer, hormonal changes, drug use. People with some chronic ailments suffer from it.

But most often gynecomastia is caused by a violation in the body of the level of female sex hormones - estrogens. Sometimes its development is provoked by a genetic predisposition or certain constitutional features of the body. In this case, doctors offer the gentleman to remove gynecomastia. In men, such recommendations cause a storm of doubt: is it worth it? The operation is definitely necessary, as it is the only option to solve the problem.

removal of gynecomastia in men
removal of gynecomastia in men

What drugs cause disease?

On the removal of gynecomastia, those men who have been diagnosed with the appropriate diagnosis should decide. Unfortunately, sometimes they themselves are to blame for the fact that they "earned" a similar problem. Uncontrolled intake of anabolics often leads to the development of gynecomastia. In an attempt to build muscle quickly, gentlemen begin a course of steroids, which is often unknowingly unbalanced. Some drugs are converted into estrogens and provoke abnormal growth of the mammary glands.

gynecomastia surgery
gynecomastia surgery


There are three types of gynecomastia:

  • True. It is characterized by severe pain. A man feels fullness in his chest, heaviness. Sometimes a clear liquid comes out of the nipple. The structure of the chest is lobulated, dense.
  • False. Pain is not felt. The chest is soft on palpation. Characterized by bilateralovergrowth of lipid tissue. This variety is most often found in men who, after being obese for a long time, have lost a lot of weight.
  • Mixed version. It is characterized by the growth of subcutaneous fat. The chest is greatly enlarged.

In any of the three cases, the representative of the stronger sex will be offered removal. Gynecomastia can only be said "no" with a scalpel.

Indications and contraindications

As already mentioned, the treatment of the problem is surgical. But before agreeing to the removal of gynecomastia, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The surgeon will decide if you have an indication for reduction mammoplasty. Firstly, men with normal weight are allowed to undergo the operation. Secondly, they should not have chronic diseases of the kidneys, lungs and heart. Remember that you should not immediately go under the knife, especially if the problem is not pronounced. Perhaps a set of physical exercises will help to correct the shape and size of the mammary glands. As for adolescents, they are recommended surgery if gynecomastia has been observed for more than two years. It is clear that obesity, the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs, and a mild form of the disease are contraindications for surgical intervention.

after gynecomastia removal
after gynecomastia removal

Preparation for surgery

An operation to remove gynecomastia is prescribed only after a complete examination of the patient. It provides:

  1. Collecting an anamnesis. The doctor asks about all previous diseases and current ones, as well asabout the surgical interventions. He finds out if the patient is allergic to any drugs. The doctor may ask what medications the man is currently taking.
  2. Surveying tests: urine and blood. A coagulogram can be prescribed - checking the coagulability of the latter. In addition, the patient is given an ultrasound and chest x-ray. He without fail donates blood for hormones.

The doctor takes photos of the breast so that after the operation you can evaluate the result by comparing the before and after pictures. Two weeks before the manipulation, heavy smokers are advised to get rid of the bad habit, as the use of nicotine negatively affects the healing process.

male gynecomastia surgery
male gynecomastia surgery

How is the operation going?

An operation to remove gynecomastia in men is performed as follows. First, an incision is made near the edge of the dark circle of the nipple - the alveoli. Sometimes it is placed in the groin - localization depends on the chosen technique. After the incision is made, the doctor excised excess skin and glandular tissue. The wound is then sutured.

When it is necessary to pump out excess subcutaneous fat, a cannula is inserted into a small incision. It is connected to a vacuum machine, which performs liposuction. In any case, after completing the main stages of the procedure, drainage tubes are inserted into the wound. The patient wears them for the first few days, thereby preventing the appearance of hematomas and seromas. A sterile dressing is applied to the wound. The operation usually lasts 1-1.5 hours. It is carried out under general anesthesia.

gynecomastia removal reviews
gynecomastia removal reviews

Post-operative period

After the removal of gynecomastia, the excised tissues are sent for histological examination. It is an obligatory stage of treatment, as it is able to detect the presence of cancer cells - atypical formations. At this time, the doctor makes sure that the patient does not have complications. These include the following issues:

  • Opening bleeding.
  • Hematomas, bruises, bruises, blood clots.
  • Development of infection.
  • Congestive pneumonia.
  • Anesthetic complications.
  • Damage to muscles, nerves, blood vessels.
  • Formation of rough scars.
  • Numbness of the skin in the incision area, change in its color.
  • Fat necrosis.
  • Breast asymmetry.
  • Slow healing.


After gynecomastia surgery, the stronger sex is often in a good mood. The feminine breast disappears, the body takes on masculine contours. Joy overshadows some discomfort in the mammary glands - the patient may feel pain. Analgesics will help calm it down. Of course, the operation is minimally invasive, so the patient will most likely be allowed to go home the very next day after surgery. At the same time, he will need to go to the hospital every day for examination and dressings. You should not be afraid if the operated area swells up. This is the norm. Be careful: avoid sudden and fast movements.

Happyand at night, a man wears compression underwear - this is a prerequisite for maintaining the result obtained by surgery. Do not raise your arms high above your head to avoid stretching the seams. By the way, they can be made with self-absorbable or conventional threads. In the latter case, the stitches will be removed ten to twelve days after the operation. The entire recovery period lasts about three to four weeks.

after gynecomastia surgery
after gynecomastia surgery

Patient testimonials

Men who have undergone gynecomastia removal leave positive reviews. They are satisfied with the quick solution to their problem. Some do not like that for a month you can not play sports. Do not raise your arms, wave them, make sudden movements.

The result of the surgery can be assessed after six weeks. Only after they have passed, the final contour of the breast will be formed in the patient. Men note that thanks to the operation they were able to get rid of at least 50 percent of the volume of excess tissue in this area. In a word, as the reviews say, an operation to remove gynecomastia is a great way to get rid of not only the disease, but also the tormenting complexes. After her, the gentleman will be able to visit saunas, gyms, beaches and swimming pools without shame, his intimate life will improve, and there will be no trace of depression.