Red dots on the head of the male organ: photo, reasons

Red dots on the head of the male organ: photo, reasons
Red dots on the head of the male organ: photo, reasons

Men can be very worried when they find red dots on the glans penis. Guys also experience anxiety about the sometimes rather unpleasant physical appearance of a "spotted" penis and what a sexual partner might think about it. This is quite understandable.

Delicate issue

Various factors can lead to the formation of red dots on the head, the photo of which will not cause pleasant emotions in anyone. Sometimes these rashes cause pain. A medical emergency may then be required.

It's important to know that some red spots on the penis can be completely harmless. Sometimes they can be signs of a more serious condition that needs treatment. If you notice any strange red dots on the head of the male organ without itching or with itching, then it is recommended not to self-medicate and make diagnoses. See a doctor instead.

red dots on the head of the male organ without itching
red dots on the head of the male organ without itching

Point types

Different types of spots on the penisinclude:

  1. Warts are skin-colored sprouts. They usually appear in groups. Warts are not painful, but are highly contagious.
  2. Red sores - essentially a hole in the skin, also known as a chancre.
  3. Blisters are red, fluid-filled spots. They appear in groups. Blisters are a painful symptom of genital herpes. As soon as they burst, these spots become covered with red crusts.
  4. Red itchy patches caused by tick bites. They can be transmitted through close contact with an infected person, including sexual contact. The bites leave red itchy spots on many parts of the body, including the groin and genitals.

Allergic reaction

There are different reasons for the appearance of red dots on the head of the penis. We will consider the main ones below.

Due to an allergic reaction, small red dots may appear on the head of the organ. Chemicals such as spermicides or detergents (soap, shower gel) can affect the penis, resulting in tiny rashes on the penis and foreskin.

Some people may develop itchy bumps on the penis even after protected anal or vaginal intercourse. This can be explained by an allergic reaction. It can develop after using a condom containing spermicide. Sometimes the very material from which the product is made can stimulate an allergic reaction.

Pearl papules

Mother-of-pearl papules or papillomas are small bumps thatusually occur on the head of the male organ. May appear as red dots on the head after intercourse or masturbation.

The cause of this condition is not clearly defined by doctors. But often it is associated with poor sexual hygiene. Pearly papules are harmless and they are not sexually transmitted.

red dots on penis head
red dots on penis head

Fordyce Spots

Outwardly small bumps. May appear on the shaft of the penis, foreskin, glans and scrotum. This type of spots can have the following shade: red, brown or pink, depending on the color of the skin. Absolutely harmless.

Causes: sebum accumulates in the sebaceous gland, forming a raised relief. Often in people with a violation of the amount of cholesterol. Not sexually transmitted and not harmful. Absolutely no need for treatment. May disappear on their own.

Septic spots

Red dots on the head of the male organ may be the result of septic spots. These are tiny, pus-filled pimples that can develop on the skin. May occur due to the accumulation of harmful bacteria on the skin. Septic acne can appear on the penis, glans, and on the skin of the testis. These spots are highly contagious and can spread to other areas of the skin. It is advisable to seek help from a doctor who can help manage them.

red dots on the head of the male organ
red dots on the head of the male organ

Yeast infection (thrush)

Thrush is a condition of the genitals that develops due to malecandidiasis. This is a fungal or yeast infection. It can cause red dots on the glans, foreskin, scrotum and on the penis shaft itself.

Molluscum contagiosum

This is a viral infection characterized by small pimples on the foreskin. Red dots on the head of the penis may contain pus. These rashes can be easily confused with other types of spots on the penis. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Human papillomavirus

This is a sexually transmitted disease that causes genital warts. Bumps appear on the entire penis and on the scrotum. They not only affect the genital parts, but can also appear around the anal area. Genital warts need treatment. They can be pink, brown, ivory or black (depending on skin tone). The characteristic appearance is a bit like a tiny thread of algae. They can grow from a hole at the tip of an organ. Caused by one of the human papillomaviruses. Genital warts are easily passed on during vaginal, oral or anal sex.

Most of them are treated. It is strongly recommended to go to the clinic if you suspect the presence of these formations, in part to make sure the diagnosis is correct.

Lack of timely treatment can increase the risk of cancer. In case these warts persist on areas of the penis, it is important to seek medical attention.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is a disease caused by a simple virusherpes type 2. This is a sexually transmitted infection. May cause sudden development of a small blister on the genitals, which progresses to open sores. At first, the spots look like blisters and fill with a straw-colored liquid, and then they burst, becoming scaly and red. Herpes outbreaks can be painful.

The downside of this condition is that the pimples don't go away completely. And the outbreak of itchy spots on the penis can continue. Medicines can reduce symptoms and reduce the risk of infection.

red dots on the head of an organ in a man
red dots on the head of an organ in a man


Parasitic insects thrive in greasy dirty pubic hair. They can damage the skin of the penis and lead to scarring. Lice can be easily spread from one person to another by sharing a towel or during sexual contact.


May appear on any part of the body, including the penis. Signs of illness: itchy pink-white rash. After drying, white welts may appear.


This is a sexually transmitted infection. Syphilis can appear as red, pink, or white patches on the penis. They can be both on the head and on the foreskin of the penis. After an incubation period of 9 to 90 days, syphilis may show up. Appears on the penis or anywhere else on the genitals.

Depending on skin tone, the color of the spots will be dull red or brown or black. Soon it will be transformed into painless ulcers. What helpsto make this disease so dangerous is that the ulcer goes away soon. After that, you can think that the person was cured. But it's not.


The most common cause is a complication after surgery. This is most common with kidney or pelvic surgery.

However, the lymphocele on the penis is most likely the result of an organ injury. If a person playing sports receives a direct blow to the penis, for example, the lymphatic duct may constrict. A man may grab his penis too tightly while he masturbates, or he may have sex too hard. Thus cause injury to the penis.

What to do? In most cases, genital lymphoceles usually disappear completely on their own within a day or two. For more difficult cases, the man may try to gently massage the affected area. It may be necessary to apply a warm (not hot) towel to the affected area after the massage.

Penile Cancer

May cause bleeding sores/spots. May appear on the head, penis and scrotum. Penile cancer is a serious disease that requires special treatment from a doctor.

red dots on the head of a guy's penis
red dots on the head of a guy's penis

Acne, blackheads

May be a sign of a benign condition that should not be a concern. Pimples develop from ingrown hairs on the skin of the penis.

Hair follicles

Also can cause inflammation and red dots on the headmale organ. Almost all men have a few hairs growing around the base of the penis. And often they extend some distance along the underside of the organ. Hair grows from follicles. Very often they can be quite noticeable. In this case, there is nothing to worry about. In this case, treatment is not required.

Don't have sex with anyone until the spot/pimple is gone. However, if the red dots have not gone away within a week, then be sure to consult your doctor.

When should I see a doctor?

It is advisable to see a doctor if you notice the following on your penis:

  1. When the spots are associated with a strange discharge from the penis.
  2. When an unpleasant smell appears from the points.
  3. If stains are not gone after three weeks of detection.
  4. When bleeding occurs when touched.
  5. With severe itching, discomfort.

You should see a doctor to find out what was causing any red spots.

small red dots on head
small red dots on head


The doctor gives recommendations for treatment after examination. The doctor can make an appropriate diagnosis and prescribe an effective method for getting rid of red spots. Here are some of the common ways that can be used to treat penis spots:

  1. Prescribing medicinal creams and lotion.
  2. Laser treatment.
  3. Surgical removal.
  4. Prescribing antifungals.
  5. red dots on the head of the penis
    red dots on the head of the penis


Spots on the skin or the head of the penis can appear for various reasons. Many of the rashes are easily treated. But without an accurate diagnosis, it is impossible to understand what the problem is and how it should be treated. Not all spots are caused by sexually transmitted infections, but some may be.
