What to do if a guy cums fast?

What to do if a guy cums fast?
What to do if a guy cums fast?

As a rule, the relationship between a man and a woman at the initial stage of development resembles a fairy tale. However, loving hearts cannot always enjoy only spiritual intimacy, sooner or later the moment of physical intercourse comes. Many girls are taken by surprise by the situation when a guy ends quickly. Indeed, at that time the lady had already fallen in love, but it is almost impossible to continue the relationship without enjoying sex.

guy cums fast
guy cums fast

Experts recommend to postpone the breakup and try to fix the situation. Indeed, if otherwise a man behaves with dignity and makes every day in a woman’s life a real holiday, you should not give up. Remember that it is always easier to destroy than to build, and this can be done at any time. In order to determine the method of solving the problem, one should first of all understand the causes that give rise to trouble. For example, almost always a young guy ends quicklydue to little experience of sexual relations. Much less often, the cause of imminent ejaculation is the development of an inflammatory disease of the urethra. In this case, a man should immediately contact a doctor who can prescribe an effective treatment.

my boyfriend cums fast
my boyfriend cums fast

Many women believe that if a guy ends quickly, it means that his partner excites him very much. Of course, such conclusions increase self-esteem, but with the constant absence of a normal sexual life, a woman's mood deteriorates noticeably, and in the end even the strongest couples collapse. A man can conduct a small test to help understand what the problem is. There are many tricks to stop premature ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse. If none of them helps and anyway the guy ends quickly, it makes sense to think about the presence of any disease, so you should seek the advice of a specialist. Among the common physiological causes, it is possible to single out the increased sensitivity of the penis, hormonal imbalance, which is especially acute when there is a lack of testosterone, and, of course, urological diseases. It is not necessary to exclude the psychological causes of the problem. For example, rapid ejaculation may be the result of prolonged depression, regular stress, or other psychological trauma.

if a guy cums fast
if a guy cums fast

So, when a girl complains: "My boyfriend cums fast, what should I do?",experts recommend, first of all, carefully hinting about the existence of such a problem to your partner. After a frank conversation, you should offer your help, a joint solution to the problem will only bring your couple closer. When a guy cums fast, he needs to use a condom as it compresses the penis, which slows down the ejaculation process. Modern manufacturers even offer special condoms coated with an anesthetic, that is, a substance whose action is similar to freezing, which also helps to prolong sexual intercourse. Such a tool as interruption of sexual intercourse is widely popular: after the first wave of arousal has passed, the girl can count on prolonging the process of making love.
