According to doctors, in most cases, redness of the head in men is caused by an inflammatory process. How to understand that it is urgent to make an appointment with a dermatovenereologist? As a rule, inflammation is indicated by symptoms such as severe itching, discomfort during urination, pain during sex. If you experience something like this, be sure to see your doctor. He will conduct a series of tests and prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.

Redness on the head: causes
Among the most common factors that provoke the appearance of red spots, experts call, firstly, allergic reactions (to latex, lubricants, synthetic underwear or detergents). Secondly, all kinds of infections: gardnerellosis, balanitis, genital herpes, etc. If you really suffer from allergies, it will be enough for you to simply stop contact with a substance to which your body reacts in this way. Therefore, doctors advise for some time to abandon condoms and lubricants and observe the reaction. If redness of the scalpdisappeared without a trace, so that was the reason. From now on, you will have to use polyurethane instead of latex condoms (they are hypoallergenic) or resort to some other method of contraception.
Redness on the head, the causes of which may lie not only in diseases of the reproductive system, are quickly eliminated, but rarely appear. Factors that cause a similar effect include:
1. Dysbacteriosis.
2. Diabetes
3. Mechanical injury during intercourse.

As for diagnosing the causes of such a trouble, it consists in eliminating the likelihood of a sexual infection, dysbacteriosis or diabetes mellitus.
As noted above, in such a symptom as redness on the head, the causes can be very diverse. It is possible to facilitate the diagnosis of the disease by relying on concomitant manifestations.

For example, balanitis is characterized not only by bright red spots on the foreskin, but also by peeling of the skin and constant, exhausting itching. Most men acquire this disease during sex. In women, it occurs due to violations of the microflora in the vagina. In order to restore he alth, strict adherence to hygiene rules is recommended. Change your underwear daily, take a shower. Baths with potassium permanganate and furatsilin also help well.
You are tormented by a burning sensation, small bubbles with liquid contents onpenis, redness on the head? The reasons are established by the doctor, but in this case, most likely, you have contracted genital herpes. However, tests must be done to confirm the diagnosis. At the same time, it is very important that both partners complete the course of treatment - otherwise, the therapy will not give any result.
As a rule, if an active search for an ointment from the reddening of the head begins on its own, this leads to increased redness and discomfort, which means the situation worsens. Often the result of such self-medication may be the development of prostatitis or inflammation of the testicles. Therefore, at the first sign of redness or the appearance of any discomfort, you should consult a specialist so that the condition does not worsen.