Bladder volume in men: description, structure, functions

Bladder volume in men: description, structure, functions
Bladder volume in men: description, structure, functions

The bladder is an organ of the urinary (in women) or genitourinary (in men) system, located in the pelvic cavity. Its main purpose: the accumulation and withdrawal of urine. The organ is elastic: it can shrink if the amount of excrement is small, and stretch if there is a lot of urine. The volume of the bladder corresponding to the norm in men and women indicates a he althy functioning of the excretory system. Under the influence of individual factors, the size of the organ can change, which negatively affects he alth in general.

What is the function of the urinary organ

urinary system
urinary system

The organ acts as a reservoir of urine, from which it is subsequently excreted under the action of contraction of the detrusor (smooth muscle).

Due to excretion and reabsorption, secretion and filtration, the kidneys form urine, which accumulates in the bladder. Per daythe human body can produce up to 1.5 liters of liquid excrement. Some medications can affect urine production.

An organ that accumulates urine cannot contain so much. The normal volume of the bladder in men is 350-750 ml. In women, the capacity is somewhat less - 250-550 ml. With the accumulation of 200 ml of excretory fluid in the body, a person feels the urge to deurinate.

The process of urination is carried out with the help of the innervation of the organ.

Why do you need to know the volume of the bladder

Information about the volume of the organ of the urinary system is very significant for establishing the recognition of diseases and making a medical opinion. Such information is obtained using non-invasive studies (ultrasound, sonography). These types of diagnostics not only allow you to find out what volume of the bladder a man or woman has, but also determine the indicators of residual urine.

Calculate the capacity of an organ using formulas. Ultrasound machines use different techniques to automatically calculate volume. In order to make sure that the device accurately performs calculations, they are pre-made manually.

Normal volume of a hollow organ in adults

male and female bladder
male and female bladder

The size of the organ depends on the gender and age of the person. The minimum volume of the bladder of an adult male is normal - 350 ml. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, the smallest capacity of the female hollow organ is 250 ml. The maximum volume for men and women is 750 and 550 mlrespectively.

This difference is due to the localization of the bubble. In the representatives of the weaker sex, the back wall of the organ borders on the organ in which the fetus is born. The indicators change slightly, they are influenced by age, lifestyle, number of pregnancies and childbirth. In men, the bladder is located next to the prostate gland. The urethra can be stretched so easily by the smooth muscles that form the wall of the organ. If the volume of the excretory organ is below or above the norm, it is necessary to analyze its walls.

In the absence of pathologies, the configuration of the organ should be elliptical or cylindrical. The shape of the female bladder has characteristic distinguishing features in comparison with the male one and resembles a cylinder: it is squeezed from above and most expanded on the sides.

A he althy bladder has clear and even outlines. In the filled state, the wall thickness is 2-3 mm, and after emptying - no more than 15 mm. After the act of deurination, urine always remains in the organ, it is called residual. Normally, it should be 50 ml.

What is the normal size of an excretory organ in children

The volume of the bladder in men and women is significantly different from that of a child. The rate of the indicator directly depends on the age of the child. The body begins to form before birth in the womb, and ends when a person reaches 13-14 years. Normally, men have a bladder volume that is almost the same as that of he althy young teenagers.

At puberty, the reproductive organs are finally formed. Until this period, the volume of the hollow organ of the urinarythe system for boys and girls is the same and depends only on how old the child is.

  • up to a year the capacity of the urea is 35-50 ml;
  • 1-3 years - 50-70ml;
  • 3-8 years - 100-200ml;
  • at the age of 8-10 years, the volume of the organ of the urinary system is 200-300 ml;
  • 10-14 years - 300-450 ml.

Puberty in girls comes a little earlier. This affects the size of the organ, which will remain unchanged over time.

How the capacity of an organ is calculated

The more a person knows about his body, the better he will be able to withstand the effects of various negative factors. In order to calculate the volume of the bladder in an adult man or woman, you can use certain formulas:

bladder ultrasound
bladder ultrasound
  • Automatic calculations. The easiest, most accurate and affordable way to count with an ultrasound machine. During the study, the parameters of the bladder are measured: width (W), length (L), height (H). The data is substituted into the formula V (volume)=0.75 x W x L x H.
  • Determination by weight. A person is weighed, the data obtained is inserted into a simple formula: V (volume) u003d m (body weight) x 10. Such calculations are used if a man or woman does not suffer from underweight or excess weight.
  • Cylinder formula. The calculation can be done knowing the parameters of the hollow organ obtained during the ultrasound examination. V=3, 14 x r (radius) 2 x H (height).

What affects the increase in size

enlarged bladder
enlarged bladder

The volume of the bladder in men and women varies slightly throughout life. The factors influencing the modification of an organ are very different and are not always associated with diseases. The capacity of the bubble may decrease or increase due to age characteristics. In women, the main cause of changes in volume is pregnancy and childbirth. Prerequisites for transformation:

  • neurological disorders;
  • surgical operations;
  • chronic inflammation;
  • presence of tumors;
  • polyp formation;
  • course drug therapy.

With the normal functioning of the body, a person goes to pee 8 times during the day. If the desire occurs much less often or more often, this is a serious reason to see a doctor. The main reasons affecting the increase in the body:

  • Cysostomy.
  • Difficult deurination process even with full urea.
  • Stones in the ureter.
  • Pathologies affecting the prostate.
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Hyporeflex bladder.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Salpingoophoritis - inflammation of the ovaries and uterine appendages.

Not always exceeding the maximum volume of the bladder in men and women is a consequence of any pathologies. The cause of the increase may be overwork, lack of sleep. The body is in tension for a long time, and this affects all systems and organs, includingurea.

Incorrect placement or prolonged use of the catheter may contribute to organ enlargement.

Reason for decrease

bladder modification
bladder modification

When the volume decreases, the bladder fills up quickly. There are frequent urges to parure, which brings significant discomfort to a person's life. If such symptoms occur, the necessary diagnosis should be made.

The main factors influencing the decrease in the volume of the bladder in men and women are a violation of innervation and infectious and inflammatory diseases. Among the many pathologies, the following are most common:

  • Diabetic angiopathy.
  • Koch stick lesions (tuberculosis) of the excretory system.
  • Inflammation leading to dysfunction of the urinary mucosa.
  • Non-infectious lesion of the inner lining of the excretory organ (radiation cystitis).
  • Bilharzia.
  • Overactive bladder.

The above diseases are difficult to treat. It is extremely difficult to restore the full functionality of an organ.

Ways to increase the size of the bubble

After conducting all the necessary research, the cause is established. If the volume has decreased due to infectious diseases, course therapy is prescribed. After the patient gets rid of the root cause, the doctor re-diagnoses and, depending on the results, prescribes a conservative or surgical treatment.


To non-surgical methodsinclude:

  • drugs that block the urge to deurinate;
  • hydrodistension is a method in which saline or glycine solution is injected under high pressure into the bladder to enlarge it.

If these procedures are ineffective or there are contraindications to them, surgical methods of therapy are used:

  • Removal of part of the detrusor of the excretory organ.
  • Excision of part of the internal sphincter.
  • Increased urea due to the tissues of another hollow muscular organ (stomach or intestines).
  • Cystectomy.

What needs to be done to reduce the organ of the excretory system

To reduce the volume of the bladder in men and women, conservative therapy is used, as it is considered the most effective.

With a not very strong increase in the organ, the patient is recommended to change his lifestyle (get rid of bad habits, lose weight, review the diet). If this is not enough, the specialist may suggest other treatments:

doctor's recommendations
doctor's recommendations
  • Course of special medicines.
  • Physiotherapy treatments.
  • Therapeutic exercises.

Modifications of the bladder often indicate the presence of abnormalities in the functioning of the body. A timely visit to the doctor will help to avoid chronic pathologies.
