Health 2024, October

Ligament injury: types, signs and symptoms, treatment

Ligament injury: types, signs and symptoms, treatment

Ligament injury - complete or partial violation of the integrity of the ligaments due to traumatic impact. Such pathologies are widespread. Their cause in most cases is a sports or domestic injury. The most commonly affected ligaments are the knee, ankle, and shoulder joints. Ligament injury is usually manifested by pain, increased swelling, limitation of movement and support

Dislocation: signs and treatment

Dislocation: signs and treatment

What is the work of the joint? Varieties of dislocations. Signs and care of the patient

Scalene muscles (syndrome): causes, symptoms, treatment

Scalene muscles (syndrome): causes, symptoms, treatment

What is scalene syndrome? You will learn the answer to this question from the materials of the article in question

Wart on the heel: treatment with liquid nitrogen and celandine

Wart on the heel: treatment with liquid nitrogen and celandine

What is a wart on the heel? How to treat this education at home and in the hospital? You will receive answers to these questions from the materials of the article in question

How to treat transverse flat feet

How to treat transverse flat feet

One of the most common diseases is flat feet. Recently, the diagnosis is being made more and more often. Despite all its harmlessness, in the future it can lead to many problems

The nail is blue. Why nails turn blue: causes of the disease

The nail is blue. Why nails turn blue: causes of the disease

A blue nail is a rather unpleasant sight that you want to get rid of as soon as possible. To do this, you need to know the cause of the blue nail. The reasons can be quite different, ranging from a simple bruise to various hidden diseases of the internal organs

Valgus deformity of the foot: causes, stages, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Valgus deformity of the foot: causes, stages, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

The term "valgus deformity of the feet" refers to a pathological condition in which the height of their arches decreases. At the same time, there is a curvature of their central axis. In patients with a similar diagnosis, the heels and toes are arched outward, and the midfoot is tucked inward. This pathology is most often diagnosed in newborns and children of primary school age. Adults tend to develop valgus deformity of the big toe

Burning in the urethra: causes and treatment

Burning in the urethra: causes and treatment

Burning in the urethra is a condition that often occurs in all people, regardless of gender. This phenomenon can cause discomfort, it usually occurs for several reasons. It is provoked not only by a sexually transmitted disease, but also by an allergic reaction or injury to the urethra as a result of cystoscopy, as well as other factors, which we will discuss later

Margelon's disease: does it exist?

Margelon's disease: does it exist?

Margelon's disease is a rather rare and currently not fully understood disease, the causes of which remain unknown. A sign of this problem is severe damage to the skin, as well as some disorders of the nervous system, including prolonged depression

Treating constipation in a young child

Treating constipation in a young child

Constipation can be considered feces, which has a very dense texture and causes pain during bowel movements. Children do not react to constipation with anxiety or crying, although it causes pain in the abdomen. However, remember that the treatment of constipation in a child should be carried out without fail

Biliary dyskinesia: symptoms and treatment

Biliary dyskinesia: symptoms and treatment

Biliary dyskinesia is a disease in which there is a violation of the motor function of the gallbladder itself and its ducts. In this article we will talk about the main symptoms and modern methods of treating this disease

Chronic hepatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic hepatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Currently, the problem of chronic hepatitis is extremely relevant. According to statistics, 5% of the world's population suffer from the disease. This diagnosis combines a group of liver pathologies, each of which has different causes and symptoms. The diagnosis of "chronic hepatitis" is made if the disease cannot be eliminated for at least 6 months

Hemeralopia is Description of the disease, causes, methods of treatment, reviews

Hemeralopia is Description of the disease, causes, methods of treatment, reviews

Hemeralopia is one of the serious vices concerning the visual analyzer. This is a disorder of twilight vision, which is characterized by a severe decrease in the ability to navigate in the dark. In the people, hemeralopia is "night blindness." This name is given to the disease because of the analogy with the features of vision in birds

Reactive states - what is it?

Reactive states - what is it?

Doctors call a reactive state a disorder that occurs as a response of the body to the impact of an adverse factor. This term is used in both somatic medicine and psychiatry. Harmful conditions can cause both disruption of the internal organs and damage to mental he alth. In the first case, the cause of deviations is bodily ailments, and in the second - serious mental trauma. Such pathologies are usually temporary, but need treatment

Alcoholic depression: symptoms, causes

Alcoholic depression: symptoms, causes

Depression in those people who are prone to drinking alcoholic beverages is considered a common occurrence. Why? Now let's figure it out

Itching and peeling in the ear: causes and methods of treatment

Itching and peeling in the ear: causes and methods of treatment

Most people have experienced itchy ears at least once in their lives. As a rule, such a symptom indicates insufficient hygiene of the hearing organ or that water has entered it during water procedures. But if the feeling of discomfort is permanent, other alarming signs have been added to it, there are reasons to suspect an infectious pathology. The following are the most likely causes of itchy ears

Inflammation of the eyelid: photo, how to treat?

Inflammation of the eyelid: photo, how to treat?

Inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis) and other diseases characterized by damage to the skin folds around the eyes should be treated in the same way as any other disease - only after determining the exact cause. This pathological condition is one of the most common reasons for visiting an ophthalmologist

Herpes on the face: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Herpes on the face: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Diseases of this type are manifested in the form of tiny blisters that occur on various parts of the body. Most often, such rashes occur on the face. Usually, herpes is located near the lips, on the wings of the nose, forehead, cheeks, and the most unpleasant location is on the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose. These rashes are caused by herpes simplex type 1

Diathesis in an infant: causes and treatment

Diathesis in an infant: causes and treatment

The article talks about diathesis in childhood, its etiology and signs, as well as methods for treating this skin lesion

Scrofula in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Scrofula in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Scrofula means a skin disease that is provoked by the presence in the body of the so-called tubercle sticks. It, according to experts, is related to tuberculosis, but is much more effective in treatment. Most often, scrofula is diagnosed in a child, but this disease also occurs in the adult generation. In this article, we will consider the main symptoms of this disease, as well as modern methods of treatment

Crusts on the head: causes and treatment

Crusts on the head: causes and treatment

Crusts on the head in adults most often appear due to an allergic skin reaction to any irritant. But there are other factors that provoke the appearance of crusts on the head

Bone tuberculosis: symptoms and treatment

Bone tuberculosis: symptoms and treatment

Bone tuberculosis is an acute, progressive, highly destructive disease. This type of disease is accompanied by active inflammatory processes. As a result of the disease, deforming processes of the musculoskeletal system begin

Osteoarthritis of the ankle joints: causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment

Osteoarthritis of the ankle joints: causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment

The movable bone joint between the foot and lower leg during walking experiences loads exceeding body weight by 7 times. Lifting weights, standing for a long time, and being overweight also adversely affect him. These loads can lead to the development of such a serious pathology as osteoarthritis of the ankle joints. Consider what kind of ailment it is, what is provoked and how to deal with it

The hand does not rise: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

The hand does not rise: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

If a person does not raise one or both hands, this indicates the development of a pathological process in the joints or muscle tissue. If this alarming sign occurs, especially accompanied by painful sensations, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will issue a referral for a comprehensive examination and, based on its results, will draw up the most effective treatment regimen

Talus of the foot: anatomy and injuries

Talus of the foot: anatomy and injuries

The talus of the foot is one of the most important in the human body. It provides the possibility of normal movement, controls the work of the ankle. Fracture of the talus is a rare injury, but very complex and requires a long course of treatment

Ankle sprain: treatment and consequences

Ankle sprain: treatment and consequences

Ankle sprain is a serious injury that can take a person out of working condition for a long time. How to act with stretching in order to quickly bounce back?

Treatment of a fractured nose: general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs, alternative methods of treatment

Treatment of a fractured nose: general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs, alternative methods of treatment

When the nose is broken, there is a violation of the integrity of the bones with or without displacement of the fragments. Fractures can lead to swelling, tenderness, bruising, abnormal mobility, and so on. The diagnosis can usually be made simply by the clinical picture. Treatment of a nasal fracture with or without displacement includes reduction (if necessary), stabilization with tampons, conservative therapy

Some information about what arm fractures are

Some information about what arm fractures are

One of the most common types of injuries (especially domestic ones) are fractures of the arm, more precisely the bones of the upper limb: the humerus, radius, ulna and bones of the hand. Due to the prevalence of this damage, you need to know its main signs and first aid techniques

Fractures of the facial bones: symptoms, treatment methods, rehabilitation

Fractures of the facial bones: symptoms, treatment methods, rehabilitation

Fractures of the bones of the face appear for a number of reasons, most often associated with sports. They can result from contact between athletes (headbutts, punches, elbows), contact with gear and equipment (ball, puck, handlebars, gym equipment) or contact with the environment or obstacles (trees, walls). Some sports (football, baseball, hockey) have a high percentage of facial injuries

Symptoms and treatment of dysuria in men and women. Dysuria is

Symptoms and treatment of dysuria in men and women. Dysuria is

Dysuria is a so-called urination disorder, in which this process is accompanied by painful sensations. Moreover, with this kind of disease, the need for urination itself occurs several times more often. In this article, we will tell you as much as possible about this very popular ailment, and also consider what symptoms of dysuria are distinguished by specialists

Herniated lumbar disc: treatment and consequences

Herniated lumbar disc: treatment and consequences

The biggest load falls on the lumbar region, because it is one of the most mobile parts of the trunk, and the center of balance is localized here. In this regard, all the factors described above provoke the development of a herniated disc in the lumbar region, the symptoms of which are simply impossible to miss

Diseases of the stomach: symptoms, treatment, diet. Diagnosis and prevention of stomach diseases

Diseases of the stomach: symptoms, treatment, diet. Diagnosis and prevention of stomach diseases

The stomach is a hollow muscular organ that performs an important function in the body related to digestion. The process of digesting food is quite complicated, so any diseases of the stomach and duodenum can adversely affect the functioning of the whole organism and cause serious disruptions in other systems

Stridor breathing in a baby. Symptoms and treatment

Stridor breathing in a baby. Symptoms and treatment

The birth of a child is happiness for all parents, who has been waiting for nine months. During pregnancy, a woman periodically visits a gynecologist for examinations and undergoes additional tests. All this is necessary in order to be sure of the full development of the fetus inside the womb

Restrictive respiratory failure: symptoms, causes, treatment

Restrictive respiratory failure: symptoms, causes, treatment

Various chronic and acute pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system (pneumonia, bronchiectasis, atelectasis, disseminated processes in the lung, cavernous cavities, abscesses, etc.), anemia, and lesions of the nervous system can lead to defects in lung ventilation and the occurrence of respiratory failure. , hypertension of the pulmonary circulation, tumors of the mediastinum and lungs, vascular diseases of the heart and lungs, etc

Senile dementia: symptoms, treatment, how long they live

Senile dementia: symptoms, treatment, how long they live

It is difficult to determine the further prognosis for a person without treatment of the symptoms of this pathology. But at the same time, complex treatment is important in order to slow down the degradation process. Senile dementia, or otherwise this phenomenon is also called dementia, has characteristic symptoms. We will discuss the symptoms and treatment options for this pathological process below

Urinary diathesis: causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment, reviews

Urinary diathesis: causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment, reviews

Urinary diathesis is a metabolic disorder in which urates and oxalates accumulate in the body. There is also an increased level of purines and uric acid. Over time, this can lead to the development of urolithiasis and gout. How does this pathology manifest itself? And how to get rid of excess s alts in the body? We will answer these questions in the article

Cystitis: complications, causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Cystitis: complications, causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Inflammation of the bladder is a very common disease of the genitourinary system, especially among women, in whom it occurs much more often than men. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure. Of the 10 cases of the development of this disease, only 2 occur in men. The disease can appear at any age

Bladder infection: possible causes, pathogens, symptoms, treatment methods, the need for antibiotics, advice from urologists and nephrologists

Bladder infection: possible causes, pathogens, symptoms, treatment methods, the need for antibiotics, advice from urologists and nephrologists

A bladder infection is one of the most common diseases that affects people of all ages. The disease manifests itself very unpleasantly - accompanied by fever, muscle pain and general weakness of the body. Sometimes these symptoms are joined by other ailments that make you constantly run to the toilet. The most common cause of the disease is bacteria, viruses, fungi, or chlamydia

Pollinosis: symptoms of the disease in adults and children

Pollinosis: symptoms of the disease in adults and children

One of the types of rhinitis is spring hay fever. How to recognize this disease and not confuse it with others?

Symptom of erosive gastritis. Exacerbation of erosive gastritis: symptoms, treatment

Symptom of erosive gastritis. Exacerbation of erosive gastritis: symptoms, treatment

What is the first symptom of erosive gastritis in humans? If you do not own this information, then we will answer it in detail in the presented article. In addition, we will tell you about what types of this disease exist, as well as how they are diagnosed and treated