In the article we will consider how to treat herpes on the face.
Diseases of this type appear as tiny blisters that appear on various parts of the body. Most often, such rashes appear on the face. Usually, herpes is located near the lips, on the wings of the nose, forehead, cheeks, and the most unpleasant location is on the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose. These rashes are caused by herpes simplex type 1. In total, there are 8 different types of the virus, the rest are much less common.

So, how does herpes appear on the face?
Almost everyone knows what this ailment looks like on the face. Its appearance can be predicted by a specific tingling on the lips. At this stage, it is still possible to prevent the spread of the disease by using special antiviral drugs or folk remedies.
Symptoms of herpes on the face will also help to recognize the doctor.
But if you miss this time, then small bubbles begin to appear on the upper edge of the lip,which rapidly increase in size and quantity. The diameter of such vesicles can be from one to five millimeters, and their appearance is accompanied by severe itching. Inside the bubbles contain a cloudy liquid and you can feel pain while touching them. You can, of course, pierce these bubbles or burn these places with alcohol, but this will not solve the problem.
In addition to external formations, herpes on the face also causes discomfort with its fever and ailments. Lymph nodes that are located near the rashes may become inflamed or enlarged.

Usually, herpes on the face goes through 4 stages of development:
- appearance of tingling, itching, tingling in the area where the bubble will soon appear;
- inflammation, bubbles with liquid inside appear on the skin and mucous membranes;
- bubbles burst, internal fluid leaks out, sores form;
- a crust appears.
On average, the passage of all stages does not last more than ten days. The most dangerous stage is the third, when the internal fluid, which contains a large number of viruses, begins to flow out, thereby re-infecting the wound. At the same time, other bacteria or viruses can enter the wound and further aggravate the situation.
Many people know what herpes looks like on the face. But in addition to the popular localization on the lips, it can appear on any part of the body:
- cheeks, nose, forehead,chin;
- nasal mucosa;
- eye mucosa - conjunctivitis, which is caused by herpes viruses;
- ears;
- mouth.
Many people do not accept the appearance of such pimples on the face as a manifestation of herpes. For example, most people are not even aware of the appearance of herpes on the ear.
What causes the disease?
The occurrence of herpes on the face of a child may be the result of the manifestation of herpes zoster or shingles. Herpes zoster is slightly different from the simple one, it is larger with painful blisters. Its consequences are neuralgia on the face, discomfort, pain, numbness, tingling, high sensitivity, headache, itching appear at the site of the rash.
A herpes lesion can be very large, it can cover the entire face with blisters. In addition to painful sensations, such herpes can be dangerous because the blisters often do not pass without a trace and leave behind small scars.

Why does herpes appear on the face in adults
The main cause of a rash on the face is a virus. Most of the world's population has it, but many have never noticed such symptoms. The virus is transmitted by skin contact or through the exchange of bodily fluids. Also, most people get it at birth, it is inherited. Under normal conditions, it can be stored on any surface for up to a day.
Such a virus can live in the human body for quite a long time, but it does not manifest itself in any way. But as a result of certain conditions, hemay show itself as bubbles on the face or other parts of the body.
What can cause herpes on the face:
- colds - influenza, SARS and the like;
- hypothermia;
- exacerbations of chronic diseases;
- seasonal vitamin deficiency;
- stress;
- prolonged fatigue, overexertion.
Thus, any decrease in the immune system is an impetus for the reproduction of the virus and its manifestation on the face. Also, the reasons for the appearance of herpes on the cheeks or other parts of the body are sudden weight loss, alcohol abuse and smoking.
Does a child get herpes on the face?
In children
A child can have herpes anywhere. You can associate herpetic appearance with poor hygiene. As a rule, the virus is transmitted to children by household means, and quickly enough. For infection with herpes, adults need the virus to get on the mucous membrane, and children become infected even through the skin. Usually herpes in children is located on the wings of the nose or near the eyes. Often there are cases when herpetic vesicles occur in the mouth (stomatitis).
It is important to know that children are extremely difficult to tolerate herpes. If it is not treated in time, more serious illnesses, such as pneumonia or meningitis, may develop.
Children's herpes is dangerous because the child is not able to endure itching and begins to comb the wounds, and if the hands are dirty, the wound is re-infected and the herpes spreads even more on the face.
Let's consider how to treat herpes on the face.

This disease, unfortunately, is considered incurable. And when they ask about how to cure herpes on the face, they usually mean the elimination of external manifestations. The virus, after it settles in the body, remains in it forever, it can only be controlled and its activity reduced.
In order to cure an ailment, drugs are used, and folk remedies are used to alleviate the condition.
Before you start treating herpes, you need to know that you need to approach this disease in a complex way and treatment should include:
- taking antiviral drugs;
- general strengthening of immunity;
- use of ointments and creams that have a wound healing effect;
- antiviral special agents for the treatment of herpes on the face.
Antivirals against herpes are presented in different forms. It can be tablets, creams or injections.
How to cure herpes on the face for sure?
These drugs have proven their effectiveness:
- "Aciclovir";
- Famciclovir;
- Valacyclovir.

All other drugs were created on the basis of these drugs, although they have other names: V altrex, Zovirax, Gerpeval and others.
Drugs are chosen depending on the symptoms and the number of rashes. In the case of single rashes on the lips, you can apply a cream that is applied up to six times a The most effective ointments for herpes on the face are: Zovirax, Acyclovir, Vivorax, Viru-Merz Serol, Fenistil Penicivir. Ointments for colds on the face are used for five days. If there is no effect, you will need to see a doctor.
How herpes looks like on the face, you can see in the photo.
In the case when there are a lot of rashes and an elevated temperature, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he picks up an antiviral agent. You also need to use creams and ointments. With a strong spread of herpes, Acyclovir is prescribed intravenously.
If rashes rarely bother you (once, twice a year), then you can limit yourself to home treatment. If this happens often, complex therapy is needed, because conventional treatment can lead to the fact that the virus will become stronger and more frequent and more painful.

Herpes medicines can have a bad effect on the liver or cause allergies, but without them it will be difficult to cope with the disease. Preparations for herpes are forbidden to be taken by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children. If, however, the need arises, this issue should be discussed with the doctor. There are drugs that are safe for children and pregnant women - this is oxolin ointment for herpes on the face and Bonafton in tablets. Also, Bonafton ointment is very effective for treating herpes on the eyes.
It must be recalled that any medication can be taken no more than twoweeks.
Immunostimulating drugs
Immunostimulating drugs are used for the treatment and prevention of the disease. They all have an antiviral effect. Among these funds can be noted:
- "Derinat" improves immunity and has no contraindications;
- Likopid is an immunostimulant that children are allowed to take (once a day for 10 days);
- "Cycloferon" - an injectable drug, is given in two courses according to a special scheme prescribed by a doctor, with breaks of two weeks, it is also allowed to use children under 4 years old;
- "Viferon" is prescribed for the first symptoms of herpes on the face (tingling or tingling), the course consists of seven days, there are no contraindications and restrictions.
In this case, folk remedies show quite good results, for example, echinacea tincture, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Take it daily - stir two tablespoons of tincture in one glass of water. The course of therapy is from 10 to 14 days.
The causes of herpes on the face can be varied. This may be a virus already present in the human body or a primary infection. To avoid infection with the virus, you need to observe personal hygiene. This applies in particular to children. If someone at home suffers from herpes, you should provide the sick person with their own dishes, it is advisable to wear a mask, do not kiss children or other family members, be careful in everything.

Why does herpes occur onface? It usually affects a person who has a weak immune system. Therefore, you should follow these rules:
- keep a he althy lifestyle;
- do not catch a cold;
- take vitamin complexes;
- do not overwork.
If you follow these recommendations, you will no longer have to look for answers to the question: "How to get rid of herpes."