If a person does not raise one or both hands, this indicates the development of a pathological process in the joints or muscle tissue. If this alarming sign occurs, especially accompanied by painful sensations, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will issue a referral for a comprehensive examination and, based on its results, will draw up the most effective treatment regimen. It is necessary to consult a doctor without delay, since a number of diseases in which the arm does not rise and the shoulder hurts can be cured without surgical intervention only at an early stage of their development.

Most Likely Causes
First of all, it is necessary to exclude the presence of an injury. Often, it is after receiving various kinds of injuries that the arm does not rise and the shoulder hurts. The consequences of trauma can be both early and long-term. In the first casewarning signs appear immediately after receiving damage.
These include:
- When a dislocation or fracture occurs, the limb is in an unnatural position for it. The shoulder joint may also be deformed.
- Sharp pain both at rest and when trying to perform any motor activity.
- Swelling in the joint area. This symptom appears about half an hour after the injury.
- Difficulties when trying to move the limb, the arm does not rise at the shoulder joint or does not bend at the elbow.
- On palpation, the intensity of pain increases.
- A few hours later, a hematoma forms at the site of the injury.
The consequences of damage may not appear immediately, but after a long time. In such cases, if the hand is not raised, this may indicate cicatricial changes in the ligaments and tendons, as well as the development of contracture. In such situations, complex rehabilitation is required using various manual therapy techniques.
If the hand is not raised, the cause may be diseases of the joints and muscle tissue. Most often, a pathological condition occurs against the background of the development of the following ailments:
- Periarthritis of the humeroscapular. The disease is a consequence of regular high-intensity exercise. In addition, the cause of its development can be a shoulder injury. Pain is the main symptom. They are localized in the muscle tissue in the shoulder area. At the initial stage of development, the pain is tolerable, over time itexpression intensifies. At the same time, a person’s arm does not rise in the shoulder joint, and it is also almost impossible to move the limb behind the back.
- Arthrosis. This is a pathological condition characterized by the development of changes in the tissues of the shoulder joint. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed in the elderly. Also, the causes of the pathology can be injuries and long-term stress on the shoulder joint. At an early stage in the development of arthrosis, patients complain of moderate pain. Gradually, its intensity increases. In addition, a person’s hands do not rise up, it is difficult or not at all possible to spread them in different directions.
- Arthritis. This term refers to a pathological condition that develops in the joints. In the presence of this disease, a person suffers from regular aching pain. Arthritis can develop in one or both joints at once. With physical activity, the intensity of pain increases. As the disease progresses, the discomfort does not recede even at night during sleep.
- Bursitis. This is an inflammatory process that occurs in two forms: aseptic and infectious. In the first case, the disease is the result of regular stress on the shoulder. As a rule, professional athletes suffer from bursitis. In the second case, the cause of the development of pathology is microbial infection. Symptoms of bursitis: pronounced painful sensations of a pulsating nature, the arm does not rise in the shoulder, weakness, chills, redness of the skin in the affected area, swelling. In addition, the positionjoint changes even with slight physical exertion.
- Tendinitis. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in loaders and professional athletes. In the presence of pathology, a person is concerned about pain of an acute or aching nature. Its severity decreases when the limb is at rest.
- Myositis. This term refers to the inflammatory process, which involves the neck muscles and shoulder joint. The main causes of the disease: hypothermia, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, including during sleep. Symptoms of myositis: intolerable painful sensations of an acute nature, radiating to the arm and to the area between the shoulder blades, tense muscles in the focus of pathology, limitation of motor activity (the neck turns with difficulty, the arm does not rise), numbness. Usually only one side of the body is affected.
For an accurate diagnosis, it is important which limb is difficult to perform physical activity. If the right arm does not rise, joint problems are the most likely cause. Less often lead to a pathological condition: right-sided pneumonia, tuberculosis, metastases from a nearby localized tumor and chondrosarcoma.
If the left arm hurts and does not rise, this may indicate a myocardial infarction, angina, herniated disc, infringement of the brachial nerve.
Since there are many reasons for the development of a pathological condition, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. Only a specialist can provide information as to why notarm goes up and shoulder hurts.

Who to contact
First of all, it is recommended to make an appointment with a therapist. The doctor will examine the patient, identify the lesion and refer him for a comprehensive diagnosis. Based on the results of the research, it will become clear which specialist will draw up a treatment regimen and monitor the patient in the future.
If it hurts and the hands don't go up, the therapist can refer to:
- rheumatologist;
- traumatologist;
- orthopedist;
- oncologist;
- neurologist;
- allergist;
- cardiologist.
In some cases, it is necessary to consult several narrow specialists at once.
When hands hurt and don't lift, it's important to identify the cause as soon as possible. This is due to the fact that many pathologies at an early stage of development are easily amenable to conservative methods of treatment, which makes it possible to avoid surgical intervention and all kinds of complications.
The most informative diagnostic methods:
- X-ray examination. With its help, it is possible to assess the condition of the joint, identify injuries and degenerative changes. In addition, during the study, the degree of cartilage damage is determined.
- Magnetic resonance imaging. Allows you to get the most complete information about various lesions. It is also possible to evaluate changes in periarticular tissues using MRI.
- Computed tomography. In the course of the study, the doctor determines the nature of the course of the pathological process. Based on the results of CT, the most effective treatment regimen is drawn up.
- Ultrasound. With the help of this study, it is possible to identify and assess the degree of changes in the shoulder area.
In addition, laboratory diagnostic methods are prescribed: blood tests (general and biochemical), urine and feces. Sometimes a study of liquid connective tissue for rheumatic tests is carried out.

First Aid
As to if the hand is not raised, what to do. First of all, it is necessary to take a pose in which painful sensations are expressed the least weakly. The limb must be fixed or at rest. After that, you need to take some kind of analgesic, for example, "Baralgin" or "Analgin", and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ("Diclofenac", "Nimesulide", "Voltaren", "Ibuprofen").
After these events, you need to call the attending physician at home. Prior to his arrival, it is forbidden to take medicines, except for the above. It is also impossible to use local warming ointments and compresses. This is due to the fact that their action enhances the severity of painful sensations. The expediency of their use in the future is evaluated exclusively by a specialist.
Drug therapy
If the hand does not rise and the pain in the joint is pronounced, self-medication is unacceptable. Any drug should be prescribed only on the basis of the results of a comprehensive examination.
The goal of drug therapy is to relieve pain andprevention of involvement in the pathological process of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus.
The standard treatment regimen includes the following items:
- Reduce discomfort. As a rule, "Papaverine" or "Baralgin" is prescribed. The drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly.
- Stop the spread of the pathological process. For this purpose, "Nimesil", "Movalis" and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
- Restoration of damaged cartilage tissue. Chondroxide and Chondrolon showed the greatest efficiency.
- Strengthening the body. During treatment, it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes.
In some cases additionally indicated: immunotherapy, novocaine blockade, muscle relaxants.
If the disease is detected at a late stage, a decision is made regarding the advisability of surgical intervention.

Other conservative treatments
Against the background of drug therapy, it is additionally necessary to conduct healing procedures.
To alleviate the general condition, the doctor prescribes exercise therapy. There is a set of exercises that helps to reduce the severity of pain. If the hand does not rise at all, it is not necessary to make movements through force. If acute unbearable pain occurs, the session must be completed.
Complex of exercises:
- Sit on a chair and put your hands on your waist. Slowly begin to rotate your shoulders back and forth. Runtime - 10minutes.
- Sitting on a chair, lock your hands together. Slowly pull the limbs down until mild pain occurs. When it appears, return to the starting position.
- Put the affected limb on the opposite shoulder. The palm should be facing up. With a he althy hand, clasp the elbow and lift it as far as possible. It should slowly slide over the chest and not come off it. As soon as the elbow rises to the maximum possible height, it must be fixed in this position for 15 seconds. After the specified time, you must return to the starting position.
- Sitting on a chair, pull back the affected limb. After that, the elbow must be bent at a right angle. In this position, move your shoulders forward until pain appears. Then, for a few seconds, the muscles need to be relaxed and the exercise repeated.
Movements should be smooth. Sharp jerks do not lead to a positive result, but only aggravate the course of the pathology.
You can speed up recovery with the help of physiotherapy methods. Currently, the following procedures are most commonly prescribed:
- Electrophoresis.
- UHF.
- Laser therapy.
- Washing.
- Ozokyrite.
- Mud baths.
In addition, if the joint or muscle tissue is affected, massage is useful. It is recommended that you contact a professional to carry it out. Self-massage can be harmful to he alth. During the procedure, the specialist performs manipulations,contributing to the stabilization and strengthening of muscles, ligaments and ligaments. In addition, the function of the affected limb is restored.
Therapeutic gymnastics, massage and physiotherapy are what you need to keep your hand working. A person improves blood circulation, due to which metabolic processes are accelerated and there is an increased production of collagen and chondrocytes. As a result, after the course of treatment, the level of synovial fluid inside the joint and in the bag reaches normal values.

Folk methods
It is important to understand that at home it is impossible to completely get rid of serious ailments (bursitis, arthrosis, tendonitis, etc.). However, with the help of non-traditional methods, it is possible to reduce pain, improve limb mobility and enhance the effectiveness of medications.
Most Effective Recipes:
- Melt 100 g of lard. Add to it 2 tbsp. l. hypericum and cinquefoil. Herbs must be dried and ground. It is allowed to add to the tool 1 tbsp. l. red pepper powder, but only after the permission of the doctor, as the compress will turn out to be warming. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply a compress to the affected area for several hours.
- Effective in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is propolis. It is necessary to treat the joint area with an ointment based on it. If possible, it is recommended to place a few pieces of clean cotton cloth in the hive in advance (in autumn). By spring they will soakpropolis through. This advice is relevant for rural residents who regularly suffer from various ailments.
- In 500 ml of water, dilute 1 tbsp. l. vinegar. Soak a linen cloth in the resulting liquid and apply it to the affected area. Top with a warm scarf. It is recommended to do a compress at night.
It is important to understand that the use of traditional methods does not exclude the need to seek medical help.

General recommendations
If the hand does not rise when the shoulder is bruised, dislocated or sprained, complex treatment can be carried out even at home. But at the same time, it is first necessary to undergo a diagnosis so that the doctor can exclude the presence of serious ailments.
The treatment regimen includes medication, regular exercise, physical therapy, and the use of non-traditional methods. In addition, it is important to follow the principles of proper nutrition at least for the duration of therapeutic measures.
Vegetable oils must be present in the diet (it is recommended to give preference to linseed and olive). Fatty, fried, smoked, s alty, spicy dishes must be excluded from the menu. All food should be steamed, it can also be consumed boiled. You need to eat 4-5 times a day, while the size of one serving is no more than 200 g.
It is important to drink enough fluids. At least 1.5 liters of non-carbonated water should be consumed per day. Alcoholic beverages must be completely abandoned.
The hand can stop rising for a number of reasons, but the risk of developing such a pathological condition can be reduced. Initially, you need to adequately assess your physical abilities. Bruises, torn ligaments, fractures and other injuries are most often diagnosed in people who are not ready for high-intensity loads, but who are exposed to them. In addition, regular exercise of therapeutic exercises is an effective preventive measure.
It is also important to treat existing diseases of the joints of a chronic nature in a timely manner. To prevent relapse, you need to adjust the diet in accordance with the principles of a he althy diet and have regular check-ups with a doctor.
It is important to remember that if the hand is not raised, this may indicate pathologies of the nervous or cardiovascular systems. If the pain persists and the motor function of the limb is not restored, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In closing
If it hurts and the hand does not rise, this may indicate a variety of pathological conditions. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the presence of injuries. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact a therapist. The specialist will prescribe a comprehensive examination and, based on its results, may refer you to a rheumatologist, oncologist, orthopedist, etc.
The treatment regimen for the disease includes medication, physiotherapy, exercise therapy and massage. In addition, it is recommended to make adjustments to the dietsupply.
The use of folk methods is also allowed. But it is important to get the doctor's permission first, as some healing agents can worsen the patient's condition, especially warm compresses.
To prevent the development of pathology, it is necessary to regularly perform simple exercises and treat detected ailments in a timely manner.