Dysuria is a so-called urination disorder, in which this process is accompanied by painful sensations. Moreover, with this kind of disease, the need for urination itself occurs several times more often. In this article, we will talk about this very popular ailment, and also consider what symptoms of dysuria are distinguished by specialists.
Main reasons

To date, there are a large number of factors that provoke the development of such a disease as dysuria. These are, first of all, various kinds of inflammatory processes in the bladder itself. Quite rarely, this disease appears due to tuberculosis or stones directly in the ureter. Dysuria in women, as a rule, occurs due to inflammation in the genital organs, as well as due to uterine cancer. In addition, general factors in the form of negative emotions or a variety of psychogenic reactions can contribute to this disease. In acute cystitis, dysuria in men is accompanied bypainful urination, which can occur at any time of the day. As a rule, there are such strong urges that the patient literally cannot hold urination. Due to the fact that the suction itself from the bladder is relatively small, the body temperature in cystitis is most often subfebrile, that is, it varies from 37 to approximately 37.5 degrees.
Primary signs of illness

According to experts, one of the symptoms of prostatitis common in men is just dysuria. Everyone knows this for sure. However, in order to distinguish this kind of disease, doctors should pay attention to the following phenomena: excessive sweating, chills, a relatively sharp increase in body temperature, tachycardia. The thing is that during the period of illness, it is these parameters that most often increase.
With such a diagnosis as dysuria, men are required to check the body for the presence of stones in the bladder itself, as well as prostate adenoma. Note that with such ailments, this diagnosis most often occurs in the elderly population of the male half of humanity. The disorder of urination, which occurs due to the fault of the adenoma, is expressed mainly at night, during the day the disease does not manifest itself so clearly. If there are stones in the bladder, then the disease manifests itself, as a rule, with serious physical exertion, walking, road shaking, etc.
The primary symptoms of prostate cancer are frequent urge to urinate, which in turn is already accompanied bypainful sensations, and upon completion there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder itself. This situation is especially typical at night.
Note that if tuberculous phenomena consistently develop in the bladder, then dysuria also develops. It happens gradually, not all at once. First of all, patients begin to complain of frequent urination without any serious pain. After just a few days, discomfort and pain appear, the urine itself is excreted in small portions, often with blood impurities.
Dysuria in women, however, as in men, can often be a companion of urolithiasis. Note that patients tend to experience frequent urges to go to the toilet, but only a small amount of urine is excreted.

When primary symptoms appear, doctors strongly recommend seeking qualified help without delay. Note that before prescribing the therapy itself, the specialist must diagnose the disease in order to determine the root cause. As a rule, a number of instrumental and laboratory studies are prescribed. When making a final diagnosis, the doctor most often focuses on the results of an ultrasound examination of the kidneys and the bladder itself, directly on the analysis of urine, its sensitivity to certain antibiotics and on the flora. In the presence of various kinds of disorders of a neuralgic nature, the patient is additionally assigned MRI, computed tomography. Only after allthe above manipulations, you can already proceed to the therapy itself.
Dysuria disease: treatment

First of all, the treatment of this disease should be aimed at reducing pain and discomfort. If the problem appeared due to the consistent development of the so-called urolithiasis, prostatitis or a very common cystitis, doctors recommend using heat, subcutaneously injecting Atropine or Papaverine. As for painkillers, the following remedies have proven themselves on the good side: rectal suppositories with belladonna or anesthetic substances - "Anestezin", "Promedol", as well as microclysters with the drug "Amidopyrin".
If the disease is moderate, then experts resort to the help of various analgesics (for example, drugs "Amidopirin" or "Analgin"). If during the diagnosis it was not possible to identify the true causes that led to the development of this disease, doctors prescribe antispasmodics and analgesics, but heat should be completely excluded. The thing is that heat is categorically contraindicated in the development of tuberculosis phenomena directly in the bladder. Note that the choice of specific drugs in this case depends on several factors: the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, the presence of complications, etc. That is why in no case should you self-medicate. Otherwise, you can only harm your body and not defeat the problem.

When is hospitalization necessary?
In the acute form of the disease, as a rule, emergency hospitalization is required. The thing is that even a slight delay in establishing a diagnosis and its treatment threatens with serious consequences for the patient himself, up to the so-called bacteremic shock.
In this article, we talked in detail about what constitutes a disease of dysuria, its main symptoms and modern methods of treatment. We hope that all the information provided will be really useful for you. Stay he althy!