Depression in those people who are prone to drinking alcoholic beverages is considered a common occurrence. Why? Now let's figure it out. It is believed that this type of depression is similar in symptomatic course to such a disease as bipolar depression.
Drinking alcohol relaxes a person. It gives him a sense of euphoria and the opportunity to relax. But after the effect of this substance wears off, a person may experience alcoholic depression. Below we will consider the causes of the onset and aggravation of this condition after taking alcoholic beverages.
Emotional status
There is such a thing as emotional status. It is different for each person and depends on what kind of activity he is engaged in. Also, the emotional state depends on the concentration in which elements such as neurotransmitters are present in his body. Their task is to transmit impulses of the nervous system. Alcohol contains toxic substances in its composition. They can cause a deficiency in substances such as neurotransmitters.

Due to their lack, a depressive state sets in. In addition, the human body through ethanolis saturated with such an aggressive hormone as norepinephrine. Further, when its quantity decreases, a person feels a state of pain, melancholy. Muscle weakness is also present.
The action of ethanol
Alcohol intoxication leads to the fact that a substance such as ethanol enters the body. It is worth knowing that it is quickly absorbed and just as quickly excreted. And the toxic substances that were formed under its action, for a long time. They can lead to the fact that brain cells die, alcohol depression occurs.
You should know that drinking drinks that contain alcohol has a negative effect on the human body. Initially, alcohol causes euphoria, relaxation. But then a person may develop mental disorders. Alcoholic depression after drinking alcohol occurs in a large number of people. Depression can be a reason to re-drink alcohol. The person becomes addicted to alcohol. It seems to him that everything is much more positive and better with alcohol. Actually this is an illusion. It would be better if a person gets out of this state than to constantly drown out depression with alcohol.
There are statistics that suggest that alcoholic depression from drinking alcohol is more common in those people who have crossed the line of 35 years of age. This is because their body is oversaturated with exposure to a substance like ethanol.

Recovery from binge is considered difficultprocess. For some people, depression can reach the point where they start thinking about suicide. In addition, severe forms of this condition lead to the fact that a person begins to think that no one needs him, his activity does not make any sense.
What effects can depression have on the human body? Conclusion from binge
First consider the effects of depression. These include:
1. Thoughts and attempts at suicide.
2. Depressive disorders lead to the fact that a person becomes confused, he can harm himself. For example, get hurt.
3. Such people can become socially dangerous to others.
4. Those who cannot cope with a mental disorder begin to drink alcohol more often. Then they develop chronic alcoholism.
5. The person begins to deteriorate. The human brain requires constant recharge, if this does not happen, then the regression of the thought process begins.
6. Various mental personality disorders and brain lesions.
What types of depression are there from drinking alcohol?
1. Disposable. Such a depressive state that a person experiences after drinking alcohol.
2. Severe form of depression. A person cannot get out of it. A state of depression that occurs after prolonged and excessive use of alcoholic beverages.

This condition is associated with a hangover. Itoccurs when a person consumes too much alcohol. In this case, you may not even recognize what a person has - depression or a hangover. In fact, there is depression. But she does it in a mild way. This type of depression is accompanied by a bad mood, apathy, depression. Along with this, a person feels weakness, weakness, lack of muscle tone. This is due to the fact that ethanol is present in the body, which, in turn, reduces glucose levels. An apathetic state accompanies irritation and despondency. Also often during this period a person is disturbed by headaches. They occur due to the fact that a person has consumed too many drinks that contain alcohol.
How to get out of alcohol depression? Genetics play a special role here. That is, a similar reaction of the body to alcohol can be inherited.

There is a category of people who can consume a large amount of alcohol the day before, while the next day they feel absolutely normal without showing any signs of depression or apathy. And others feel very bad from a couple of glasses of red wine. In addition to physical weakness, they experience moral dissatisfaction and irritability.
This type of depression goes away on its own. This may take a person several days. After that, his physical and moral condition will return to normal.
Treatment of alcoholic depression at homeconditions is not always possible. This type of disorder is a complex condition. A person may not cope with such depression on his own. He may need professional specialized help. This type of depression occurs in those people who have been drinking alcohol for a long time. In other words, such a period is called a binge. After the binge ends, the person becomes depressed. It usually lasts from a couple of days to one week. This state is called withdrawal. As a rule, it is observed in those people who are considered alcoholics, that is, dependent on the use of alcoholic beverages. Antidepressants for alcoholic depression should be taken under medical supervision.
Severe disorder after depression
This type of depression refers to a severe disorder. A person loses the meaning of life, he is depressed. He also has no goals, emotions have only a negative connotation, and so on. A person who is in this state thinks that no one needs him, life does not please him. He also feels guilty about everything that happens to him. When a person in this state begins to think about the future, he is overcome by despair, he does not see anything good that could happen to him.

After the peak of a depressive state passes, there is a danger that a person will not get out of this state. Ordinary everyday life begins to burden him. He does not see the meaning of life, there are no positive emotions. The fact is that alcohol caused euphoria and high in such a person. And everyday life, without drinking alcohol, causes melancholy and apathy in him. Not everyone can cope with this problem on their own. It is worth saying that cases of independent exit from such depression are rare. More often, an individual is looking for a replacement for alcoholic beverages. In addition, such a patient may begin to be too zealous at work and end up with chronic fatigue, which will affect he alth in a negative way.
It is worth mentioning that a person may have suicidal thoughts. His emotional coloring of life can be so oppressive and gloomy that he will take actions that will be aimed at committing suicide.

And how to cope with alcoholic depression on your own? It is extremely difficult to overcome such a state. Doctors believe that depression can only be managed in a medical facility or under the guidance of a qualified specialist.
Why does depression occur after drinking alcohol?
The main cause of a depressive state of a person is that under the influence of ethanol there is a violation of the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain. You should know that even a small dose of ethyl alcohol can cause manifestations of a depressive state.
It is common knowledge that alcoholics have a shrinking brain. A person who constantly drinks vodka, beer, neurons are damaged, the process of degradation begins, and behavior becomes inadequate. Anything can be expected from such a person. Being around him becomes dangerous.
Do not think that such changes in the human body can occur only with chronic alcoholism. If an individual regularly consumes alcoholic beverages, then in any case they have a destructive effect on the brain and nervous system. As a result, a mental disorder of the personality begins, which further leads to degradation.
Duration of depression
How long does alcohol depression last? Sometimes this condition can be observed for several days (from three to five). And it also happens that such a thing drags on for a longer time. Sometimes a person can suffer depression even up to a year.
It is worth paying attention to heredity. If there were relatives in the family who suffered from alcohol addiction, then this means that there is a predisposition. Therefore, such people should use alcohol with extreme caution.
How can you tell if a person has alcohol depression?

As a rule, this type of depression has certain symptoms, reminiscent of a manic-depressive state. The period of such a state can last up to six months. Recurrences are possible. Since every body is different, depression can manifest itself in different ways.
However, there are common symptoms of alcoholdepression:
1. Decreased activity.
2. Frequent mood swings. Moreover, the fluctuations are quite large, from complete apathy to euphoria.
3. Mental reactions slow down.
4. Slowness in performing any actions after a short period of time may be replaced by increased activity.
5. Cognitive processes are deteriorating.
6. Sleep disturbance.
7. The normal functioning of the human digestive system is disrupted. Pathologies of the liver and pancreas also begin to appear.
8. Lack of interest in life.
9. Attempts or thoughts of suicide.
10. Constant anxiety for no reason.
11. The man wants to hide from everyone.
12. The presence of feelings such as hopelessness, hopelessness, etc.
13. Unwillingness to be in society, isolation from people.
14. Some people may experience a lack of appetite, while others, on the contrary, it increases.
15. Apathy.
16. Lack of sexual arousal.
17. Inability to perform daily activities.
18. Irritable outbursts or aggressive behavior.