What is scalene syndrome? You will learn the answer to this question from the materials of the article in question.

Basic information
Sciatica anterior syndrome is a combination of a number of pathological signs, including a feeling of thickening or tightness in the muscle tissues and their spasm. Also, this condition is characterized by secondary compression of the nerve bundles and blood vessels in the space between the rib and the above muscle.
Reason for development
Most often scalene muscles are exposed to various pathologies due to the development of osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine. Sometimes the syndrome in question is formed due to some kind of injury or abnormal location of the neck or ribs (for example, congenital). Such a violation often develops in adolescents who are actively involved in sports, as their muscles are constantly traumatized.
It should also be noted that the scalene muscles are very often subject to anomalies due to irritation of the roots of C7-C6 or sympathetic nerve fibers. A characteristic sign of such a syndrome is pain in the neck, which further spread along the ulnar part of the upper limb.
The development of suchviolations can lead to hypotrophy of the wrist muscles. At the same time, the patient's hand loses sensitivity and becomes permanently numb.

Main symptoms of the disease
When tight, the scalene muscles cause pain that radiates from the shoulder to the fingertips. There is also a loss of sensation in the upper limb. Sometimes such unpleasant sensations can spread to the back of the head (including when turning the head) and pass into the sternum.
With the development of the disease, the patient's blood filling of the pulse decreases, and blood pressure also decreases. It should also be noted that such a syndrome is characterized by cyanosis of the hand and its numbness, especially at the site of compression.
When examining the patient by palpation, the anterior scalene muscles may be overly tense.
Other signs of illness
How else does the pathology in question manifest itself? With a constant and prolonged violation of blood flow in the muscles, connective tissue transformations begin, which is an irreversible process.

In the presence of the syndrome under consideration, the anterior scalene muscle can cause pain spasm of a reflex nature. As a rule, such a symptom appears as a result of the impact of cervical osteochondrosis on the roots of the spine.
How is it diagnosed?
It is quite difficult to detect the syndrome of the scalene muscle at the first examination of the patient. This is due to the fact that the signs of such a pathology are very dependent on the characteristicshuman body. In addition, many of the symptoms of this disease are similar to those of other diseases.
The scalene muscles of the neck, or rather their disorders, are quite easy to confuse with cervical osteochondrosis and rotator cuff injury. But thanks to a physical examination, experienced professionals can still find out when the development of this disease began, at what stage it is, and so on.
It should also be noted that some doctors diagnose the syndrome in question by some external signs (for example, swelling of the hand, its insensitivity, cyanosis, etc.). Also in the shoulders of the patient there is a limitation in the range of motion.
When diagnosing this syndrome, the following procedures are often performed: angiogram and electromyogram. Such methods allow you to examine the clamped part of the blood vessels.

What tests should be taken to detect the presence of the disease in question? Scalene muscle syndrome is often diagnosed on the basis of laboratory data. To this end, completely different tests can be prescribed to the patient, including a general urine and blood test. In the latter case, experts determine the level of glucose and hormones.
Syndrome Treatment
Scalone syndrome can be treated in many ways:
- Therapeutic exercise. In the treatment of the disease in question, physical activity is of great importance. According to experts, there are exercises that significantly improve the patient's posture, as well as correctlyspread the load on his muscles. In addition, physical therapy helps to increase the motor volume of the shoulder, strengthen muscles and reduce pressure on the nerves and blood vessels that are between the collarbones and ribs.
- Manual therapy allows you to mobilize the spine and ribs, significantly increasing the motor volume of the shoulder joint.
- In the treatment of the pathology of the scalene muscle, blockades are very often used, which, by the way, help well in the differential diagnosis of this disease. Injections in this case should only be done by a doctor who has extensive experience in carrying out such procedures.
- Acupuncture. In the course of such a medical procedure, needles are inserted into certain active points, which helps to restore the patency of impulses along the nerves and reduce pain.

It should also be noted that massage is an excellent method of treating the disease in question. Such procedures allow you to relieve tension in the muscles, as well as relieve stress. In addition, massage significantly improves blood circulation in muscle tissues, which get rid of toxic metabolic products.