The drug "Cyclim": reviews of doctors, composition, indications for use

The drug "Cyclim": reviews of doctors, composition, indications for use
The drug "Cyclim": reviews of doctors, composition, indications for use

The drug "Cyclim" belongs to the group of estrogens, homologues, gestagens and their antagonists. The drug "Cyclim" is produced, the composition of which includes natural ingredients, in the form of tablets and cream.

cyclim reviews of doctors
cyclim reviews of doctors

Pharmacological properties

The drug is a parapharmaceutical used during menopause. This alternative to hormonal drugs consists entirely of herbal ingredients, the active ingredient is cimicifuga extract. This plant has an estrogen-like effect on the female body, while weight gain and side effects are absolutely excluded. The drug "Cyclim" (reviews of doctors indicate this) has a sedative effect, has a beneficial effect on the nervous autonomic system. Medical reviews also note the ability of the drug to renew skin cells, increase the volume of hyaluronic acid and collagen in them.

After using the drug "Cyclim", the doctors' reviews indicate improvements in the female body, a decreasefrequency of sweating episodes and severity of hot flashes. The medicine eliminates dizziness and headaches, reduces the manifestations of hypertension and calms the heartbeat. Against the background of taking pills, normalization of sleep is observed, efficiency increases, and the risk of developing osteoporosis decreases. Since the drug has a cumulative effect, its effect is observed 2 weeks after use.

cyclim composition
cyclim composition

The drug "Cyclim": indications for use

The drug is prescribed due to its tonic properties during menopause as an active biological food supplement. The high efficiency of the agent is observed when it is used to restore patients after surgery on the reproductive organs.


The medicine "Cyclim" doctors do not recommend taking with individual rejection or hypersensitivity to the components, during breastfeeding and pregnancy. With endometriosis and uterine fibroids, the remedy is given to patients under medical supervision.

Instructions for use

Pills are taken with food. Use one capsule 2 times per day. The duration of use enhances the effect of the drug and should be more than 3 months.

cyclim indications for use
cyclim indications for use

After six months of use, it is required to interrupt the course and consult a specialist for further therapy.

The cream is applied with light massaging movements on the neck, face and other parts of the body. Procedures are performed in the morning and in the evening. In 2 weeksthe use of the cream "Cyclim", reviews of doctors say this, there is an improvement in complexion, an increase in firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Side effects

Patients indicate a good tolerance of the drug and rare negative reactions. In isolated cases, allergic manifestations can be observed. Store the drug at room temperature, in a dry place. In this case, the medicine will not lose its properties within two years. The cost of the product, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, is 165 rubles.
