How is thrush treated in a child? Methods of folk and traditional medicine

How is thrush treated in a child? Methods of folk and traditional medicine
How is thrush treated in a child? Methods of folk and traditional medicine

Quite often, parents begin to notice a plaque in the baby's mouth that looks like curdled milk. This is one of the varieties of thrush. "And what is it?" - you ask. A fungus that affects the mucous membranes, nails, skin and most internal organs. The scientific name - "candidiasis" - comes from a fungus of the genus Candida, which contributes to the development of the disease.

how is thrush treated
how is thrush treated

And the well-known name of the disease was due to its similarity in appearance with cottage cheese or sour milk. But what does it come from and how is thrush treated?

Causes of disease

The disease can appear in babies as early as the first month of life. As we already know, the cause of this is a fungus. It is found in small amounts in the human body. And in order for it to begin to multiply, favorable conditions are needed. That is, if a woman suffered from candidiasis during pregnancy, then the child could become infected during childbirth. And if the fungus is also present on the skin of a young mother, then it is he who becomesthe cause of the development of the disease in the baby. More than others, children with weakened immunity and babies who have been treated with antibiotics are more susceptible to the disease. The child often spits up, the remains of milk become a favorable environment for the development of thrush. But it can also be caused by toys and pacifiers that are poorly washed.

How to treat thrush in children

how to treat thrush in children
how to treat thrush in children

If you find white spots of plaque in the baby's mouth, then you should immediately contact a specialist to find out how thrush is treated. Candidiasis is caused by a fungus, which means that antifungal drugs should be prescribed. And besides, it may be a harbinger of some other disease that only a specialist can determine. Therefore, refuse self-treatment and contact the clinic.

Folk methods

How to treat thrush, and most importantly, what, the doctor will tell you. He will prescribe all the necessary drugs. But in addition, you may be advised to use folk remedies. These include soda solution and aloe juice. The baby's mouth should be cleaned every three hours, but not immediately after feeding. And don't stop treatment at the first sign of improvement.

how to properly treat thrush
how to properly treat thrush

If the fungus is not completely eliminated, then after a while it will "return" again. No less effective can be called an infusion of sage. It can be prepared as follows: pour a tablespoon of herbs with boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Let cool, strain. Cotton swab dipped inmixture, wipe the affected areas. The procedure must be repeated at least six times a day.

How to properly treat thrush

The main thing is to combine folk methods and traditional medicine. Because one without the other will bring only a visible result and will not eliminate the very cause. And besides, the mother must without fail undergo a course of treatment for thrush, so as not to provoke the disease again in the future. And remember, everything must be done very carefully so as not to scare the baby.


It is not enough to determine how thrush is treated, you also need to know how not to "get" it. To do this, you need to follow the rules of hygiene, bathe the baby daily, boil the nipples and sterilize the bottles, and also carefully monitor that the toys are always clean.
