Cystitis: complications, causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Cystitis: complications, causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment
Cystitis: complications, causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

In the article, we will consider how complications appear after cystitis.

Inflammation of the bladder is a very common disease of the genitourinary system, especially among women, in whom it occurs much more often than men. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure. Of the 10 cases of the development of this disease, only 2 occur in men. The disease can appear at any age. Experts say - 97% of women had unpleasant symptoms associated with cystitis.

cystitis complications
cystitis complications


Complications of cystitis are more painful than the initial symptoms. It happens that the ailment seems to be cured, but the clinical signs remain or have returned. The transition of the disease into a chronic form brings significant discomfort with the occurrence of regular lumbar pain, frequent urge to urinate. The infection that provoked acute cystitis violates the integrity of the mucous membrane of the bladder andis activated on other organs, where it causes new forms of pathologies: if cystitis is not treated, it can become chronic.

Untreated inflammation in the bladder can develop into serious diseases and torment the patient for life. Complications of cystitis come in several forms.

Hemorrhagic form

The main sign of such a complication is the presence of blood in the urine, provoked by damage to the vessels of this organ. In this case, the presence of both minor traces of blood is observed, but sometimes it can be large blood clots. Characterized by an increase in general temperature, a sharp pain in the perineum, in the abdomen. The cause of the development of the pathological process is bacteria, viruses, fungi. Such inflammation can occur due to compression of the walls by growing tumors, a foreign object, growths. The severity of the consequences of cystitis is serious - the genitourinary system fails, the patient experiences severe discomfort and pain.

acute cystitis complications
acute cystitis complications

Interstitial shape

With the development of this form of complications of cystitis, damage to the mucous membrane and the underlying muscle layer is observed. Bacterial infection leads to scarring, erosions in the bladder cavity, and blood in the urine can also be observed. The bladder ceases to cope with its functions normally, the elasticity of its walls decreases, the ability to contract, the organ is significantly reduced in volume. The main symptoms of this form are an increasing number of urges, painful sensationswhile filling the bubble. The chronic form of this complication is characterized by incontinence and sphincter dysfunction.

Gangrenous form

Is the most severe complication of cystitis, in which the entire wall of the bladder is affected. In this case, partial or complete death of the mucous membrane is noted. Running purulent processes, necrosis of the muscular membrane provoke such consequences of this complication of cystitis as perforation and paracystitis. The main signs of the pathological process are hematuria (the presence of blood in the urine). With this disease, urination does not bring relief to the patient, he has general intoxication, soreness in muscles and joints, and headaches.

What are the signs of developing complications of cystitis in women?


The manifestations of complicated cystitis include the following pathological conditions:

complications of cystitis in women
complications of cystitis in women
  1. Trigonitis, which is an inflammation that affects the area of the bladder triangle, located between the mouths of the ureters and the internal sphincter of the urethra. Encompasses the sphincter muscles. Trigonitis in acute form is caused by an infection that affects the posterior canal or occurs in men with prostatitis. The chronic form is most often found in women with an abnormal location of the reproductive organs, prolapse of the anterior or posterior walls of the vagina. This pathology is often diagnosed during cystoscopy. Symptoms of complications of cystitis are similar to those that occur in the acute form of pathology.
  2. Paracystitis. This pathological process develops when inflammation from the urinary tract is transmitted to cellular tissue, the main function of which is to fill the space between the pelvic organs, ensuring their nutrition, mobility, and normal internal position. Therapy is possible only through surgical intervention. How are the complications of cystitis manifested in the kidneys?
  3. Pyelonephritis is the most serious consequence of cystitis, in which the infectious agent passes through the ureters to the renal tissues, where a purulent process develops. The main signs of this pathology can be considered fever, spasms of the anterior wall of the peritoneum, a decrease in the amount of urine. Symptoms in some cases may not appear, which leads to gradual shrinkage of the kidney and the development of renal failure. This disease in an advanced stage is fraught with death as a result of the development of peritonitis.

Symptoms of complications of cystitis in women should not be ignored.

Other inflammatory processes

Sometimes, the following inflammatory phenomena occur as negative consequences of this disease, which most often relate to a number of complications of chronic cystitis:

cystitis symptoms complications
cystitis symptoms complications
  1. Vesicoureteral reflux, which is a violation of the direction of movement of urine through the ureters from the bladder to the kidneys. The cause of this pathological phenomenon is considered to be a decrease in the contractility of the sphincter due to inflammatory damage, and the most serious consequence of thiscomplications may be organ loss.
  2. Cystalgia, which is a complication of cystitis, mainly among women. The patient has a painful condition, pronounced, frequent urge to urinate, but there are no pathological changes in the organ. Experts call this symptomatology urethral syndrome. The development of this pathological phenomenon is facilitated by pregnancy, menstrual irregularities, menopause, and chronic cystitis. Complications are not limited to this.
  3. Empyema and diffuse ulcerative cystitis. With insufficient therapy, the infection penetrates deep under the mucous membrane, while forming abscesses and bleeding ulcers. The structure of the mucous membrane weakens, the development of various complications is possible. Scarring occurs, loss of elasticity of the bladder tissue, which contributes to a decrease in the volume of the organ, and other serious complications occur. Probably the formation of cysts and polyps. Empyema is a complication of cystitis that occurs when there is a significant accumulation of pus in the absence of outflow. Such a pathological phenomenon requires surgical intervention.

What is the danger of cystitis?

Cystitis is a big threat. It concerns more women because of the peculiarities of the structure of the reproductive system.

Dangerous complications of cystitis in women can occur at any age. Particularly affected are the organs located near the bladder (uterus and appendages, kidneys, intestines). An infection that affects an organ through the lymphatic channels gets to other organs, causing inflammation in them.processes.


What does the frequent recurrence of this disease lead to? The list includes:

complications after cystitis in women
complications after cystitis in women
  • problems in the sexual area;
  • modification and violation of the structure of the membranes of the bladder;
  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages;
  • sphincter dysfunction leading to urinary incontinence;
  • decrease in reproductive capacity;
  • bladder tissue death;
  • bleeding due to hematuria.

For the most part, the manifestation of acute cystitis is a pathology that develops rapidly, after about 10 days the disease subsides, the symptoms disappear. After a short time period, pronounced, exhausting pains and increased urge to urinate begin. The patient experiences a constant feeling of discomfort, becomes irritable, his nervous balance is disturbed, depressive states develop - frequent side reactions of this disease.

Who is most at risk for complications from cystitis?

The risk group includes the following patients:

  • a person with reduced immunity, the presence of diseases in a chronic form;
  • people regularly exposed to hypothermia;
  • girls who have begun to live sexually;
  • women during pregnancy;
  • postmenopausal and menopausal women;
  • people who lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • people who don't do enough personal hygiene;
  • frequently changing sexual partners;
  • women who use contraceptives containing spermicides.
  • cystitis is a complication of the kidneys
    cystitis is a complication of the kidneys

Diagnosis of complications of acute and chronic cystitis

Diagnostic measures in the development of complications of this pathology include examination methods that allow you to determine not only the cause of the occurrence. They give an assessment of the general condition of the patient. To do this, use:

  1. Common urinalysis. This examination is carried out for all pathologies of the urinary system. In the results of this analysis, there is an increase in the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelial cells and the presence of pus. The degree of change in these indicators is proportional to the degree of damage to the organ.
  2. Common blood test for the number of formed elements allows you to determine the cause of the disease, as well as its effect on the body.
  3. Bacteriological examination of urine is one of the important indicators for prescribing therapy, with which you can determine the type of bacteria that have become a factor in the development of the disease. Bacteria are observed in almost all complications of cystitis. Urine in this case is collected taking into account the principles of antisepsis and asepsis to prevent infection from the genitals. After that, the material is applied to the nutrient medium and in the thermostat.
  4. Ultrasound, which is performed to evaluate the condition of the bladder, pelvic organs and kidneys.
  5. Cystoscopy - the study is allowed only in the absence of acute stages of complications of cystitis. Herit is advisable to carry out with chronic cystitis at the stage of remission.
  6. chronic cystitis complications
    chronic cystitis complications

Treatment of this pathology: advice from doctors

To eliminate the complications of pathology or prevent their development, you must follow these recommendations:

  • bed rest;
  • drug therapy;
  • voluminous drinking;
  • diet.

In acute complications after cystitis in women, antibacterial drugs, antispasmodics, diuretic herbs are prescribed. With soreness, drugs are recommended that relieve muscle spasm - No-shpa, Papaverine. Herbs are widely used - lingonberry leaf, bearberry, kidney teas. There are also a variety of herbal remedies - Cyston, Canephron, Fitolizin. To alleviate the condition, warm soda baths are used.

Diet for complications of cystitis should exclude spices, marinades, pickles. It is useful to consume dairy products, vegetables, fruits.
