Health 2024, October

Causes of sudden infant death syndrome. Statistics for Russia and Europe

Causes of sudden infant death syndrome. Statistics for Russia and Europe

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as crib death, is the sudden unexplained death of a child in infancy. Such a diagnosis is made when the death of the baby remains inexplicable even after a thorough autopsy and a detailed investigation of what happened. This article will tell about this tragic phenomenon

Treatment of the pineal gland of the brain

Treatment of the pineal gland of the brain

The red gland that produces melatonin and is partly responsible for the maturation of sex hormones is called the pineal gland. The functions of this region of the brain have not yet been fully studied, but today there are several diseases that affect the quality of life. One of them is the appearance of a cyst of the pineal gland of the brain. This disease can pass without obvious signs, it is diagnosed only as part of a thorough examination of the brain

Brock motor aphasia syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Brock motor aphasia syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The term "Broca's aphasia" refers to a pathology of a neurological nature. The main symptom of the disease is the loss of communication skills. In other words, a person stops speaking and understanding human speech. Currently, there is an effective treatment regimen for the disease, but the prognosis directly depends on how timely relatives delivered the victim to a medical facility

The child coughs incessantly: what to do at home

The child coughs incessantly: what to do at home

If a child coughs without ceasing, experienced parents know what to do, who will definitely consult a doctor about this and take a number of effective measures

Miller-Fischer syndrome: symptoms, treatment, life expectancy

Miller-Fischer syndrome: symptoms, treatment, life expectancy

Requires proper timely treatment and identification of symptoms Miller-Fisher syndrome, it is a rare disease that, with due attention, is perfectly treatable

How to calm a child's cough: drugs, effective methods and recommendations

How to calm a child's cough: drugs, effective methods and recommendations

Colds weaken the body. It can be prolonged and manifest itself with various symptoms. One of the most unpleasant to become a dry cough in a child at night. How to soothe an irritated throat and let your baby fall asleep, every mom should know

Age-related macular degeneration: causes and treatment

Age-related macular degeneration: causes and treatment

Age-related macular degeneration is considered a common disease in the elderly. This pathology develops due to the damaging effect of free radicals. The disease can be prevented by taking preventive measures

Filiform warts (acrochords): description, symptoms and treatment features

Filiform warts (acrochords): description, symptoms and treatment features

Filamentous warts are one of the most annoying symptoms of human papillomavirus infection. Is it possible to fight them? What methods of traditional medicine are used to eliminate warts and are there folk ways to remove them?

Intestinal volvulus: symptoms, causes, treatment

Intestinal volvulus: symptoms, causes, treatment

When the intestine turns or partially twists together with the mesentery around the axis, which is accompanied by a violation of blood flow, there is an acute intestinal obstruction, otherwise - volvulus

Parotid fistula: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Parotid fistula: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Parotid fistula is a rather unpleasant formation. The danger lies in the fact that in the initial stages it is quite difficult to notice. In this material, we will talk about the causes, symptoms, and methods of treatment of this disease

Increased salivation - is it a symptom?

Increased salivation - is it a symptom?

If a person has increased salivation, this may indicate serious systemic disorders. Let's figure it out

Symptoms and treatment of sialadenitis

Symptoms and treatment of sialadenitis

How is sialadenitis treated and what is it? You can find answers to these questions in this article

Therapeutic starvation: what is an acidotic crisis?

Therapeutic starvation: what is an acidotic crisis?

What is an acidotic crisis? Symptoms and features of acidotic crisis. What is the difference from fasting days? How long can you do therapeutic fasting? The right way out of fasting. Contraindications

Rib fractures: types, diagnosis, first aid

Rib fractures: types, diagnosis, first aid

Rib fractures are the most common chest injuries. The elderly are especially susceptible to them. Their ribs have less elasticity and do not tolerate deformations as well as younger ones

Valvular pneumothorax: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Valvular pneumothorax: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

With a disease such as valvular pneumothorax, oxygen enters the pleural region, the amount of which begins to gradually increase. The manifestation of such a pathology is associated with the peculiarity of the functioning of the valve. Its work is disturbed due to the penetration of air from the lungs into the pleura and the impossibility of its reverse movement. As a result, severe pain occurs in the chest area, because there is a significant decrease in lung volume, making it difficult to inhale

Chest injury: causes and treatment

Chest injury: causes and treatment

Types of chest injuries. How to help a person who has received a fracture of the ribs or sternum. How long does it take for an injured person to fully recover? Chest bruise: consequences, treatment, first aid, possible complications

Meibomian gland dysfunction

Meibomian gland dysfunction

Tiny sebaceous glands, called meibomian glands, are located at the borders of the eyelids - the edges that touch when the eyes are closed. The main function of the meibomian glands is to secrete a special substance that covers the surface of the eyeballs and prevents the evaporation of the water component of tears. Fat layer and water create a tear film

Allergic blepharitis: symptoms and treatment

Allergic blepharitis: symptoms and treatment

Allergic blepharitis is a disease of the eye apparatus resulting from individual intolerance to certain substances. As a rule, the disease affects both organs of vision. But in the presence of hypersensitivity to cosmetics, a one-sided pathological process is observed. The article talks about allergic blepharitis, its symptoms and therapy

Competent treatment of toxic hepatitis. This is a must know

Competent treatment of toxic hepatitis. This is a must know

Liver damage can be caused by a number of factors. It can occur as a result of parenteral administration or ingestion of chemical or pharmacological substances, inhalation. Among the toxic compounds, industrial poisons, some types of fungi are dangerous

Atypical dermatitis: symptoms, causes, treatment, diet

Atypical dermatitis: symptoms, causes, treatment, diet

Atypical dermatitis is an unpleasant and not aesthetic disease. In addition, it affects the skin of not only humans, but also animals. What are the causes of its occurrence and how to cope with the disease?

Tetanus: incubation period, symptoms, treatment, consequences and prevention

Tetanus: incubation period, symptoms, treatment, consequences and prevention

Among the serious diseases that modern man is afraid of is tetanus. This is a terrible disease that is not only acute, but also causes serious complications and death. For more information about the disease, read this article

Exfoliative cheilitis: causes, treatment, photo

Exfoliative cheilitis: causes, treatment, photo

Why does cheilitis occur on the lips? Photos and the causes of this disease will be discussed below. You will also learn about how the disease manifests itself and whether it can be treated

Ear inflammation: causes, symptoms and treatments

Ear inflammation: causes, symptoms and treatments

Ear inflammation is a fairly common disease. And it's not a secret for anyone that most often it is children who suffer from otitis media. Therefore, many parents are interested in questions about what such a disease is connected with and how to treat it

Varicosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Varicosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Varicose veins are an extremely common vascular pathology. According to statistics, almost every fourth inhabitant of the planet has an ailment in varying degrees of development. The causes of varicose veins can be very diverse, as well as the methods of treatment

Inflammation of the epiglottis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the epiglottis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Epiglottitis is a common condition. This is an inflammation of the epiglottis and nearby tissues of the laryngopharynx. With it, the patency of the airways is disturbed and their obstruction appears. The disease occurs in both children and adults, but usually in boys 2-5 years old. About the symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the epiglottis described in the article

Ear pain: causes, symptoms and treatment

Ear pain: causes, symptoms and treatment

Ear pain is a common problem that can cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to a person. This unpleasant symptom can be episodic or permanent. Sometimes pain in the auricle is a sign of a serious illness. To choose the right treatment, you need to clearly determine the cause that caused the problem

What are abscesses? Causes of appearance and methods of treatment

What are abscesses? Causes of appearance and methods of treatment

Often, waking up in the morning, a person finds unpleasant and ugly purulent rashes on the skin of the face. What are pustules? Why do they appear? How to get rid of them without causing harm to he alth?

What is aseptic necrosis

What is aseptic necrosis

Aseptic necrosis is a serious illness. It is caused by a violation of the blood supply to any part of the body. The result is tissue death

What is an abscess? Diagnosis and treatment

What is an abscess? Diagnosis and treatment

What is an abscess or an abscess, almost every person who has observed suppuration on the body at least once in his life knows. A local infection that destroys tissues in the focus of inflammation usually develops after a violation of the integrity of the skin

Osteoma of the jaw: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

Osteoma of the jaw: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

Tumors can be benign or malignant. The first type moderately affects a person's life. It does not appear for years, but it still causes imperceptible harm. Malignant tumors develop quite quickly and are able to move not only to nearby organs, but also to those that are far enough away. This happens due to metastasis. If you do not resort to treatment, a person may die

Jaw injury: causes, symptoms, treatment

Jaw injury: causes, symptoms, treatment

A bruised jaw appears due to external influence on a person. To avoid consequences, an ambulance is needed

Examination of the body and everything you need to know about it

Examination of the body and everything you need to know about it

This article provides general information about traditional survey methods: how it is done, what it is for, how often it should be done and how to prepare for it

Paratonsillar abscess of the throat: photos, symptoms and treatment

Paratonsillar abscess of the throat: photos, symptoms and treatment

Purulent inflammation in the oral cavity today is often diagnosed in medicine. One of these pathologies, which is characterized by a severe course, is paratonsillar abscess of the tonsils. This disease is also called phlegmonous tonsillitis

TMJ arthritis: signs, symptoms and treatment

TMJ arthritis: signs, symptoms and treatment

Arthrosis is a serious disease that requires timely comprehensive treatment. It develops in different joints of the body. Without proper treatment, the disease leads to disability. A similar disease can also appear in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This pathology has a number of symptoms, features. What is the disease, how is the treatment of TMJ arthrosis carried out - all this is detailed in the article

Hectic fever: symptoms, diseases, treatment

Hectic fever: symptoms, diseases, treatment

What is hectic fever? Is this pathological condition dangerous and how to treat it? We will answer these and other questions in this article

Croupous pneumonia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Croupous pneumonia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Everything you need to know about lobar pneumonia: causes, description and features, course and stages, symptoms and methods of treating the disease

Osteoarthritis of the hand: symptoms, photos, treatment with folk remedies, diet

Osteoarthritis of the hand: symptoms, photos, treatment with folk remedies, diet

Recently, people are increasingly manifesting diseases of the joints. In most cases, a disease such as osteoarthritis affects the hands. Subsequently, a person loses the ability to normally bend their fingers, hold various objects, or perform elementary small work

Gonadotropic hormones and their functions

Gonadotropic hormones and their functions

Hormones are diversified organic substances that can affect the vital activity of the human body. Gonadotropic hormones affect the functioning of the reproductive system. They are synthesized in the anterior pituitary gland and secreted from there into the blood

Crack in the spine (incomplete fracture): symptoms, treatment, consequences

Crack in the spine (incomplete fracture): symptoms, treatment, consequences

Pronouncing the diagnosis of "fracture in the spine", the doctor, as it were, reduces the severity of the injury. This is dangerous because the patient begins to think that his condition will not lead to complications. Spinal cord injuries, including a fissure in the spine, are far from a trifle, and complications can be quite complex and unpredictable

Inguinal sprain: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Inguinal sprain: causes, diagnosis and treatment

The inguinal ligaments are located at the top of the thigh and are closely intertwined with nerves and large blood vessels. Sprain of the inguinal ligaments is accompanied by severe pain and loss of ability to move, as the legs below the ligaments cease to obey the person. Most often, this injury is received by inexperienced athletes who perform exercises without preliminary preparation of the ligaments for the load