A multivitamin mineral complex designed to enrich the body with useful substances, depending on its needs, is known as Orthomol. Vitamins contribute to the normalization of the work of all human life processes. If you do not replenish the reserves of useful substances in the body in time, there is a great risk of failure of its specific system and the development of many diseases. These vitamins by their action prevent these processes, strengthening human he alth.
Multivitamin mineral complex "Orthomol" - what is this drug?

Replenishment of vitamins and microelements in the body and general strengthening of human he alth is the main task of the drug "Orthomol". Vitamins of this group work as follows: they saturate the human body with useful substances gradually, while maintaining a positive result for a long time.
This drug is a multivitamin mineral complex, with an individual selection of components depending on the destination. Athletes, pregnant women, men or the elderly are known tocompletely different additives are needed. It is to meet the needs for useful substances of different categories of patients that the action of the drug "Orthomol" is directed. Vitamins protect people's bodies from increased stress and the effects of stress, depending on their age and individual needs.
Pharmacological action of this multivitamin mineral complex on the body
The above drug has the following properties:
- enriches the body with useful substances depending on the purpose;
- strengthens hair and nails;
- promotes youthful skin and beauty;
- restores the body;
- eliminates signs of depression;
- Protects against the effects of stress.
This vitamin complex contains only natural vitamins and microelements and has no analogues in the world.
Varieties of the drug
The company produces several types of the above vitamins:
- To strengthen vision.
- For he althy joints and bones.
- For the normal functioning of the immune system.
- For a he althy heart and its system.
- To maintain men's he alth.
- When playing sports.
- For pregnant and lactating women.
- For mental performance.
- For the overall he alth of the body.
- In diseases of the inner ear.
- For menopausal women.
The above drugs help to improve human he alth in a particulardirection.
Vitamins "Otomol Natal": description

This drug is a special combination of beneficial vitamins and trace elements designed to enrich the body of pregnant women and women after childbirth.
- folic acid;
- vitamins K1, D3, ascorbic acid, tocopherol acetate;
- calcium;
- iodine;
- magnesium;
- selenium;
- essential fatty acids;
- probiotics.
The effect of the drug "Orthomol Natal" on the woman's body:
- contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system;
- beneficial effect on the organs of the urinary tract;
- responsible for he althy hair and nails;
- strengthens the body as a whole.
The effect of the above multivitamin mineral complex on the he alth of the baby:
- promotes the formation of the central nervous system and the cardiac system in crumbs without deviations at the initial stage of development (folic acid);
- saturates the baby's body with the necessary amount of iodine, which is responsible for the passage of metabolic processes and controls hormonal changes;
- helps in the development of the skeletal system of the fetus and the brain (vitamin D3, K1);
- strengthens baby's immune system;
- affects the formation of the visual system in crumbs thanks to omega-3 fatty acids.
Experts recommend taking Orthomol Natal vitamins throughout pregnancy without interruption. However, before doing so, it is necessaryconsult a doctor. A package of such vitamins, designed for 30 days, costs about 4 thousand rubles.
Vitamins "Orthomol Artro": characteristics

This drug is recommended for the following purposes:
- to maintain he althy joints during age-related changes;
- to improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system in case of arthritic changes (as a result of bone and joint injuries).
Indications for the use of Orthomol plus vitamins:
- arthritis;
- arthrosis;
- joint and bone injuries;
- age-related changes in the joints;
- post-traumatic and postoperative period (for restoration of bone and cartilage tissues).
This drug is great for athletes. Sometimes specialists prescribe to patients a combination of Orthomol Artro with other complexes of this group: Orthomol Sport and Orthomol Cardio.
It should be noted that the above drug strengthens ligaments and joints, relieves pain in the spine, prevents the development of the inflammatory process, and significantly increases joint mobility. Its cost is from 4500 rubles (per package, which is enough for a month of therapy).
Vitamins "Orthomol": recommendations for use

Each drug from the Orthomol group has its own instructions for use. Experts note that only with long-term regular use of these vitamins can positive results be achieved. Under no circumstances is it recommended to interrupt the course of treatment.
2 capsules and one sachet is the daily dose for he althy joints of Orthomol. The instructions indicate a three-month or six-month course of treatment.
Throughout pregnancy, doctors recommend that women take Orthomol. It is advisable for girls to start taking vitamins three months before the planned pregnancy. Nursing mothers are advised to take the Orthomol Natal complex for the entire period of lactation. Daily for this category of patients it is permissible to use 5 tablets and 3 capsules of the drug (possible with meals).
Experts note that it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for using the complex: do not exceed the indicated doses and adhere to a specific method of use (after or before meals).
Reviews on Orthomol vitamins

You can hear quite a lot of feedback from patients about Orthomol. Their feedback is overwhelmingly positive.
The most common multivitamin mineral complexes among the preparations of the Orthomol group are those intended for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as for a he althy heart and joints. People taking the above vitamins indicate good he alth already during the first month of therapy. Side effects, according to these patients, they were not observed. That is, the drug is completely safe and the most beneficial for human he alth.
Vitamins "Orthomol": contraindications

This drug, depending on the purpose, has its own contraindications. A common contraindication for all varieties of Orthomol vitamins is individual intolerance to its components. If the patient has hypersensitivity to this drug, then therapy should be discontinued.
Pregnant women and lactating mothers are prohibited from taking Orthomol Artro vitamins. Patients with symptoms of metabolic disorders should definitely consult a doctor.
The Orthomol multivitamin complex is a combination of the most useful additives for the human body and its functionality. Regular use of the drug is the key to good he alth and painless life.