Biliary dyskinesia: symptoms and treatment

Biliary dyskinesia: symptoms and treatment
Biliary dyskinesia: symptoms and treatment

Biliary dyskinesia is a disease in which there is a violation of the motor function of the gallbladder itself and its ducts. In this article, we will talk about the main symptoms and modern methods of treating this disease.

biliary dyskinesia
biliary dyskinesia

Causes of disease:

  1. According to experts, biliary dyskinesia is classified as a psychosomatic disease, that is, those that are provoked by various kinds of stress, negative emotions and experiences.
  2. On the other hand, this problem often appears against the background of other diseases - such as gastritis, acute viral hepatitis, dysbacteriosis, etc.
  3. Biliary dyskinesia can also develop as a result of multiple hormonal disorders. That is why patients with endocrine diseases are at particular risk of developing such an unpleasant disease.
  4. Overweight people with insulin resistance often suffer from diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
  5. In addition, at risk, likeas a rule, women who take oral contraceptives fall.
  6. Of course, the factor of malnutrition and alcohol abuse cannot be ruled out. Food allergies, irregular meals - all this creates the most favorable ground for the development of this disease.
biliary dyskinesia symptoms
biliary dyskinesia symptoms

Biliary dyskinesia: symptoms

First of all, patients begin to complain of discomfort and pain in the right hypochondrium. Note that often it can give to the shoulder blade or shoulder. In addition, belching and a bitter taste in the mouth, nausea and heartburn are also constant companions of this disease. According to experts, biliary dyskinesia is actually manifested not only by gastroenterological factors, but also by a deterioration in the quality of life in general. So, there is increased irritability, a feeling of fatigue, constant apathy and, importantly, a decrease in sexual desire.

biliary dyskinesia in children
biliary dyskinesia in children


If this disease is suspected, the specialist must first of all send the patient for an additional examination, which includes an ultrasound examination of the liver and the gallbladder itself, a biochemical blood test, duodenal sounding, etc. When the diagnosis is confirmed, you can move on to direct treatment. It implies taking certain groups of drugs, as well as a special diet. Note that all drugsshould be selected exclusively by a doctor, based on the individual indicators of the patient's he alth. For example, biliary dyskinesia in children is treated somewhat differently compared to adults. The main goal of drug therapy is to relieve primary symptoms, improve bile values and prevent the appearance of stones. As for the diet, she recommends using foods with a choleretic effect (vegetable oils, a variety of vegetables, bran, etc.) in the diet. On the other hand, all fried and spicy foods, as well as alcohol and soda, should be avoided. Food is better to wipe and steam. Stay he althy!