Health 2024, October

Gastric dysplasia: symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment methods, patient reviews

Gastric dysplasia: symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment methods, patient reviews

Gastric dysplasia is a chronic pathology in which the squamous epithelium of the gastric mucosa begins to proliferate and its cells mutate. Then they replace he althy cells, this is already called metaplasia. Dysplasia is the replacement of one tissue by another as a result of a mutation. The process can occur in almost any organ. The stomach is no exception

Pain is life

Pain is life

Pain is unpleasant. But maybe it has some meaning? Types, causes, pathophysiological changes - about this and not only in this article

What are joint diseases? Methods of diagnosis and methods of treatment

What are joint diseases? Methods of diagnosis and methods of treatment

According to statistics, every third inhabitant in the world suffers from one or another disease of the joints. Currently, there are more and more reasons for the formation of this disease. In some, the disease develops due to a genetic predisposition, while in others it develops due to metabolic disorders. In addition, there are other factors that contribute to the development of joint disease

Ulcerative colitis: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Ulcerative colitis: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Recurrent chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), which is characterized by the formation of necrotic areas and ulcers, as well as inflammation of the colon mucosa, is called ulcerative colitis. Symptoms, which are manifested by general weakness, bloody diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, etc

Purulent arthritis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Purulent arthritis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Purulent arthritis is an inflammation of all joint structures caused by pathogenic bacteria. As a rule, the "heroes of the occasion" are strepto - and staphylococci, but sometimes anaerobic flora joins them. The pathogen can enter the joint through a wound, a needle prick, with the flow of blood and lymph

Gonarthrosis: treatment, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and consequences

Gonarthrosis: treatment, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and consequences

In medicine, the term "gonarthrosis" refers to the defeat of intra-articular cartilage, which has a degenerative-dystrophic character. The disease is non-inflammatory in nature. Patients with this disease need to understand that gonarthrosis of the knee joint is a disease that progresses without timely treatment and can lead to serious consequences, including disability

Heel Spur: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Heel Spur: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Heel spur (plantar fasciitis) is a chronic pathology that negatively affects the patient's lifestyle. Excruciating pain causes bone growth - osteophyte, squeezing the surrounding soft tissues

Rheumatoid arthritis: principles of treatment and prevention

Rheumatoid arthritis: principles of treatment and prevention

Rheumatoid arthritis is a very complex disease that affects the connective tissues and gradually destroys the joints. Not only adult patients, but also children can suffer from it. That is why the therapy of the disease should begin immediately, chronic forms of this pathology should not be allowed

Plantar fasciitis: photos, symptoms and treatment

Plantar fasciitis: photos, symptoms and treatment

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the connective tissue begins to be affected. As a rule, the focus of inflammation is located near the heel and closer to the phalanges of the fingers. When the sole is regularly and severely injured, inflammation of the ascetic type appears. The described form of fasciitis begins to develop. The article will describe the causes in more detail, as well as symptoms, treatment and preventive measures

Frequent urination: causes and treatment

Frequent urination: causes and treatment

Frequent urination is a pathological condition in which a person passes urine more than four times a day. In addition, there is a frequent urge to urinate. In children in the first year of life, the number of daily urination in pathology can be up to 16 times

Causes, symptoms and treatment of chronic cervicitis

Causes, symptoms and treatment of chronic cervicitis

Unfortunately, cases of chronic cervicitis are by no means uncommon in modern gynecological practice. This is a more insidious disease, which often proceeds almost asymptomatically, but at the same time affects the functioning of the reproductive system and often leads to the development of infertility

What to do if a dog is bitten by a tick?

What to do if a dog is bitten by a tick?

Walking in nature can provoke tick attacks. Moreover, they are less dangerous for humans than for animals. Most often, it is dogs that suffer due to their activity in moving through the grass and low bushes, where parasites gather mainly in spring and autumn. If a dog is bitten by a tick, then the owner of the animal needs to be aware of the possible consequences and methods of treatment in order to save the animal from infection

Cow's milk protein intolerance: symptoms and treatment

Cow's milk protein intolerance: symptoms and treatment

A milk allergy is the body's immune response to a protein that is present in this nutrient fluid. In most cases, goat's and cow's milk provokes its appearance. After all, they contain at least 80% casein (milk protein)

Compulsive overeating: symptoms, treatment, how to cope on your own, reviews

Compulsive overeating: symptoms, treatment, how to cope on your own, reviews

Each of us at least once in a lifetime got up from the table during a noisy festive feast with a feeling of a full stomach. If this happens irregularly and there is no loss of control over appetite, and such a situation is just a desire to relax and enjoy the taste of the dishes offered, then such a process cannot be called pathological

Gas formation in the intestines: the causes of flatulence

Gas formation in the intestines: the causes of flatulence

Gas formation in the intestines is a completely normal physiological process. Improper or irrational nutrition, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to excessive formation of gases. What can cause the increased formation of gases, how to deal with it, read the article

Lumbar disc herniation: causes, symptoms, treatments and consequences

Lumbar disc herniation: causes, symptoms, treatments and consequences

Intervertebral hernia in the lumbar indicates wear or overload of the lower segment of the spinal column. This pathology is one of the most common and dangerous. It is characterized by a protrusion of the intervertebral disc, the task of which is to distribute pressure on the vertebrae at the slightest load

Fibroadenoma removal: types of surgery, preparation, algorithm, recovery and consequences

Fibroadenoma removal: types of surgery, preparation, algorithm, recovery and consequences

There are several types of surgery that can get rid of fibroadenomas. In order to recover faster after surgery, you should seek medical help in a timely manner. A small neoplasm is much easier to remove. Under such conditions, the patient will recover much faster after removal of the tumor

Treatment of liver cysts with folk remedies and drugs

Treatment of liver cysts with folk remedies and drugs

A cyst in the liver is a benign neoplasm, which is a cavity formation filled with liquid contents. Basically, this liquid inside the cystic capsule is odorless and colorless. Sometimes the contents of such a cavity look like a jelly-like substance, which consists of fibrin, bilirubin, cholesterol, mucin and epithelial cells

Fibrocystic mastopathy: treatment, symptoms and causes

Fibrocystic mastopathy: treatment, symptoms and causes

Recently, women are increasingly experiencing a disease such as fibrocystic mastopathy. This problem needs to be treated by a specialist. According to statistics, from 20 to 60% of girls and women suffer from mastopathy

How to treat an inflamed lymph node? Symptoms and Causes

How to treat an inflamed lymph node? Symptoms and Causes

The appearance of inflamed lymph nodes in a child, an adult makes it possible to diagnose lymphadenitis. Most often, symptoms are observed on the neck or armpits, although inflammatory processes are possible in various parts of the lymphatic system. Lymphadenitis is not an independent disease, but only indicates he alth problems - infection, other diseases that affect the lymphatic system

Inflamed lymph node: causes, which doctor to contact, treatment methods

Inflamed lymph node: causes, which doctor to contact, treatment methods

Often, many people notice that the lymph node has become inflamed. This unpleasant and disturbing symptom may be the result of a previous illness or a latent current pathology. What measures need to be taken, what can inflammation of the lymph nodes mean and which specialist will help in diagnosis and therapy?

Pain in the wrists: causes and treatment

Pain in the wrists: causes and treatment

If you are worried about severe pain in your wrist, you will not be able to put up with it for a long time. It is not for nothing that even the sayings reflect the importance of this organ: in the absence of an important subject, they say "as if without hands." The wrist is, of course, not the whole arm, the term describes only its part, connecting the forearms, the bones of the metacarpus. It is formed by eight bones. Every day, the department is subjected to numerous loads, as it is the most mobile part of the arm

Post-concussion syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment

Post-concussion syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment

Postconcussion syndrome, or in other words contusion, is a common complication of traumatic brain injury, which is most often observed with concussion. The disease is manifested by irritability, fatigue, dizziness, cephalgia, slight intellectual decline, change in character and apathy. Most often, post-concussion syndrome (PCS) is diagnosed when a victim who has recently received a head injury continues to experience concussion symptoms for a long time

Signs and treatment of concussion

Signs and treatment of concussion

Concussion is a form of traumatic brain injury characterized by acute short-term dysfunction. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, it can be of varying degrees. Fortunately, in our time, medicine is developed quite well, it seems possible to cope with an injury, as well as eliminate its consequences

Why does my armpit hurt?

Why does my armpit hurt?

Many people complain that their armpit hurts from time to time. Moreover, the sensations can be both sharp and aching, present constantly or occur periodically, and also be accompanied by other symptoms, for example, redness or the appearance of bumps under the skin. So what can such pains signal?

Cough Incontinence: Causes and Treatments

Cough Incontinence: Causes and Treatments

In medical practice, such a fairly common phenomenon as urinary incontinence during a cough is known. The condition is characterized by voluntary urination, which can be caused by muscle strain in the pelvic area, as well as sudden stress

Hepatocellular carcinoma of the liver: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Hepatocellular carcinoma of the liver: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Primary liver cancer is one of the deadly oncological pathologies. The most common is hepatocellular carcinoma. This tumor develops from cells of the liver parenchyma, is characterized by rapid growth and metastasis

The child is hyperactive. What to do and who to contact for help?

The child is hyperactive. What to do and who to contact for help?

In our today's article we will try to find out what hyperactivity syndrome in children is, as well as how to cope with it with the least losses

Diabetes mellitus: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Diabetes mellitus: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The symptoms of diabetes depend on how high your blood sugar is. People with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes may not experience any symptoms at all in the early stages

Bleeding from the nose: possible causes, first aid and treatment

Bleeding from the nose: possible causes, first aid and treatment

Nosebleeds are an urgent problem for otolaryngologists, general practitioners, because specialists often encounter it in their work. With this pathology, people of almost all ages seek help. Nose bleeds for a variety of reasons. They are injuries, diseases of the nasal mucosa, general somatic diseases

Severe headaches: causes and consequences

Severe headaches: causes and consequences

The causes of headaches can be very different. In particular, nervous overexertion, hypothermia, as well as various kinds of diseases can provoke the course of such a violation

Diet and lifestyle advice for metabolic syndrome

Diet and lifestyle advice for metabolic syndrome

Improper nutrition in metabolic syndrome can lead to a lot of unpleasant consequences. A vicious circle can be destroyed only by yourself with the help of your willpower and desire to be he althy

Depressive syndrome and its forms

Depressive syndrome and its forms

Depressive syndrome is a pathology consisting in a depressed (sad) mood, hypotension, motor retardation and slowing down of thought processes. A person who is faced with this problem has a feeling of a complete lack of vitality, he does not want to do anything. The environment begins to be perceived in gloomy colors, and what used to be a pleasure is losing its relevance. The future seems hopeless

Idiopathic thrombocytopenia: causes, symptoms, treatment

Idiopathic thrombocytopenia: causes, symptoms, treatment

Thrombocytopenia is a pathological condition in which the number of platelets in the peripheral blood decreases. As a result, there are problems associated with slowing down bleeding in small vessels. Often the described problem is an independent disease, sometimes it occurs as a symptom

Sources, routes and main transmission mechanism

Sources, routes and main transmission mechanism

It is necessary to know the basic mechanisms of infection transmission not only for self-education, but also in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from a possible infectious disease in case of danger of infection

Lactase deficiency. Its types, causes and treatment

Lactase deficiency. Its types, causes and treatment

Perhaps everyone knows perfectly well that breast milk is the best food for a newborn. After all, it contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are needed for the development of the baby in the first months of life. But recently, many children have been diagnosed with lactase deficiency. What is it? And how to deal with it?

Grumbling in the stomach: causes and treatments

Grumbling in the stomach: causes and treatments

The human intestine can be compared to a pipe through which liquid food masses move. These masses are liquid not only because we consume water with food. And because the digestive system secretes about eight liters of enzyme-rich fluid every day, a significant proportion of which is reabsorbed after the digestion process. The causes of rumbling in the stomach remain a mystery to many

Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that is accompanied by damage to the connective tissue elements of the body and is manifested by polyarthritis of unknown etiology

Arthrodesis of the ankle joint: operation, consequences, rehabilitation, patient reviews

Arthrodesis of the ankle joint: operation, consequences, rehabilitation, patient reviews

Not all pathological conditions of the musculoskeletal system can be eliminated by improving the quality of structural elements. In some cases, blocking the function of one or more segments is required. Arthrodesis of the ankle joint - just such a surgical intervention

The child began to stutter: causes and treatment

The child began to stutter: causes and treatment

Does a child stutter? Don't panic. Help the specialist determine the cause of this condition of the baby and follow all his recommendations