The term "valgus deformity of the feet" refers to a pathological condition in which the height of their arches decreases. At the same time, there is a curvature of their central axis. In patients with a similar diagnosis, the heels and toes are arched outward, and the midfoot is tucked inward. This pathology is most often diagnosed in newborns and children of primary school age. In adults, as a rule, valgus deformity of the big toe develops. In this case, women are most susceptible to pathology. They are more likely to develop a curvature of the joint of the thumb. If you experience anxiety symptoms, you should contact an orthopedist. Based on the diagnostic results, a treatment plan is drawn up.

Valgus deformity of the foot can be worn ascongenital as well as acquired character. According to statistics, pathology accounts for up to 80% of all visits to an orthopedist. As a rule, small children and schoolchildren suffer from it. In adults, hallux valgus is diagnosed in isolated cases.
Congenital pathology is characterized by a violation of the intrauterine development of the child, in which the shape of the bones of the distal legs, as well as their relative position, changes.
The reasons for this condition are as follows:
- hereditary predisposition;
- various complications during pregnancy.
Valgus deformity of the foot of an acquired character develops against the background of a weakening of muscle tissue tone and due to underdeveloped tendons and ligaments. The causes of such disorders are the following diseases and conditions:
- pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
- incorrect or low-quality shoes;
- frequent episodes of SARS;
- dysplasia;
- rickets;
- overweight;
- genetic predisposition;
- various kinds of injury;
- endocrine diseases;
- polio;
- CP.
An important provoking factor is the desire of parents to quickly teach the child to walk. Due to low muscle tone, the arch of the foot flattens under its own weight. The logical result is an even greater weakening of tissues and ligaments. In the future, the child can no longer hold the foot in a normal position.
Adults have hallux valgusFoot deformity in most cases develops against the background of wearing uncomfortable shoes. According to statistics, in countries where it is customary to walk barefoot, pathology practically does not occur. Following fashion trends and excessive love for shoes with heels lead to excessive friction, pressure, pinched nerve fibers and inflammation. Against the background of these conditions in adults, hallux valgus deformity of the big toe most often occurs, sometimes its arches are lowered, as a result of which it acquires an X-shaped appearance.
In addition, the provoking factors are:
- Age. Only 3% of people develop the disease before the age of 30. This figure increases to 9% by age 60. The likelihood of developing pathology doubles in people over 60.
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Injuries.
- Overweight.
- Occupation. The most common deformity is diagnosed in ballerinas who are forced to dance on their toes for a long time.
- Associated diseases. These include: gout, cerebral palsy, rheumatoid arthritis, articular hypermobility, Charot's disease, multiple sclerosis.
- Pregnancy.
- The period of menopause in women and its accompanying hormonal imbalance.
The main reason for the development of pathology is also the weakness of the musculoskeletal system. If you continue to wear uncomfortable shoes, the disease will progress. In advanced cases, the question of the advisability of surgical intervention is being decided.

Pathology is easy to detect on your own. In children, hallux valgus deformity of the foot can be detected by parents as follows: straighten the child's knees and squeeze them tightly. If the gap between the inner sides of the ankles is more than 5 cm, this indicates the presence of a pathological process. At the same time, the arches of the feet are noticeably littered inward, their height can also be reduced. Fingers and heels in the presence of an ailment are rejected outward.
In addition, the symptoms of hallux valgus in children are the following conditions:
- Shuffling while walking.
- Fast onset of feeling tired during outdoor games.
- Pain in legs and back.
- When walking, the child only steps on the inside of the foot.
- Uncertainty in gait.
- Muscle cramps in calves.
- By evening, the feet swell a little.
If you pay attention to the shoes a child wears, you will find that the sole is most worn on the inside.
In adults with hallux valgus deformity of the foot or big toe, the following symptoms appear:
- Pain.
- Fast onset of feeling tired when walking.
- Severe outward deviation of the thumb.
In addition, there are problems with the selection of shoes. With a strong deformation, the second finger also begins to move. Due to this, when walking and in it, painful sensations appear.

Degrees of severity
Specialists classify the disease depending on the angle between the bone and the first finger.
Pathology can have the following degrees:
- I. It is characterized by the occurrence of subluxation of the foot, which is a consequence of joint deformity. It develops against the background of pathological mobility of the ligaments.
- II. At this stage, there is even more displacement of the joints and tendons on the thumb.
- III. Valgus deformity of the foot of the 3rd degree is the most severe. At this stage, the connective and bone tissues can no longer cope with the load. They are as weak as possible and vulnerable to various kinds of injuries.
At the initial stage, the disease can be eliminated by conservative methods of therapy. With grade 3 pathology, some patients are indicated for surgical intervention.
Treatment of valgus deformity of the foot is done by an orthopedist. It must be contacted at the first warning signs.
During the appointment, the doctor conducts an initial diagnosis, including:
- Poll. The specialist needs to provide information about all the symptoms and clarify how long ago they appeared, as well as in what situations their severity increases.
- Inspection. The doctor evaluates the condition of the foot: the position of the joint, other deformities, the position of the arches. After that, he asks the patient to take a few steps. This allows the doctor to identify the severity of pain, swelling, changes in joint flexion. In addition, orthopedicevaluates the condition of the skin and pays attention to the peripheral pulse. In children under 3 years old, the middle part of the foot has a kind of fat pad. In order to assess the shape of the child's arch, the specialist may ask him to stand on his toes.
After the initial diagnosis, the doctor directs the patient for x-rays. With the help of this study, it is possible to determine the degree of deformation. In order to exclude the presence of other pathologies, a specialist may prescribe a CT scan. An ultrasound examination is necessary if a violation of the circulatory process is suspected. Laboratory diagnostic methods (blood and urine tests) are prescribed to exclude the presence of associated diseases and before surgery. For an accurate diagnosis in a child, the doctor may refer him for a consultation with a neurologist. This is necessary to exclude disorders of the nervous system.

Conservative treatments
Pathology requires an integrated approach. Patients need to understand that it is almost impossible to get rid of a grade 3 disease with conservative methods. But the decision regarding the advisability of surgical intervention is made on the basis of the results of the diagnosis and if non-surgical methods are ineffective.
The treatment regimen for hallux valgus includes the following methods:
- Immobilization.
- Massage.
- Kinesiology taping.
- Therapeutic exercise.
- Correctselection of shoes and installation of orthopedic insoles in products.
- Other physiotherapy.
Under the immobilization of the foot is meant its forced reduction into a physiological position with subsequent fixation. The method is carried out using gypsum or splints. In the first case, the immobilization procedure is carried out once a week. After removing the old plaster, the foot is massaged and fixed with a new one. Longet is a removable fixture. In terms of rigidity, it is not inferior to gypsum, but the degree of immobilization is lower. Fixing devices are intended for the treatment of 1 and 2 degrees of the disease. They must be worn at least 12 hours a day for 6 months.
Massage for hallux valgus is performed by a specialist. It is not recommended to carry it out at home, so as not to aggravate the situation. For maximum effectiveness, you must complete a course of 10 sessions. With severe pathology, it is repeated several times a year.
In the past few years, kinesio taping has gained massive popularity. With valgus deformity of the feet, the method helps to strengthen the muscle tissue that controls the affected joint. The essence of the method is as follows: a special tape with a sticky layer (kinesiotape) is applied to the pathologically changed area. During the movement, it contributes to a change in muscle dynamics. The purpose of the method is not to fix the foot, since the density of the kinesio tape is not much higher than that of ordinary adhesive tape. This method is auxiliary and is not used to treat severe pathology.
Both adults andin children with hallux valgus, gymnastics helps to warm up muscle tissue and expand the range of motion. Exercises are recommended to be done as often as possible. Their implementation does not require special training and equipment.
The following exercises are effective:
- In a sitting position, pull the socks towards you.
- In the same position, moderately press the outer edge of the foot. At the same time, it should bend inward.
- Make rotational movements with the feet.
- Walking on toes.
- Scatter a lot of small items on the floor. Try to collect them with your toes.
- Move on the outside of the feet.
- Walking barefoot on uneven surfaces.
With hallux valgus, exercise therapy also improves the degree of coordination of movements, accelerates local blood circulation, and has a positive effect on contractility and muscle tone. The best result can be achieved if you combine exercise with physiotherapy.
These include:
- electrophoresis;
- paraffin therapy;
- amplipulse;
- magnetotherapy;
- mud baths;
- acupuncture.
These procedures are designed to minimize the severity of unpleasant symptoms. As an independent method in the treatment of pathology, they are not used.
In hallux valgus, shoes are essential. Proper baby products must meet the following requirements:
- The ankle should have good fixation (laces,fasteners, Velcro).
- Quality shoes are made from natural materials.
- The heel should be high (ideally covering the ankle) and hard. When pressed with a finger, no dents should form.
- Heel height should be 0.5-1 cm.
- The inside edge of a proper shoe is always straight.
- Toe models should be rounded.
- When bent, the outsole of quality products effortlessly takes on the shape of an arc. It should also have a raised structure.
Shoes for a child must be purchased strictly in accordance with the size. Too tight or loose products lead to many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
Adults are also encouraged to purchase shoes made from natural materials. It should be comfortable and in size. Women are not recommended to wear products with a heel height of more than 7 cm.
In addition, doctors advise wearing insoles all the time for hallux valgus. These orthopedic products allow you to get rid of the pathology at an early stage of its development. As a rule, they are used in conjunction with arch supports, finger correctors and additional ties.
For severe pain, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Surgical treatment
Surgical intervention is performed in the case when all methods of conservative therapy were ineffective and did not stop the progression of the pathology. Atadults, it is carried out if the disease significantly reduces the quality of life of patients and is a pronounced cosmetic defect.
Treatment of hallux valgus can be done in the following ways:
- Installation of Kirchner spokes. Design throughout life fixes the arch of the foot in a physiological position.
- Achilleotomy. It involves cutting the tendon, with which the triceps of the lower leg is attached to the heel bone. Then the foot is fixed with plaster. During immobilization, the tendon is restored and acquires a physiological length, since it is always shortened in pathology.
During the recovery period, physiotherapy procedures are indicated in combination with massage and exercise therapy.
Folk treatments
It is important to understand that non-traditional methods are not able to get rid of the pathology or stop its development. Their task is only to eliminate pain. For this purpose, you can use various compresses. Propolis, applied for several hours to the affected surface, relieves pain well. The following remedy is also effective: pour dried and crushed dandelion flowers with a small amount of iodine. Duration of infusion - 3 days. After this time, the product must be applied to the affected area in the form of a mesh.

In most cases, the treatment of hallux valgus without surgery is effective. The fastest and best results can be achieved by contactingorthopedist at the first warning signs.
If the problem is ignored, both children and adults develop severe deformity, which significantly reduces the quality of life. In addition, all kinds of disorders of the musculoskeletal system appear, which are extremely difficult to get rid of.
Prevention measures
From the first months of life, it is recommended to engage with the child in the pool. Swimming strengthens and develops muscles, and feet in the water never fall in one direction or another.
In addition, the occurrence of pathology can be prevented by observing the following rules:
- regular visits to the pediatrician and orthopedist for preventive examination;
- do not force a small child to walk if his body is not yet ready for such a load;
- purchase quality shoes and strictly according to the size.
Adults also need to learn how to choose the right shoes that do not compress the foot, but are not too loose. Women are not recommended to wear high heels. In addition, it is necessary to revise the daily routine in such a way that several hours are allotted for a good rest. It is also important to control body weight, preventing the development of obesity.

In closing
Valgus deformity of the feet is a widespread orthopedic pathology. It is most often diagnosed in children. In adults, as a rule, deformity of the big toe develops. In both cases, it showsintegrated therapeutic approach. With its ineffectiveness, which happens in very advanced cases, surgical intervention is indicated. The main preventive measure is the correct selection of shoes.