In this article we will look at the symptoms and treatment of senile dementia. How many live with this diagnosis?
It is difficult to determine the further prognosis for a person without treatment of the symptoms of this pathology. But at the same time, complex treatment is important in order to slow down the degradation process. Senile dementia, or otherwise this phenomenon is also called dementia, has characteristic symptoms. We will discuss the symptoms and treatment options for this pathological process below.

Dementia and its causes
The following reasons are attributed to the development of dementia:
- Age factor beyond the age of sixty.
- Having bad habits.
- Passion for the Internet. Mostly people who are addicted to gambling.
- Eating lots of carbohydrates.
In addition, another prerequisite for the formation of signs of senile dementia is the development of somediseases:
- Insufficient amounts of B vitamins and folic acid in the body.
- Tranio-cerebral injuries.
- Development of Alzheimer's disease.
- Development of vascular diseases of the brain.
- Having a person dependent on drugs.
- The defeat of the body by AIDS.
- Development of multiple sclerosis.
- Thyroid disorders.
- Pick's disease.
Caring for the nervous system
Of course, this is not the whole list of reasons that lead to senile dementia. With great care, everyone, regardless of age, should treat their nervous system. After all, the less a person will be exposed to stressful situations during his life, the more likely he is not to get dementia in old age. Now let's find out what are the symptoms of this disease.

Symptoms of dementia
After reaching the age of sixty, everyone should pay attention to he alth. It is the failure of patients to consult a doctor when dementia appears in the early stages, which leads to its significant progression. The development of dementia in the elderly does not have pronounced symptoms at first, but it can still be determined by the following factors:
- In a sick person, both long-term and short-term memory can be disturbed. At the same time, he moves away in his memories and can ask about dead relatives as if they were alive, losing
- Social maladjustment appears.
- The patient is not interested in changes in the world and avoids communication with friends and close relatives.
- Closedness.
- The manifestation of speech disorders, which turns out to be unrelated.
- As part of the subsequent development of the disease, self-care skills are lost.
- Violation of the function of orientation in space, and in addition, in time.
In this case, the following symptoms of senile dementia are distinguished:
- Strengthening personal traits. For example, a person who was thrifty before the illness most often turns into a greedy person.
- The patient may show signs of selfishness. For example, he may begin to demand more and more attention of sympathy and empathy. At the same time, he himself does not show any feelings towards others.
- Increased feelings of anxiety.
- Prone to depression.

Performing medication
There is no single list for the treatment of senile dementia, since the reasons that provoke its development are different for everyone. Thus, the disease is the same for everyone, but the treatment itself is different. As part of the treatment, the doctor prescribes means to reduce symptoms, since the pathology is characterized by the irreversibility of its course.
The following drugs are mainly prescribed:
- In order to normalize blood circulation, "Bilobil" is suitable along with "Intellan" andMemoplant.
- Glycine with Novopassit is prescribed for a normal psycho-emotional state.
- Among nootropics, it is advisable to prescribe Divaz and Noopept.
- Of the antagonists, Cerebrolysin is usually prescribed.
- Anticoagulants are prescribed to prevent cerebral infarction.
In addition, treatment should be carried out at home, in order not to injure the already unhe althy psyche of an elderly person. In addition, it is important to review the diet, excluding the maximum presence of fatty or fried foods. Requires spending a lot of time outdoors doing moderate exercise.

How long do people live with dementia?
To answer this question, you need to analyze the following factors:
- The stage at which the disease is.
- Presence in the patient's life of irritants of the nervous system.
- Having bad habits.
- Relationship of relatives to the patient.
Not everyone knows how to help with dementia.
In itself, the disease does not cause death, but contributes to the emergence of traumatic situations, as a result of which a fatal outcome is not ruled out. These are, for example, such cases when a person forgets to turn off the stove, and in case of loss of orientation in space - receiving some kind of injury incompatible with life. Therefore, how long such a person lives depends largely on his loved ones.
Customer care
How is custody ofa person with dementia? This procedure takes more than one day. After doctors make this diagnosis, relatives who wish to arrange guardianship must apply to the court with a claim to recognize the patient as incapacitated. A potential guardian must provide certain certificates. After considering the claim and its entry into force, you will need to contact the local guardianship authority for a list of documents for registration.

The following documents are mainly needed:
- Copy of incapacity court decision.
- Copies of passports of the future guardian, as well as a disabled citizen.
- Application of the desire to become a guardian, drawn up in the form of guardianship authorities.
- Act on the living conditions of the guardian.
- Characteristic from the job of a guardian.
- Medical report on the he alth of a citizen who wishes to obtain guardianship.
After collecting the documents, the guardianship authorities issue a decision on the appointment of guardianship. As part of this, monthly payments are prescribed for the maintenance of the incapacitated. For spending money, the guardian is required to submit a report with checks once a year.
What else is the treatment for senile dementia?
Features of nutrition and diet
Using cinnamon for dishes will slow down the formation of amyloid plaques that form in the cerebral cortex. This seasoning contributes to the prevention of dementia, inhibiting the progression of dementia that has appeared. It is required to exclude fatty fried foods. Meatalong with flour products should be present in moderation.

Don't get too carried away with herbal products. This is due to the content of phytoestrogens in them, which are useful only at a young age, and they can have an undesirable effect on older people. Drinking coffee in moderation is beneficial. This drink prevents the degenerative process by lowering cholesterol levels and preventing the development of atherosclerosis.
Alcohol abuse completely destroys the personality. But the presence of a glass of good red wine helps to avoid or delay the development of senile dementia. Wine contains polyphenols that prevent the development of the pathological process in the brain. The most suitable against the background of dementia is the Mediterranean diet. The foods that are included in the diet as part of its compliance are as follows:
- Vegetables with fruits.
- Beans and nuts.
- Olive oil as salad dressing.
- Small amounts of fish with seafood should be on the menu every day.
- Poultry, eggs and meat products are rarely allowed.
- Sour-milk products and low-fat cheese.
- Red wine (no more than a glass a day).
Appetite disorders can occur against the background of dementia. At an early stage, it decreases, and then patients may not feel full, as a result of which they overeat. It is important to be able to properly organize nutrition. Food should be eaten often, but in small portions. Exceptcompliance with the diet, food should also meet the taste of the patient, have an attractive appearance.
Traditional medicine
If there is the first suspicion of the onset of dementia, when there is a slight memory impairment, alcohol tinctures prepared from plants such as eleutherococcus, leuzea, ginseng and lemongrass can have a positive effect.
It is important to understand that the symptoms and treatment of dementia are interrelated.
The systematic intake of tinctures has a positive effect on memory, improving attention and making it easier to assimilate new information. You can prepare the following remedies at home:
- Blueberry juice. If you drink a glass of this juice every day, it will slow down the development of atherosclerosis, improve memory and stop the development of dementia.
- The use of tincture from the root of elecampane. 50 g of plant roots should be poured with 0.5 liters of vodka and insisted for one month. In the process of preparation, the product must be shaken periodically. Assigned to a tablespoon before meals.
- Decoction of rowan bark. 50 grams of rowan bark needs to be crushed. Next, place the product in a bowl and pour a glass of water. Then put on fire, and after boiling, cook for another five minutes. The medicine should be infused for five hours, after which it must be filtered. Take the resulting remedy should be a quarter of a glass up to five times a day.
- Decoction of mint. In a bowl, a tablespoon of raw materials is poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat for about ten minutes. Then drink half a glassin the morning and at night. This decoction will also help to cope with insomnia.
- Decoction of fennel and valerian. The components are mixed in equal amounts. The mixture is placed in a bowl and filled with water. Next, bring it to a boil. Then boil for another ten minutes, after which they insist for an hour. This decoction is suitable as a remedy for increased irritability.

Healing baths
Against the background of senile dementia, a good result can be achieved after a therapeutic course of baths with the addition of the following medicinal herbs:
- Mix of wild rose and juniper twigs.
- Angelica root.
- A mixture of herbs such as calamus, lemon balm, yarrow, mint, wormwood, taken in equal parts.
Complications and consequences
Against the background of aggravation of senile dementia, patients may experience the following complications:
- Violation of sleep, as a result of which patients begin to confuse the time of day. For example, they may sleep all day and then complain of insomnia. This is hard to bear by the patients themselves, causing trouble to others.
- Behavior change. There is aggressiveness with hostility towards others. In addition, obsessive and delusional experiences come from nowhere. Patients may feel that they are being followed and that they want to harm them.
- Against the background of the progression of dementia with normal vision, patients no longer recognize friends and even relatives, getting lost in space when leaving the house. They may also not be able to return.home alone.
- The appearance of a mental disorder. Patients may invent non-existent events. Ideas about persecution and threat from others are especially characteristic. Such delusions may continue for a short or long time. Sometimes disappears completely.
How many live with symptoms of senile dementia, we examined. In order to slow down the development of the pathological process, as well as in order to prevent dementia, patients are recommended moderate physical activity along with daily walks, physical education and feasible work in the country.