Scrofula means a skin disease that is provoked by the presence in the body of the so-called tubercle sticks. It, according to experts, is related to tuberculosis, but is much more effective in treatment. Most often, scrofula is diagnosed in a child, but this disease also occurs in the adult generation. In this article, we will look at the main symptoms of this disease, as well as modern methods of treatment.
Primary Reasons
These include:
- hereditary factor (this group primarily includes those babies whose parents had syphilis, tuberculosis or cancer);
- various disturbances in the body's metabolic processes;
- at the time of conception, the parents were intoxicated;
- not breastfeeding.

Scrofula in children. Symptoms
First of all, this disease manifests itself in the form of peeling of the skin and severe itching. Gradually, the foci of infection increase, which in turn leads to the growth of the so-called scrofulous crust. Most often, the disease is localized on the face, but in the absence of timely treatment, it affects other parts of the body. In some cases, scrofula in a child also manifests itself in the form of additional symptoms, namely bloating, discharge from the nose and ears, as well as swelling of the joints and regular convulsions. When all these factors appear, you should immediately seek help from a qualified specialist. Otherwise, the disease will only develop, therefore, more serious therapy will be required.
Scrofula in children. Treatment
So, after the diagnosis, you can already start the therapy itself. As a rule, it is complex, that is, it implies the use of several tools at the same time. To get rid of such an ailment as scrofula in a child, doctors strongly recommend giving him fish oil daily (one tablespoon each). In addition, several times a day, you should bathe your child in s alt water (200 g of coarse s alt per 10 liters of water). If the disease has spread to other parts of the body, s alt should be replaced with nettle leaves or pine needles.

Scrofula in a child. Traditional medicine
Today, such recipes of our grandmothers are known that allow us to copewith this kind of problem. For example, traditional medicine recommends drinking an infusion of plantain leaves, consuming as much nettle as possible, and in different variations (in infusions, soups, etc.). Carrot juice is also considered an excellent remedy. So, you need to drink 200 ml of this drink daily on an empty stomach. Thanks to such simple, at first glance, recipes, your baby will forever forget about scrofula.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the treatment of this disease should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of an experienced specialist. Moreover, with the appearance of primary symptoms, one should not delay the therapy and the subsequent rehabilitation period. Stay he althy!