An effective herbal non-hormonal remedy used for violations of the monthly cycle is the medicine "Cyclodinone". Reviews of patients say that the drug helps with psycho-emotional disorders in the climatic period. Produced in the form of a solution and tablets containing the active ingredient, the extract of the fruits of the common plantain.

Pharmacological properties
The drug "Cyclodinone" (doctors' reviews indicate this) normalizes the amount of sex hormones. Due to the dopaminergic action, there is a decrease in the reproduction of prolactin, an increased amount of which lowers the secretion of gonadotropins. As a result of this process, ovulation is disturbed and corpus luteum is formed, which contributes to mastodynia and disruption of the monthly cycle. Prolactin also stimulates the development of proliferative glands in the mammary glands.processes, causing an increase in the volume of connective tissue and increasing the milk ducts. The drug, reducing the amount of prolactin, eliminates pain symptoms in the mammary glands and helps to inhibit pathological processes.
Instructions and indications for the use of the drug "Cyclodinone"
Reviews of the pill are recommended for premenstrual syndrome, mastodynia, menstrual disorders.
Shake the solution before use. Take orally once a day, 40 drops, along with a small amount of liquid. It is better to take the medicine in the morning. Tablets are used once a day, 1 capsule, washed down with water and not chewed. The standard course of therapy is three months. You should not take breaks during monthly cycles.

After the disappearance of the signs of the disease and the improvement of the condition for another three weeks, to consolidate the effect, it is necessary to take the drug "Cyclodinone". Reviews say that there were no negative manifestations with excessive medication. However, the correct dosage must still be observed.
Means "Cyclodinone": side effects and contraindications
It is forbidden to use the medication with individual intolerance to the components. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Means "Cyclodinone", reviews of the female half of the population indicate this fact, can cause side effects such as skin allergic manifestations.

In rare cases, psychomotor agitation, hallucinations, confusion may occur.
Special conditions
Weakening of the effect occurs when the drug is used together with dopamine receptor antagonists. With the appearance of painful symptoms in the mammary glands, violations of the monthly cycle, depression, you should consult a specialist. The cause of pain in the epigastric region can be an individual lactose aversion. The use of the drug by diabetics is acceptable. When taking the medication, please note that it contains alcohol.