Many people have swollen feet in the evening, it is more difficult for them to put on shoes, fasten the locks on their boots. It is impossible not to attach importance to this, even if everything passes in the morning. Swollen feet can indicate not only fatigue of the lower extremities, but also serious he alth problems.

What makes your feet swollen? The first reason may be excessive physical exertion, if the nature of the work has to stand on your feet or walk a lot. For example, from sellers in stores. Sedentary work also causes swollen legs. Tight shoes and high-heeled shoes cause the calf muscles to be tense, which causes stagnation of lymph and blood in the legs, and swelling occurs. Legs also swell from excessive fluid intake.
Severe conditions such as varicose veins, kidney failure, heart failure and flat feet can cause swollen feet. Violation of the outflow of lymph in the subcutaneous tissue and skin, causing severe swelling, is called elephantiasis. She is calledchronic liver disease and decreased thyroid function.
If my legs swell, what should I do? When girls in pursuit of a slim figure begin to abuse diets and starvation, the protein content in the blood may decrease, which will lead to swelling of the limbs, because protein is a necessary element that can retain water in the bloodstream.

Pregnant women often have swollen legs due to hormonal changes in the body, and also due to the fact that the enlarged uterus presses on other organs. This disrupts the circulation of blood in the limbs, they swell. Therefore, doctors recommend that pregnant women wear a bandage to avoid this problem.
With age, people are more prone to swelling of the legs. The heart begins to work weaker, the connective tissue becomes decrepit, less collagen remains in the subcutaneous tissue, which causes more fluid to be retained. In women who have problems with veins and tend to be overweight, edema often occurs in hot weather. This may cause the skin to become bluish in color.
Doctors recommend eliminating the cause that causes swelling of the legs. Do not self-medicate, drink diuretics. A phlebologist will give you a comprehensive consultation and help solve the problem.
The following simple exercises will help to improve swollen feet, if the cause lies in uncomfortable shoes and excessive fatigue:
1. Rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise 20 times.
2. Pick up small objects from the floor with your toes - 10 times.
3. Walk ontoes on the floor for 5 minutes.4. Get up on your toes and down on your heels - 20 times.

5. Spread your toes wider, and then press them to your feet. This will help relieve tired legs (repeat 20 times).
Do not wear tight shoes, give preference to models made of genuine leather with a comfortable shoe, with a stable and not very high heel. If you often have swollen feet, eliminate the hairpin from your wardrobe. Do not stand or sit in one position for a long time, if possible, raise your legs up more often. Do not carry heavy things, in a pinch, buy a bag on wheels. Accustom yourself to sleep with your feet on the cushion of the blanket. Limit the use of liquids, pickles, smoked. Eat more foods that contain potassium and iodine, as well as fruits and vegetables that produce a diuretic effect.