Cat's claw is a woody vine that climbs trees in the highlands of the Peruvian rainforests. The plant got its name due to the thorns that grow on its stem. The root and inner part of the bark of the cat's claw have been traditionally used by the locals as a medicine for a long time.
Cat's claw, or Uncaria tomentosa

Modern science learned about the miracle plant in the early 70s, after the Austrian explorer Klaus Keplinger went to the rainforests of Peru. There he was told about the existence of the creeper by the healers of the local tribe. He was amazed to hear overwhelming reviews about the strength of the local medicine. Cat's claw soon came to the mainland, where studies showed that the plant is in no way inferior to ginseng, echinacea and eleutherococcus. They can treat almost everything, from the common cold to cancerous tumors. It seemed that the panacea for all diseases had finally been found.
Cat's claw has become extremely popular. Soondemand for this tool has increased so much that the Peruvian government has banned the extraction of plant roots, fearing the extinction of the species. There are no less useful substances in the bark, therefore it is only allowed to collect it in reasonable quantities.

In our country, you can buy the drug "Cat's Claw" in tablet form or in the form of capsules. Instructions for use states that it can be successfully used as:
- powerful immune stimulant - able to significantly increase the vitality of the body, speeding up recovery;
- antioxidant, removes toxins, toxins and other harmful substances;
- has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action, helps to defeat fungi and viruses of various origins, including herpes and even parasitic infections;
- used for arthritis, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, gastritis, colitis, diabetes, asthma;
- for menstrual irregularities and diseases of the urinary system (cystitis and pyelonephritis);
- lowers "bad" cholesterol and high blood pressure, strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
- slows down the formation and development of abnormal cells;
- improves metabolic processes in the body, has an antiestrogenic effect;
- has a diuretic and mild sedative effect;
- improves blood circulation, rejuvenates;
- taken to increase the body's stamina during the off-season, indicated for people with harmful working conditions or the elderly.
Unfortunately, the positive impact on the human body of this plant by medicine has not yet been fully studied. Therefore, the drug is used mainly in the form of a dietary supplement. Cat's Claw cannot be used as a mainstream drug until all aspects have been fully tested and approved.
Although the positive effect on the human body is not sufficiently proven, there is an opinion that the healing potential of this plant is much higher. A variety of reviews have been received from individuals using this remedy in order to combat ailments. Cat's claw, according to unofficial data, helps slow the growth of breast cancer and Ewing's sarcoma cells, fight leukemia in children, and supports AIDS patients. Who knows what magical properties this plant is still endowed with. We can only wait for the results of further research.
How to apply
Mainly as a dietary supplement or in combination with essential drugs, it is recommended to take the Cat's Claw dietary supplement.
Instructions for use instructs to take orally inside 1 capsule (tablet) 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of admission lasts up to 3 months, but if necessary, it can be increased, as well as the doses used.

In the form of teas, the herb is brewed in the usual way. Drink up to 4 cups of decoction per day.
Children are recommended to use the drug "Cat's Claw" only after 6 years and strictlyunder the supervision of a treating specialist.
Issue form
Peruvian liana extract belongs to the group of herbal remedies. Most often it is sold in the form of tablets or capsules. But it can also be found in the form of tinctures, elixirs, as well as dried - for brewing tea. Sometimes included in ointments and skin creams.
Even if you have previously taken the drug "Cat's Claw", the instructions for it should still be studied again. Depending on the form of release and the manufacturer, supplements may differ in the content and concentration of nutrients.

Cat's Claw receives positive feedback in most applications. Studies have shown that the substances that make up the dosage forms are non-toxic to humans. But there are times when you should be careful with the supplement.
This medicine may increase the effects of certain sedatives and sleeping pills. Some patients using this dietary supplement also left questionable reviews. "Cat's claw" caused them a mild rash, low blood pressure, drowsiness.
Should not use this drug for people who are already taking blood thinners, hormones or insulin. The effect of certain sedatives and sleeping pills may be enhanced if the patient uses the Cat's Claw supplement along with them.
Instruction warns people against taking this dietary supplement if they have low blood pressure or autoimmunedisease (lupus or multiple sclerosis).
Such supplements should not be used by those who have had an organ or bone marrow transplant. Studies have also shown that Cat's Claw contains tannins, which in large amounts can cause stomach upset or even kidney damage.
Small children, pregnant or breastfeeding women should not use this supplement.

It is quite possible to buy a drug based on Peruvian creeper. These can be either pharmacies or online stores, which, if ordered, will send the Cat's Claw remedy by mail. The price starts at about 400 rubles for 100 tablets (capsules). The cost of the drug can vary dramatically and be much higher. It primarily depends on the manufacturer of dietary supplements.
Perhaps, overly cheap drugs should not be trusted. There are cases when additives were sold under the guise of Peruvian liana extract, which included components of completely different plants.
Also, the level of concentration of active substances can also affect the cost of the product. Be sure to read the label and instructions before purchasing.
Any interactions with other medications or herbs should be considered on an individual basis. Some combinations can even be hazardous to he alth. Always tell your doctor and pharmacist what medicines or herbs you are taking, and only after approval by specialists, start treatment with the drug."Cat's Claw".

Remember also that a person's he alth directly depends on himself. Do not neglect the variety and proper nutrition. At the slightest disturbance in the work of the body, seek the advice of specialists. Unauthorized medication, ignoring symptoms and delayed treatment can end sadly.