Health 2024, October

Radius. Description. Some types of fractures

Radius. Description. Some types of fractures

The radius is located on the outside of the forearm. The lower epiphysis (end) of this segment is more massive

Chronic prostatitis: symptoms, treatment

Chronic prostatitis: symptoms, treatment

Summary of the main clinical signs of prostatitis. Diagnosis of the disease and methods of its treatment

Prostatic hyperplasia: degrees, treatment

Prostatic hyperplasia: degrees, treatment

Prostatic hyperplasia is a common disease that is often faced by men of mature and old age. Despite the fact that tissue growth is benign, it brings a lot of discomfort to the patient's life

Cold acne: treatment and preventive measures

Cold acne: treatment and preventive measures

In the cold season, any person's immunity decreases. This leads to the fact that the body is not able to resist various viruses and bacteria. Therefore, how to remove catarrhal acne in the autumn-winter period becomes a rather urgent issue. The reason for their appearance is wet weather, low temperatures, drafts and hypothermia. It should be noted that it is quite difficult to deal with them

Prostate cyst: causes, symptoms, general treatment regimen, traditional and folk methods of treatment

Prostate cyst: causes, symptoms, general treatment regimen, traditional and folk methods of treatment

Prostate diseases are not uncommon nowadays. According to statistics, a prostate cyst is diagnosed in every fifth man who has consulted a doctor. The neoplasm is benign and does not pose a serious threat to he alth. However, in men, a prostate cyst significantly impairs the quality of life. You should consult a doctor at the first warning signs

Hyperacid gastritis: symptoms, treatment. Chronic hyperacid gastritis

Hyperacid gastritis: symptoms, treatment. Chronic hyperacid gastritis

Many people in the morning complain of a sour taste in the mouth, discomfort in the stomach and an uncharacteristic coating on the tongue. In fact, this is the first signal that hydrochloric acid begins to corrode the gastric mucosa. Unfortunately, most ignore such unpleasant symptoms. In fact, they indicate the presence of such a disease as hyperacid gastritis

Massage for pneumonia: technique. Massage with essential oils

Massage for pneumonia: technique. Massage with essential oils

The main symptoms of pneumonia. How is massage performed for pneumonia? What types of massage for pneumonia are allowed?

Effective breathing exercises for COPD

Effective breathing exercises for COPD

The article will talk about breathing exercises, as well as COPD and treatment methods through special breathing technologies

Foot pain: causes and treatment

Foot pain: causes and treatment

Pain in the foot cannot be taken as the norm, because it is a serious pathological process. Only accurate diagnosis and proper treatment will help to make sure that nothing dangerous happens to your he alth

Differences in streptococcal infections. Symptoms of their presence

Differences in streptococcal infections. Symptoms of their presence

Most streptococcal infections are caused by hemolytic streptococcus. Children and the elderly are most susceptible to it. In areas with a sharply continental and temperate climate, this group of bacterial infections is one of the most common. It is usually seasonal and affects the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and larynx

Possible causes of leg pain

Possible causes of leg pain

The causes of pain in the legs are very diverse and often lie in various disorders and pathologies, ranging from fatigue to serious illnesses. The problem can be localized in the knees, feet, hips, calves, and even give to the buttocks. By its nature and location, one can judge about diseases of the legs that cause discomfort

How to treat varicose veins. Laser treatment of varicose veins: reviews, cost

How to treat varicose veins. Laser treatment of varicose veins: reviews, cost

Varicose veins is a disease that not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of women's legs, but also brings a lot of discomfort. That is why it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible in order to avoid the occurrence of various complications

Antenatal fetal death and its causes

Antenatal fetal death and its causes

Antenatal fetal death is a very sad phenomenon, which is nevertheless common in obstetric practice. Fetal death can occur at any time during pregnancy

TELA clinic. Pulmonary embolism: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

TELA clinic. Pulmonary embolism: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Symptoms of PE may resemble some pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. It is important to undergo an examination on time and make an accurate diagnosis. Effective therapy will avoid death

Enterovirus infection: symptoms of infection

Enterovirus infection: symptoms of infection

If you suspect that you or your child have an enterovirus infection, the main symptom of it is a sudden increase in temperature. All other manifestations without special tests can not be distinguished from another infection

Symptoms of enterovirus: how does this disease manifest itself?

Symptoms of enterovirus: how does this disease manifest itself?

Enterovirus is a rather serious infection that can affect both children and adults. It is important to identify and diagnose it in time. To do this, you need to know the symptoms of enterovirus

Laryngotracheitis in children: treatment and prevention

Laryngotracheitis in children: treatment and prevention

Laryngotracheitis in young children is dangerous for its complications. Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. How to alleviate the child's condition before the ambulance arrives and what drugs can be used?

Vegetative dystonia - a disease of the XXI century

Vegetative dystonia - a disease of the XXI century

Every person has a nervous system that is responsible for a fairly large number of different functions in our body, for example, for movement, for reflexes, for instincts, for emotions, and so on. Each area of the nervous system is responsible for performing specific tasks. One such area is the autonomic system. When a person has a violation of the vegetative uneven system in the body, the body begins to "confuse" when to relax the body, when to bring it into tone

Enterovirus infection: transmission routes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Enterovirus infection: transmission routes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

In summer and winter, adults and children, low-income and frankly rich - enterovirus infections do not spare anyone. The symptomatology of diseases that are associated with this pathogen has a wide range. The geography of viruses and their diversity is amazing. Let's try to understand the etiology, sources, routes of infection, methods of treatment and clinical recommendations for enterovirus infection

Umbilical hernia in adults: how serious is it

Umbilical hernia in adults: how serious is it

Umbilical hernia in adults is quite common. About why it develops, and how to deal with it, read this article

Pre-infarction condition: symptoms and measures

Pre-infarction condition: symptoms and measures

Pre-infarction condition, the symptoms of which may be of a rather minor nature, should only be diagnosed by a specialist

Sinusitis in a child: symptoms in different forms of the disease

Sinusitis in a child: symptoms in different forms of the disease

The main clinical signs of sinusitis in children are discomfort in the area of the affected sinus, which increase over time. Nasal breathing is disturbed, there is a discharge of mucous or purulent contents from the nose

Treatment of sinusitis at home

Treatment of sinusitis at home

Treatment of sinusitis at home using traditional medicine methods can be very effective, subject to prior consultation with a doctor

Umbilical hernia in adults: photo, symptoms, treatment, operation

Umbilical hernia in adults: photo, symptoms, treatment, operation

The term "umbilical hernia" refers to a pathological condition in which there is a protrusion of the internal organs through an opening in the anterior abdominal wall. These can be: intestinal loops, stomach, omentum, liver, etc. According to statistics, women are susceptible to the occurrence of an umbilical hernia (photo below), but often the pathology is also diagnosed in men. Treatment of the disease involves surgery

What is the difference between hemorrhagic vasculitis?

What is the difference between hemorrhagic vasculitis?

Hemorrhagic vasculitis is a disease in which the vessels of the capillaries of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, joints and even kidneys are damaged. According to experts, this ailment can be diagnosed regardless of the age of the patient, but in children under three years old it is found extremely rarely

Bursitis of the elbow joint: photos, symptoms and treatment

Bursitis of the elbow joint: photos, symptoms and treatment

The most common disease of the musculoskeletal system is inflammation of the bursa of the elbow joint. In the medical field, it is called bursitis

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome is an acute zoonotic viral natural focal disease, accompanied by severe fever and kidney failure. It is caused by RNA viruses, which are distributed mainly in the East, as well as in the western regions of Europe. This virus is the most dangerous, and mortality in the incidence of this pathology is approximately 20%

What are the symptoms and causes of vitiligo?

What are the symptoms and causes of vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a common skin disease that causes discolored patches. What are its causes and how to treat it?

Salpingoophoritis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Salpingoophoritis: symptoms, causes and treatment

In the event that a woman develops a disease such as salpingo-oophoritis, the symptoms most often make themselves felt quickly enough. At the same time, timely full-fledged treatment is of great importance for the future life of a woman

Numbness of hands. Causes affecting the pathology

Numbness of hands. Causes affecting the pathology

Numbness of the legs and arms is an alarm signal of the body. It should be paid attention to in a timely manner in order to eliminate the risk of developing chronic pathologies. Numbness of the extremities, the causes of which are different, in one case may signal that the body is in an uncomfortable position, and in the other, become a reason for contacting a specialist

Membranous labyrinth: definition, structure and features

Membranous labyrinth: definition, structure and features

The membranous labyrinth is the part of the inner ear responsible for converting mechanical signals into electrical signals and maintaining balance. It is a system of interconnected cavities and channels having a connecting wall

Eisenmenger syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Eisenmenger syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Eisenmenger's syndrome is a rare disease that includes changes in the structure of the heart and large vessels with hemodynamic disturbances

Elbow bursitis: treatment, causes, possible consequences

Elbow bursitis: treatment, causes, possible consequences

Treatment of elbow bursitis should be carried out comprehensively and in a timely manner so as not to provoke the occurrence of dangerous complications and consequences. If signs of inflammation appear, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent therapy

Cardiac arrhythmia. Signs. Causes

Cardiac arrhythmia. Signs. Causes

A he althy person has a fairly regular heartbeat. As a rule, shocks are not felt. At night, there is a slowing of the rhythm to fifty to sixty beats per minute. During exercise, the heart rate, on the contrary, quickens

A child has diarrhea: possible causes, first aid and treatment features

A child has diarrhea: possible causes, first aid and treatment features

Diarrhea in a child always starts unexpectedly. Sometimes diarrhea goes away without special treatment in a couple of hours, and sometimes it can last for several days. We will try to figure out in what situations it is urgent to call a doctor and what drugs are suitable for treating this disease in children

Numbness of the legs: causes, treatment

Numbness of the legs: causes, treatment

Sometimes it happens that one of the limbs loses sensitivity for a while, i.e. there is numbness of the legs and arms. The reasons for this can be very different. A lot of questions immediately arise: why does this happen, is it scary, what to do in such cases. Detailed information can be obtained from a doctor. And here you will read what you may find useful for self-assessment of the situation

What to do if an ankle sprain occurs?

What to do if an ankle sprain occurs?

Unfortunately, an ankle sprain can affect not only professional athletes. This is a fairly common household injury. You can twist your leg by making an unsuccessful stumble on the street (women in high heels are at risk), during amateur sports, etc

Acute endometritis: symptoms and treatment

Acute endometritis: symptoms and treatment

One of the causes of female infertility is acute endometritis. The causes of this disease are varied, but most often it is the result of a gynecological injury. The progression of the pathological process in the body is dangerous by the development of complications. That is why it is important to be able to recognize the disease in the early stages

Giardiasis: symptoms, ways of infection, sources of infections, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Giardiasis: symptoms, ways of infection, sources of infections, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Giardiasis is an infectious disease of the small intestine. Giardiasis is caused by a microscopic parasite called Giardia lamblia. The disease is spread through contact with infected people. You can also become infected by drinking contaminated drinking water, not observing hand hygiene, eating unwashed fruits and vegetables

Perinatal encephalopathy: causes, symptoms and consequences

Perinatal encephalopathy: causes, symptoms and consequences

The concept of "perinatal encephalopathy" is familiar to many parents, since today it is found in various versions in almost half of children's medical records. This pathology is understood as a set of disorders of the nervous tissue under the influence of hypoxia, injuries, infections that affect the fetal brain during pregnancy or at the time of childbirth