Normally, children can get colds up to ten times a year. Usually these are viral pathologies that are eliminated quickly with the help of elementary means. However, some babies may develop a disease such as tonsillitis. Symptoms and treatment in a child will be described in this article. You will find out what forms this pathology has. It is also worth mentioning what drugs are used to correct the patient's condition.

What is this?
How does it develop and what is a pathology called tonsillitis? Symptoms and treatment in a child will be presented to your attention below. Tonsillitis is a lesion of the tonsils and pharyngeal ring, which consists of lymphoid tissue. The task of this area is to protect against germs and viruses. That is why, with almost every cold, the doctor finds redness and inflammation here.
Tonsillitis is often called a sore throat. To some extent, this is correct. A bacterial lesion of the tonsils is purulent tonsillitis. HoweverIn most cases, tonsillitis develops due to a viral disease. Pathology often occurs in an acute form. Chronic tonsillitis becomes a more insidious enemy for immunity. You will learn the symptoms and treatment of this disease in children below.
How does infection happen?
Tonsillitis in children, the symptoms and treatment of which should be interrelated, is quite common. The first signs appear within 1-3 days after infection. Often it occurs by airborne droplets. This picture is typical for viral tonsillitis. Children who are in large groups (kindergartens, schools, sports complexes) are at particular risk.
If the pathology is of bacterial origin, then you can get infected by household means (through toys, personal items, hands). It should be noted that this course of the disease is more severe. A few decades ago, it could lead to irreversible complications. Chronic tonsillitis is not contagious unless it flares up.

Tonsillitis in children: symptoms and treatment
Komarovsky is an experienced pediatrician. He says that these two concepts should be inextricably linked. Of course, inflammation of the tonsils should be treated with appropriate drugs. However, during the correction, medicines can be used to eliminate sore throat, as well as medicines that reduce body temperature.
If the patient has no particular complaints, then the use of symptomatic formulations can be excluded. Has a child got tonsillitis?Symptoms and treatment are known to every pediatrician. Depending on the manifestation of the disease, therapy is selected.
Symptoms of pathology
Signs of tonsillitis in all children may be different. Some babies do not experience any anxiety, while others endure all the unpleasant manifestations of the disease. Symptoms of the disease vary greatly depending on its nature. The following symptoms are characteristic of the acute course of the pathology:
- severe pain in the larynx, which becomes unbearable when swallowing;
- appetite loss and drooling;
- fever syndrome (temperature can rise up to 40 degrees);
- hoarse and hoarse voice, often accompanied by a dry cough;
- malaise, weakness and headache;
- digestion in the form of nausea and vomiting, intoxication;
- redness and enlargement of the tonsils;
- when it comes to the bacterial form of tonsillitis, a plaque in the form of dots is found on the tonsils.
The chronic form of the disease has a less aggressive course, but it is more unpleasant. With it, sometimes a constant body temperature is kept in the range of 37-37.2 degrees. During the examination, loose enlarged tonsils are found, which, in fact, lose their protective functions.

Correction of disease
You already know that tonsillitis (the symptoms and treatment of this disease in a child should be under the constant supervision of a specialist) is a fairly common disease. Therapy consists of the use of antibacterialformulations, immunomodulators, preparations for topical use and throat treatment. Antihistamines, antivirals, and pain medications are sometimes prescribed.
If additional symptoms develop, appropriate therapy is provided. Correction of chronic tonsillitis consists in the general strengthening of the body and immunity of the child. This can be done with the help of medicines or folk methods. Consider how with a disease such as tonsillitis, the symptoms and treatment in children of 2 years old depend on each other.

Broad-spectrum antibacterials
You have already become aware of the symptoms of acute tonsillitis. And treatment in children will now be brought to your attention. Almost always, this disease requires the use of antibacterial agents. If the fever and accompanying symptoms do not disappear after 5 days, then it is likely that the cause of the inflammation is bacteria.
Antibiotics are administered orally and intramuscularly. Less often intravenous administration of drugs is required. The most common drugs used in therapy are Amoxicillin, Flemoxin, Sumamed, Ceftriaxone, and so on. Sometimes treatment is accompanied by the use of the antimicrobial drug "Biseptol" and the like. Antibacterial therapy for any disease involves the use of a complex of beneficial bacteria. These can be drugs such as Linex, Enterol, Hilak Forte, and so on. Check with your doctor about this.

Additional funds in the treatment of pathology
Eliminate pain, malaise and fever will help formulations such as Nurofen, Paracetamol or Cefecon. These drugs are approved for use even in young children. If the disease causes excruciating pain in the throat, then doctors prescribe the appropriate symptomatic drugs: Hexoral, Tantum Verde, Chlorophyllipt, Miramistin, Gammidin and others. You should always consider the age of the child when assigning them.
To eliminate intoxication in the baby's body, pediatricians prescribe the following compounds: "Smecta", "Enterosgel", "Polysorb" and so on. All of them are sorbents. They remove toxins from the body. A feature of their use is that you need to take a break in taking other drugs for 2-3 hours.
When an excruciating dry cough occurs during an illness, doctors prescribe inhalations. Inhalation of vapors of ordinary mineral water helps a lot. Alkali favorably affects the respiratory tract, as well as the throat and tonsils. If you do not have an inhaler, then you can take the drug Gerbion or Codelac Neo. They block cough receptors.
Medicines are always prescribed to treat swollen tonsils. It can be saline solutions that will have a healing effect. Often, with tonsillitis, Lugol's solution is prescribed. This drug has been tested by time, but it can cause allergic reactions.

Chronic tonsillitis:symptoms and treatment in a child
This form of the disease develops when acute tonsillitis is not cured or simply ignored. Symptoms of chronic pathology are frequent illnesses, constant sore throat. The immune system starts to weaken. The tonsils are no longer a protective gate, but a source of infection.
Treatment of the chronic form of the disease can be carried out in several ways. many doctors recommend simply removing the tonsils. However, only a few agree to such an operation. Experts advise the patient to move closer to the sea. S alty alkaline air promotes the speedy healing of the tonsils. Treatment of chronic tonsillitis is to increase immunity. To do this, you can use drugs such as "Anaferon", "Viferon", "Isoprinosine" and many others. Often doctors prescribe restorative vitamin complexes, such as Immunokind, Tonsilgon. They should be taken for a long time. In this case, there will be a noticeable effect.
Correction of pathology can be carried out by folk remedies. This is the use of ginger tea, the adoption of echinacea decoctions. Such compounds increase immunity and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Regular washing of the tonsils helps to cleanse them.
If chronic tonsillitis causes lymphadenitis (swollen lymph nodes), then you should contact the appropriate specialist. Normally, these areas can recover up to three months. If the increase in nodes is observed for a longer time, then appropriate treatment is required. It is assigned on an individual basisserious drugs.

Conclusion of the article
Now you know what tonsillitis is in children. Symptoms and treatment, photos of some drugs are presented to your attention in the article. Remember that no medication should be taken without a doctor's prescription. Self-treatment often leads to complications of the disease and the occurrence of adverse reactions. Treat tonsillitis on time, as the chronic form of the disease is very unpleasant and quite dangerous. Have a nice day!