Itching and peeling in the ear: causes and methods of treatment

Itching and peeling in the ear: causes and methods of treatment
Itching and peeling in the ear: causes and methods of treatment

Most people have experienced itchy ears at least once in their lives. As a rule, such a symptom indicates insufficient hygiene of the hearing organ or that water has entered it during water procedures. But if the feeling of discomfort is permanent, other alarming signs have been added to it, there are reasons to suspect an infectious pathology. The most likely causes of itchy ears are described below. How to treat this condition (including when peeling is detected), the doctor should tell, based on the patient's complaints and the results of the diagnosis.

Improper care

In many cases, the person himself provokes the occurrence of unpleasant sensations. The main cause of itching and peeling in the ears is non-compliance or improper implementation of hygiene rules. When a person uses cotton swabs, matches, knitting needles and other improvised means, the epidermis is injured, as a result of which the nerve endings are irritated. logic althe result is an intense production of sulfur - a secret designed to moisturize and protect the hearing organ. Normally, the process of self-purification of the latter occurs. It is always accompanied by mild itching, more like tickling.

When a person detects a large amount of sulfur, he tends to clean the ear canal more often and more diligently. As a rule, the opposite effect occurs: the secret begins to be produced with a vengeance. Against the background of excessive hygiene, peeling and itching in the ear occur. Such a condition is dangerous because regular interference with sticks, matches, etc. injures the skin. Through microdamage, infection can occur.

Improper cleansing
Improper cleansing

Seborrheic dermatitis

Against the background of the course of this pathological process, itching always occurs in the ear. Peeling is also a symptom of this disease.

The term "seborrheic dermatitis" refers to a condition in which an inflammatory process develops in the surface layers of the skin. The main cause of the disease is the active activity of the conditionally pathogenic microorganism Malassezia. Normally, it is also present in he althy people, but in a small amount, and does not manifest itself in any way. Under the influence of provoking factors, the process of active reproduction of the pathogen starts.

Main causes of seborrheic dermatitis:

  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Long-term antibiotic treatment.
  • Climate change.
  • Long exposure to stress.
  • Significantweakening of the body's defenses.

In addition to itching and peeling in the ear, a person can detect an increase in the fat content of the skin in this area. This is due to the fact that against the background of seborrheic dermatitis, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted.

Itching and peeling
Itching and peeling


This term refers to the defeat of the skin of the ear canal by a fungus. At the initial stage, the disease is almost asymptomatic. As a rule, a person only itches inside the ear. Over time, the severity of itching increases, the skin becomes dry and begins to peel off. In addition, a coating of black, yellow, green or brown appears on it. If left untreated, dark and thick pathological contents begin to stand out from the ear.

Main causes of otomycosis:

  • Weakening of the body's defenses.
  • Excessive ear canal hygiene.
  • Treatment with antibiotics.
  • Changing the pH value of the skin to the alkaline side.

In most cases, otomycosis is the result of a thorough cleansing of the ear canal. Excessive enthusiasm for hygiene measures makes the epithelium defenseless against various infections.

Diagnostic measures
Diagnostic measures

Allergic dermatitis

The development of an adverse reaction after skin contact with any provoking agent is not uncommon. Most often, itching and peeling in the ear are provoked by piercings. Currently, people pierce not only the lobes, but also other external parts of the hearing organ. Atthe occurrence of unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to replace the jewelry with a product made of precious metals. This is due to the fact that the former, as a rule, contain nickel. This metal is the leading causative agent in allergic contact dermatitis.

An unwanted reaction can also be caused by the presence of dust mites in the living area. A favorable environment for the vital activity of these microorganisms is mattresses and pillows. When a person sleeps, mold spores enter the organ. As a result, a person’s ears peel off inside, itching of varying severity worries.

Cause of contact dermatitis
Cause of contact dermatitis


Colds can occur due to the lack of a hat, both in light wind and in cold weather. In such situations, a pimple forms on or inside the ear, and the skin begins to peel off.

Often the cause of discomfort are drafts in the summer. Steamed skin cools very quickly, which leads to peeling and the formation of a focus of pathology.

Medicated treatment

If you have warning signs, you need to contact a dermatologist. A specialist with the help of laboratory tests will establish the exact causes of itching in the ears. How to treat and further clean the organ of hearing, he will also inform. Based on the diagnostic measures taken, the doctor may additionally refer you for a consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist.

Treatment of itching and peeling in the ears directly depends on the cause that caused the development of thisstates. For example, with seborrheic dermatitis, the doctor prescribes topical preparations based on miconazole and ketoconazole. These active components prevent the vital activity of the fungus. In addition, it is also recommended to clean the head with shampoos designed to combat seborrheic dermatitis.

Treatment of otomycosis involves the use of antimycotic ear drops. If there is no improvement with their use, antifungal drugs are prescribed.

In case of allergic dermatitis, it is recommended to replace jewelry with jewelry. If at the same time the ears itch and peel inside, it is necessary to undergo treatment with antihistamines.

If the cause of discomfort is a cold, no specific treatment is required. It is enough to monitor the general condition of the body and pay special attention to the observance of hygiene rules. It is forbidden to squeeze out pimples on the ear. This is fraught with infection and the development of complications.

Medical treatment
Medical treatment

Folk methods

It is important to understand that self-diagnosis and treatment are prohibited. Only a doctor can determine the cause and draw up a treatment regimen based on the results of laboratory diagnostics. However, it is quite possible to reduce the severity of itching and flaking at home. It is only necessary to remember that folk methods do not exclude the need to go to a medical institution.

The most effective is the following method. It is necessary to take a gauze or cotton swab (sterile) andvegetable oil. You also need to prepare a decoction of chamomile. To do this, you need to take 50 g of a dry plant, pour 1 liter of water into it and put the container on fire. Next, you need to boil for 10 minutes. After the specified time, the product should be cooled and mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:1.

Now about how to clean your ears at home. It is necessary to take a swab and moisten it in the resulting product. Then it must be inserted into the ear. After 15 minutes, the swab should be carefully removed. You can see particles of dead skin on it.

Folk methods
Folk methods

How to properly clean your ears

If hygiene measures are carried out correctly, the risk of various pathological conditions can be significantly reduced. First of all, it is necessary to stop cleaning the ear canal with hard objects. Their use is the main cause of microtrauma, through which infection can occur. Regarding whether it is possible to clean the ears with cotton swabs. Contrary to popular belief, these products also violate the integrity of the skin. They are not recommended.

How to clean your ears at home correctly (basic principles):

  • It is necessary to wash the auricle daily. At the same time, the ear canal does not need such frequent hygiene. It needs to be cleaned once a week. It is important to know that it is forbidden to penetrate into the deep sections of the ear canal.
  • Do not allow water to penetrate into the deep sections of the ear canal.
  • To remove excesssulfur, you need to take a sterile swab, twist it into a tourniquet, then soak it in vegetable oil. After that, it must be carefully inserted into the ear canal, but not deep. Then you need to remove the tampon with twisting movements.

Compliance with these rules significantly reduces the risk of itching, peeling and other unpleasant symptoms.

General recommendations

It is important to remember that hygiene should be regular, but not excessive. If you clean your ears too often and intensively, you can provoke not only excessive production of sulfur, but also the development of various pathologies that are not always quickly and easily cured.

In addition, it is important to regularly sanitize earphones, ear plugs, eyeglasses and other products that come into contact with the hearing organ.

Cotton swabs
Cotton swabs


If the cause of itching and peeling is improper hygiene, it is necessary to immediately make adjustments. If this does not lead to a positive result, you need to see a doctor. The outcome of the disease identified by him directly depends on the timeliness of contacting a medical institution. Ignoring the problem can lead to the development of all sorts of complications.

In closing

Itching and peeling in the ears are signs that do not always indicate the presence of pathology. First of all, it is necessary to make adjustments to the implementation of hygiene measures. Many people ask a specialist if it is possible to clean their ears with cotton swabs. These medical devices injure the ear canal,therefore, their use is unacceptable.

If uncomfortable sensations have not disappeared or new ones have joined them, you should consult a doctor. He will carry out diagnostic measures and, based on their results, will draw up an effective treatment regimen. With timely access to a specialist, the prognosis is favorable.
