Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Gonorrhea treatment: effective methods, recommendations and features

Gonorrhea treatment: effective methods, recommendations and features

Gonorrhea is an infectious sexually transmitted disease. If a person becomes infected with it, then the pathogen attacks his mucous membranes and begins to weaken the immune system. What to do if this happened?

Brain abscess: causes, symptoms and treatment

Brain abscess: causes, symptoms and treatment

Abscess of the brain is a dangerous condition in which a local accumulation of purulent masses is observed in the cranial cavity. Such a pathology is manifested due to the influence of various factors of the external and internal environment, but in any case, the patient needs immediate medical attention

Modern methods of treating hemorrhoids: symptoms and causes, effective treatment, surgery and alternative methods of treatment, reviews

Modern methods of treating hemorrhoids: symptoms and causes, effective treatment, surgery and alternative methods of treatment, reviews

The most important rule in the treatment of hemorrhoids with modern methods is that in no case should you start self-treatment without consulting a specialist in advance. Indeed, without certain skills and medical training, it will be very difficult for the patient to independently determine the form of this disease, the causes, stages and nature. Only a qualified specialist is able to advise the most effective method of treating hemorrhoids in women or men

Hematoma at the site of injury: effective methods of treatment, drugs, folk methods

Hematoma at the site of injury: effective methods of treatment, drugs, folk methods

Hematoma is a formation that appeared during trauma, damage to soft tissues. With it, blood accumulates in a limited space. It can be under the skin, in muscle tissue, under the periosteum, in the mucous membrane. Often there is a hematoma at the site of injury. Sharp pain and swelling are also observed. The treatment of hematoma is described in the article

Chinese fungus in humans: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Chinese fungus in humans: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Lichen fungus is a dermatological disease, the occurrence of which is provoked by pathogenic agents. In some cases, the development of the disease is affected by autoimmune diseases and allergic reactions. Pigment spots may appear on the skin, which provoke itching, swelling, pain. In the initial stages, changes may not cause obvious discomfort to the patient. However, in the absence of the necessary treatment, lichen will spread over an increasing area

Cracked lips in children: causes and treatment

Cracked lips in children: causes and treatment

Every mother once wondered "Why does a child's lips crack and what to do in this case?". At first glance, the problem is insignificant, but it causes a lot of inconvenience. The child becomes irritable, tearful, sleeps badly, is naughty. Wounds on the lips must be treated in a timely manner, otherwise the problem may become more acute

Lymphadenitis in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Lymphadenitis in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Unfortunately, lymphadenitis in children is diagnosed quite often. Such a disease is accompanied by inflammation of one or another lymph node, which leads to a deterioration in well-being and the development of a purulent process

Constant itching head: causes and treatment. Can the head itch from nerves

Constant itching head: causes and treatment. Can the head itch from nerves

Many factors constantly influence the human condition. Many people are faced with such a phenomenon when the head constantly itches. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different. In any case, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate this unpleasant symptom. Details are provided in the article

Nutrition for type 2 diabetes: menu, allowed foods

Nutrition for type 2 diabetes: menu, allowed foods

Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common diseases of the 21st century. Fortunately, doctors and scientists have learned to control its course. And although it is almost impossible to completely recover from this disease at the moment, there are a number of actions that can significantly alleviate the patient's well-being and restore his taste for life

Intestinal obstruction in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Intestinal obstruction in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Intestinal obstruction is a complete or partial inability to move the contents through the digestive tract. It appears when there is a violation of the peristalsis of the intestinal walls. The disease is often found in children, causing severe abdominal pain, and often requires surgery. Lack of immediate help leads to death

Short bowel syndrome: symptoms, treatment

Short bowel syndrome: symptoms, treatment

Short bowel syndrome is most often detected in adults, although this pathology sometimes occurs in children. If in the first case there is already a tactic of treatment that has been proven over the years, then with small patients the situation is somewhat more complicated

What is Gardner Syndrome?

What is Gardner Syndrome?

There are many pathologies that are inherited and laid down at the genetic level. However, some of them do not appear immediately, but only in adulthood. Among such diseases is Gardner's syndrome. This pathology refers to benign neoplasms, sometimes tends to malignancy, that is, it turns into cancer

Allergy on the legs and arms: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Allergy on the legs and arms: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Most people are experiencing more and more allergies. And this is not surprising. Indeed, in the modern world, the number of allergens is rapidly increasing

Pancreatitis: the causes of a dangerous disease

Pancreatitis: the causes of a dangerous disease

The rhythm of modern life, alas, is such that a person devotes a minimum of time to protecting his he alth. No, of course, there are advocates of her he althy image, who find time for regular exercise and watch their diet, but there are not so many of them among us

Reactive pancreatitis in a child: signs, treatment and diet

Reactive pancreatitis in a child: signs, treatment and diet

Inflammatory and infectious diseases rarely pass without a trace for the body. After them, doctors often diagnose reactive pancreatitis. In a child, the symptoms of this disease indicate damage to the main organ of the digestive system - the pancreas. However, abdominal discomfort, belching and heartburn do not always indicate an inflammatory process

Hereditary spherocytosis: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Hereditary spherocytosis: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Hereditary spherocytosis is a disease resulting from damage and changes in the cellular structure of red blood cells. As a result, they acquire a spherical shape, become brittle and are subject to damage. It is important to recognize the course of the pathology in a timely manner and carry out complex treatment

Allergy in an infant is no reason to despair

Allergy in an infant is no reason to despair

The inborn or hereditary ability of our body to react to ordinary things that most do not react to is called an allergy. Most often it occurs in those people who have a predisposition to it

Hyperkinesis - what is it? Types of disease, treatment. Hyperkinesis in children

Hyperkinesis - what is it? Types of disease, treatment. Hyperkinesis in children

Hyperkinesis is a very serious disease that manifests itself in the form of spontaneous tics, movements and convulsions of certain muscle groups that a person cannot control. There are many varieties of presented states

Somoji Syndrome, or Chronic Insulin Overdose Syndrome (CPSI): symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Somoji Syndrome, or Chronic Insulin Overdose Syndrome (CPSI): symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Somoji Syndrome is a rare but insidious disease, especially known to people with diabetes. How can it be recognized and can it be cured?

Blood diseases: a list of the most dangerous

Blood diseases: a list of the most dangerous

Blood diseases are dangerous, widespread, the most severe of them are generally incurable and lead to death. Why is such an important system of the body as the circulatory system exposed to pathologies? The reasons are very different, sometimes not even dependent on a person, but accompanying him from birth

Uric acid heart attack in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatment

Uric acid heart attack in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatment

A painful condition in a newborn, in which the child notices the appearance of cloudy urine of a reddish-brown tone, is not considered a separate disease, refers to "border conditions". Appears as a result of the physical actions of the restructuring of the body of a newborn to a new environment, is considered a component of adaptation. Because of this, the amount of urine excreted is significantly reduced

Laryngitis in infants: treatment and prevention

Laryngitis in infants: treatment and prevention

Laryngitis is a swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx, which can be triggered by overexertion, overheating or hypothermia, infection. The disease is most often diagnosed in children, which is due to differences in the structure of the respiratory tract of children and adults. Next, consider the symptoms and treatment of laryngitis in children. Babies must be shown to the doctor, self-medication is unacceptable, all therapeutic measures must be carried out in a hospital

What is the danger of varicose veins: description of the disease, causes, consequences, methods of treatment

What is the danger of varicose veins: description of the disease, causes, consequences, methods of treatment

Many people mistakenly think that varicose veins are some kind of harmless disease that creates only a cosmetic defect on the legs, while not threatening human life and he alth. But this is absolutely not true. Varicose veins are considered a dangerous disease that is constantly progressing. This disease is a process in which the patient's blood pressure increases in relation to the walls of the veins

Thrush in an infant: causes and symptoms

Thrush in an infant: causes and symptoms

In pediatric practice, thrush in an infant is considered quite common. This is a well-known disease that every child suffers at least once. Many parents are interested in what symptoms accompany the disease and how dangerous it is

Prevention of heart failure: effective ways, methods of struggle, tips

Prevention of heart failure: effective ways, methods of struggle, tips

The problem of preventing heart failure in women and men is one of the most important for modern medicine. Heart disease ranks first in terms of danger, since it most often provokes deaths. To improve the situation, it is necessary to work with the general population, explaining what the danger is, what provokes diseases and how they can be avoided

Tongue deviation in stroke

Tongue deviation in stroke

Deviation of the tongue is its deviation to the right or left of the midline. If a he althy person is asked to stick out his tongue, he will easily do it, and it will be located exactly in the middle of the oral cavity. If the hypoglossal nerve somehow works incorrectly, then it will be possible to observe the deviation of the organ of speech

Pfeiffer syndrome is a rare genetic disorder

Pfeiffer syndrome is a rare genetic disorder

Currently, genetic mutations are of interest for study, as medicine needs new methods and approaches to address hereditary and genetic diseases. One of the rarest diseases is Pfeiffer's syndrome, the number of patients with which is observed in one case per one million people

Alcoholic delirium of jealousy: symptoms, diagnosis, correction

Alcoholic delirium of jealousy: symptoms, diagnosis, correction

When alcoholism in the body there are many changes in the state. This applies to physical and mental he alth. Alcoholic delirium of jealousy - alcoholic paranoia is considered a frequent phenomenon. The person is dominated by the paranoid idea of adultery. An ailment appears with alcohol dependence unnoticed by others. The symptoms and treatment of pathology are described in the article

Fungal ear disease: causes, description of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Fungal ear disease: causes, description of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of fungal diseases, including lesions of the upper respiratory tract. Most often, fungal diseases of the ear occur in childhood (in 27% of cases of the total number of otitis media), but can also be diagnosed in adults. The risk group includes people who have undergone ear surgery and patients who use hearing aids

Hemorrhoids: laser treatment. Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Hemorrhoids: laser treatment. Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Hemorrhoids is a disease that is associated with inflammation, thrombosis, abnormal expansion, and tortuosity of the hemorrhoidal veins that contribute to the formation of nodes around the rectum. As a rule, such a disease develops gradually. At the first stage, a person has a feeling of some heaviness, awkwardness and itching in the anus. Pain and constipation may also occur

Spider veins on the legs: possible causes and treatments

Spider veins on the legs: possible causes and treatments

What if there are spider veins on the legs? Why is it undesirable to sit cross-legged? How to change the diet in order to avoid possible problems with blood vessels? We will talk about the diagnosis, modern treatment and prevention of asterisks in our article

Pork tapeworm: photo, parasite life cycle, signs of human infection, treatment

Pork tapeworm: photo, parasite life cycle, signs of human infection, treatment

Pork tapeworm is a parasite from the class of tapeworms. Another name for this helminth is tapeworm. Its intermediate hosts are domestic pigs or wild boars, and finally the parasite settles in the human body and can live there for up to 25 years. This helminth causes dangerous diseases - teniasis or cysticercosis. These pathologies affect not only the digestive tract. Tapeworm larvae can spread throughout the body and cause severe disease of the central nervous system or lungs

How can I identify the symptoms of a blood clot in the leg

How can I identify the symptoms of a blood clot in the leg

Thrombosis is considered to be a very unpleasant and common disease. As a rule, blood clots form in the extremities. What factors cause their occurrence? What should you know about the symptoms (for example, what are the symptoms of a blood clot in the leg)? Finally, how to treat thrombosis? You will find answers to all these questions in our article

Writing spasm: causes and treatment

Writing spasm: causes and treatment

Writing spasm (in other words, neurosis of the hand, graphospasm, writing cramp) is a phenomenon in which the motor activity of the muscles of the hand is disturbed during writing. This disease is more characteristic of people who, by virtue of their profession, have systematic prolonged loads on the hands. Writing spasm is characterized by a slowly progressive course. At the initial stage, the pathology makes itself felt a few hours after constant intense writing

Precancerous conditions of the cervix. Cervical diseases: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Precancerous conditions of the cervix. Cervical diseases: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

In the normal state, the cervix is covered with cells of stratified squamous epithelium. It consists of three layers: basal, intermediate and superficial. Any change in the maturation or differentiation of epithelial cells may be called dysplasia by doctors

Why labia swell: possible causes

Why labia swell: possible causes

If you notice that your labia has been swollen lately, you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist. There can be many reasons for this symptom - from an allergic reaction to an inflammatory process

Feet get cold and sweaty: what to do? The reasons

Feet get cold and sweaty: what to do? The reasons

Sweating is a natural process that the body cannot do without. It is considered a protective reaction that ensures normal thermoregulation. But many people are faced with the fact that their feet are cold and sweaty in winter. This phenomenon has an aesthetic inconvenience. This article fixes this issue

Complications of diabetes mellitus: treatment, prevention and features

Complications of diabetes mellitus: treatment, prevention and features

Diabetes is quite common in today's world. This disease not only completely changes people's lives, but also entails some complications. Pathology is a consequence of disturbances in the activity of the endocrine system. In the event that the amount of insulin is insufficient to break down glucose, then this disease will be referred to as type 1 diabetes

Seafood poisoning: symptoms and treatment. Can seafood poisoning show up in a day?

Seafood poisoning: symptoms and treatment. Can seafood poisoning show up in a day?

Seafood poisoning is a very serious problem with many consequences. The result can be not only unpleasant symptoms, but also coma. For this reason, it is important to provide first aid to the poisoned person in a timely manner, and it is best to consult a doctor

Sideropenic syndrome with iron deficiency anemia: symptoms, treatment

Sideropenic syndrome with iron deficiency anemia: symptoms, treatment

The article describes the causes of iron deficiency anemia and the development of sideropenic syndrome in this disease