Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Arthritis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Arthritis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

The symptoms of arthritis for each form of the disease are different, although there are common signs. This disease progresses, and if the appropriate types of treatment are not carried out, it can completely immobilize the joints. It is necessary to carry out drug treatment with a predominant injection for severe pain, combined with physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and folk remedies

Risk factors and prevention of arterial hypertension. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension

Risk factors and prevention of arterial hypertension. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension

Prevention of arterial hypertension will help to avoid the disease or reduce the risk of possible complications. If you suspect a deviation, you should definitely visit a doctor

Chronic and acute gastritis in a child: signs and symptoms

Chronic and acute gastritis in a child: signs and symptoms

Very often, parents confuse the pain symptoms of gastritis with a slight poisoning of the child with low-quality food. As a rule, this leads to the fact that the acute form of the disease becomes chronic, which is difficult to treat. That is why it is extremely important to recognize the exacerbation of gastritis in time and take a number of necessary measures to eliminate the disease

Doctor Komarovsky advises: how to treat diarrhea in children?

Doctor Komarovsky advises: how to treat diarrhea in children?

Each mother in the process of raising a child is faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea, otherwise - uncontrolled loose stools, in which the process of defecation without the possibility of restraining the urge to defecate occurs more than 5-6 times a day. The total number of acts of defecation depends on the age of the baby and the reasons that caused this process in the body

Papule - is it a problem or not?

Papule - is it a problem or not?

A papule is a formation on the skin that rises slightly above the level of the skin. Sometimes such a rash appears on the mucous membranes. Papules are small and easily palpable. The color of the formations can be different - from white to dark brown. A dermatologist deals with the treatment of such pathological elements

Acute occupational disease: definition of the concept, creation of a commission, procedure for conducting an investigation, conclusion

Acute occupational disease: definition of the concept, creation of a commission, procedure for conducting an investigation, conclusion

Acute occupational disease is a complex illness that a citizen receives at the place of work. The article describes how such a disease is correctly registered, as well as how the investigation is carried out correctly at the place of work. Various preferences are given that a sick employee can count on

Foot sprain - signs and treatment

Foot sprain - signs and treatment

A foot sprain is an ankle injury characterized by a tear in one or more ligaments. As a rule, people who are very active in sports are most affected by this disease

Osteoporosis. What is this pathology?

Osteoporosis. What is this pathology?

Osteoporosis - what is it? The very concept of "osteoporosis" means nothing more than "porous bones". And there is an explanation for this. The fact is that with osteoporosis, the structure of the bones becomes more fragile and thin

Causes, symptoms and treatment of a compression fracture of the spine

Causes, symptoms and treatment of a compression fracture of the spine

Treatment of a compression fracture of the spine is a mandatory procedure, without which the injury can cause serious complications for the whole body

Chronic bronchitis: signs, symptoms and treatment

Chronic bronchitis: signs, symptoms and treatment

Chronic bronchitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi caused by the fact that the airways have been irritated for a long time by some substances or damaged as a result of a viral or bacterial infection

The first signs and symptoms of chronic bronchitis

The first signs and symptoms of chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is one of the most common respiratory diseases, manifested in diffuse inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. For what reasons does it occur? What are the signs and symptoms of chronic bronchitis? What is its treatment?

Avitaminosis in a child: symptoms and treatment. Vitamins for children

Avitaminosis in a child: symptoms and treatment. Vitamins for children

Most often, vitamin deficiency in a child is observed in the winter. It is in such a cold time that a person in the diet has significantly fewer dishes and foods that are rich in vitamins

Causes and symptoms of bronchitis in a child

Causes and symptoms of bronchitis in a child

Today, bronchitis is considered to be one of the most common diseases of the lower respiratory tract. In addition, children are often susceptible to such a disease. That is why all parents are interested in what are the main causes and first symptoms of bronchitis in a child

How bronchitis occurs: symptoms in a child

How bronchitis occurs: symptoms in a child

Few people manage to raise a child without hearing the diagnosis of bronchitis from doctors. But at the same time, few people know what kind of disease it is, where it comes from and how it should be treated. We will talk about this in our article

Trichomonas in men: symptoms and treatments

Trichomonas in men: symptoms and treatments

Trichomonas in men is a fairly common problem. Indeed, today trichomoniasis can be called one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, many are interested in questions about what are the causes and symptoms of this disease

Bronchitis: symptoms, signs and treatment

Bronchitis: symptoms, signs and treatment

One of the most common diseases among children and adults is bronchitis. Its symptoms are known to everyone. The main one is coughing. With this disease, it is observed in most patients. What causes bronchitis? How to treat it at home? What are its complications and consequences?

Ulcers on the labia: causes and treatment

Ulcers on the labia: causes and treatment

Any, even the most insignificant changes in the sexual sphere, can frighten a woman. Quite often, patients find such a problem as ulcers on the labia, vulva and perineum. There are quite a few reasons for such manifestations, which will be discussed below

Bulbar and pseudobulbar palsy: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, prescribed treatment and consequences for the body

Bulbar and pseudobulbar palsy: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, prescribed treatment and consequences for the body

Bulbar and pseudobulbar palsy are complications of an illness. In order to get rid of the disease, it is necessary to combine drug therapy and physical procedures. Only such a complex treatment will help to defeat the disease

Hemorrhoids bleeding: alternative treatment

Hemorrhoids bleeding: alternative treatment

Quite a frequent companion of varicose veins on the legs is bleeding hemorrhoids. The article describes he alth and preventive actions

Causes and symptoms of alcoholic hepatitis

Causes and symptoms of alcoholic hepatitis

In our article we will talk about the symptoms of alcoholic hepatitis and the causes of it. Excessive drinking of alcohol adversely affects the entire body, but first of all, the liver suffers from this. Degenerative changes occur in it, which in some cases can even cause cirrhosis, which ultimately can lead a person to an early death. The causes of alcoholic hepatitis, its symptoms and treatment - this is the range of issues raised in the article

Hepatitis: complications and consequences, how to avoid?

Hepatitis: complications and consequences, how to avoid?

Hepatitis is a group of inflammatory liver pathologies that have an acute or chronic course. They can occur due to adverse external factors, exposure to microorganisms, and other diseases. The viral form of the disease is one of the most common. Every year the number of victims of pathology is growing. How dangerous is she? The article tells about the consequences of hepatitis, complications of the disease, its types and signs

What to do if the facial nerve is cold?

What to do if the facial nerve is cold?

In the cool season, people often turn to neurologists with complaints of earaches, difficult facial expressions, pain in the eye or temple. “Cold the facial nerve” - this is the phrase that can be heard in the first place. Do not let the disease take its course, as serious consequences are possible

Expectorant for baby is the best way to get rid of dry cough

Expectorant for baby is the best way to get rid of dry cough

An expectorant for a child becomes necessary only when he has a dry cough. Indeed, with such a disease, a drug is needed that can separate sputum from the bronchi

What diet to follow for urolithiasis: menu

What diet to follow for urolithiasis: menu

Today we propose to discuss with you the principles of the diet for urolithiasis. But let's first understand what kind of disease it is. In medical circles, this disease is referred to as urolithiasis. It is very important to note that the disease is quite serious, it is associated with metabolic disorders

Mumps: symptoms and treatment

Mumps: symptoms and treatment

Mumps refers to childhood diseases. Mostly unvaccinated children of preschool and school age suffer from this disease. Children of both sexes can get sick. But in boys, especially during puberty, this disease is somewhat more difficult, and the consequences can be much more serious

Pulsating pain in the head: causes and treatment

Pulsating pain in the head: causes and treatment

Nothing is more capable of knocking you down than throbbing pains in the head that occur so instantly that it is impossible to understand what is the reason for their occurrence

Dandruff in a child: possible causes and features of treatment

Dandruff in a child: possible causes and features of treatment

If parents saw dandruff in their child, you should understand the cause of this pathology, because often the factor that provoked the appearance of dandruff in childhood is a fungal disease. In adolescents, this problem is mainly not associated with pathological abnormalities in the body

The first signs of missed pregnancy in the early stages

The first signs of missed pregnancy in the early stages

Many women experience such a test in life as a missed pregnancy. Of course, this is a huge grief, which is very difficult to endure. Many unfulfilled mothers fall into the deepest depression, aware of the fact that the life of their unborn child was cut short, that he will not see sunrises or sunsets and will not know all the joys of life. A pregnancy is recognized as frozen, during which the spontaneous death of the embryo occurred. It usually happens in the most dangerous first trimester

Chronic hemorrhoids: causes, treatment, consultation of a proctologist

Chronic hemorrhoids: causes, treatment, consultation of a proctologist

Chronic hemorrhoids give their owners a lot of anxiety. You can cope with the disease only with the help of a specialist who will recommend effective treatment

How to get rid of foot fungus: an overview of treatment methods

How to get rid of foot fungus: an overview of treatment methods

The development of a fungal infection on the legs is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that makes a person experience a whole lot of discomfort every day. At the root of the problem is tissue damage by pathogenic microorganisms. The latter parasitize on the skin and actively multiply. The implementation of urgent, high-quality treatment of the disease is extremely important. Because, if left to chance, a fungal infection can lead to a whole host of dangerous he alth consequences

Nutmeg liver: anatomy, histology, pathomorphology

Nutmeg liver: anatomy, histology, pathomorphology

Nuclear is not a disease in itself, but only a symptom of a much more serious he alth problem, such as heart failure

How to correct curvature of the spine? Prevention and treatment

How to correct curvature of the spine? Prevention and treatment

Beautiful posture, as you know, is not only a sign of a person's confidence, but also an indicator of the correct lifestyle that he leads. Excess weight, incorrect posture at work, weakened back muscles and many other reasons can lead to posture problems

Barrett's esophagus: symptoms and treatment, diet, reviews

Barrett's esophagus: symptoms and treatment, diet, reviews

Barrett's esophagus is a complication of gastroesophageal reflux disease, in which the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus, irritating its walls. Pathology, as a rule, is formed in patients with more than a five-year history of such a pathology as reflux. Thus, approximately ten percent of patients develop Barrett's esophagus

Swollen earlobe: possible causes, symptoms, treatment and possible consequences

Swollen earlobe: possible causes, symptoms, treatment and possible consequences

Lobe is a part of the organ of hearing, consisting of soft tissues, which are penetrated by a network of nerve endings and small capillaries. Due to this, this zone is characterized by increased sensitivity to the influence of both external and internal factors. If the earlobe is swollen, it is necessary to find out the cause. This pathological condition can develop under the influence of many provoking factors. The most likely ones are listed below

Measles - what kind of disease? Symptoms, treatment, consequences

Measles - what kind of disease? Symptoms, treatment, consequences

Measles what kind of disease? How to recognize in time, what are its consequences, how is it treated? We will talk about everything in this article

What to do if the eye of a newborn fester

What to do if the eye of a newborn fester

The birth of a child is one of the most important events for every woman. It will radically change your whole life and give you unforgettable happiness. However, a baby is not only pink heels and tenderness of girlfriends, but also recurrent illnesses and sleepless nights. What to do if the eye of a newborn is festering, you will learn by reading this article

Tracheitis: what is it and how to treat it?

Tracheitis: what is it and how to treat it?

Surely many people know how tracheitis manifests itself. What it is, however, often can not give a clear answer. So, this is an inflammatory process of the tracheal mucosa, the culprit is viruses and bacteria. Also, the disease can develop as a result of negative physical (cold or hot air) or chemical exposure. The inflammatory process is accompanied by extensive mucosal edema with the release of a purulent secret. There is acute and chronic tracheitis

Gonorrhea: prevention, symptoms and treatment. Prevention of the main forms of gonorrhea

Gonorrhea: prevention, symptoms and treatment. Prevention of the main forms of gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that are sexually transmitted from body to body. The infection affects both women and men equally. Most often it affects the urethra, rectum or throat. In women, the infection can also spread to the cervix

Hepatosplenomegaly is not a sentence. Proper and timely treatment will get rid of this syndrome forever

Hepatosplenomegaly is not a sentence. Proper and timely treatment will get rid of this syndrome forever

Hepatosplenomegaly is not an independent disease, but an alarming syndrome indicating malfunctions in the body. May be caused by viral infections, systemic circulatory disorders, or dietary errors

What is pityriasis versicolor: the cause of the disease

What is pityriasis versicolor: the cause of the disease

Pityriasis versicolor, the cause and treatment of which will be discussed later, is a common form of skin fungus. It appears mainly on the chest, shoulders, neck and back as random multicolored patches. They can be reddish, pink, coffee-colored, and almost white and cause slight itching and flaking of the skin at the affected area