Complications of diabetes mellitus: treatment, prevention and features

Complications of diabetes mellitus: treatment, prevention and features
Complications of diabetes mellitus: treatment, prevention and features

In the article we will consider the complications of diabetes.

This pathology is quite common in the modern world. This disease not only completely changes people's lives, but also entails some complications. Diabetes mellitus is a consequence of disorders of the endocrine system. In the event that the amount of insulin is insufficient to break down glucose, the disease will be referred to as type 1 diabetes. Excessive predominance of insulin, which is not able to bind to certain receptors, indicates the presence of a disease of the second type.

diabetes mellitus complications on the feet
diabetes mellitus complications on the feet

So what are the complications of diabetes?

Features of the disease

Pathology of the first type is most typical for young people and children. Type 2 diabetes is often found in older people. Thanks to timely methods of diagnosis, it is possible to avoid the further development of the disease.non-drug treatment.

Complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are not much different.

Incorrectly diagnosed and delayed treatment can be the cause of complications. Moreover, their appearance is possible both at the initial stage and after several decades from the moment the pathology was detected. Complications of diabetes are divided into early and late.

Early type of complications

Such complications are also called acute, and they pose a serious threat to life. They are characterized by rapid development, which takes a period of several hours to one week. Neglect of medical care or untimely provision of it in most cases leads to death.

Among the acute complications of diabetes mellitus, coma stands out - a condition in which there is a slowdown in all human life processes. The activity of the processes decreases, and the reflexes, in turn, completely disappear. Among other things, there is a violation of the activity of the heart and its rhythm, difficulties with spontaneous breathing are likely.

complications of type 1 diabetes
complications of type 1 diabetes

It is quite difficult to predict the appearance of such a complication of type 2 diabetes. It is formed quite rapidly, so it is required that someone is always near the patient. This should be a relative who knows how to provide first aid or medical staff. Treatment of the patient should be carried out only under the supervision of doctors in a hospital. Initially, the patient is sent to an intensivetherapy. After some improvements, he is transferred to a special department.

Let's take a closer look at this type of complications after diabetes.

Types of room

In medicine, coma is usually divided into two main groups:

  • Hyperglycemic type com.
  • Hypoglycemic type com.

What are the causes of complications of this kind of diabetes? Hypoglycemic coma occurs due to a sharp drop in sugar levels. They are characterized by the growth of a given substance in a short period of time. Hyperglycemic coma is divided into ketoacidosis, as well as hyperosmolar and hyperlactacidemic forms.

Complications of type 1 diabetes are listed below.


This condition is characteristic of patients who are assigned the first type of disease. Ketoacidosis is a metabolic disorder, the main cause of which is insulin deficiency. The violation is expressed in an increase in glucose and ketone bodies, and is also accompanied by an increase in blood acidity. The formation of ketoacidosis, as a rule, takes place in several stages. At the beginning of the complication, sugar is detected in the material as part of a laboratory analysis of urine. In the absence of any abnormalities, sugar in the urine should be absent.

At the second stage, there is an activity of violation of the metabolic process. Some signs of intoxication of the body are not excluded. At the same time, the person is in a depressed state, and his consciousness is confused. In laboratory tests, acetone is found in the urine. The next stage is characterized by the following features:

  • oppressedcondition.
  • Instances of loss of consciousness.
  • A state of stupor in a person.
  • diagnosis of complications of diabetes mellitus
    diagnosis of complications of diabetes mellitus

Complications of diabetes should be treated immediately.

The third stage of ketoacidosis is called ancestral. The next, in turn, is life-threatening, as this is already a coma. At this stage, there is a discord in the activity of almost all organs, along with a complete loss of consciousness and a violation of the metabolic process. The reason for the appearance of such a complication is a violation of nutrition and medication, self-adjustment of the dose of drugs or refusal to take them. Ketoacidosis may appear some time after stopping the use of sugar-lowering medications. In addition, this condition can be provoked by one or another inflammatory or infectious pathology. During pregnancy, there is a risk of an acute lack of insulin, which can also cause coma.

Hypoglycemic coma

Complications of type 2 diabetes are as common as type 1 diabetes.

Such a complication as hypoglycemic coma appears in patients with diabetes, regardless of its type. Unlike ketoacidosis, this condition causes excess insulin to be produced. True, there are cases of its onset after intense exercise or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. This type of coma is characterized by complete loss of consciousness along with profuse sweating. In this case, there may be a low level of light response of the pupils. On thethe onset of coma can be prevented if the required amount of carbohydrates is consumed.

vascular complications of diabetes
vascular complications of diabetes

Complication of diabetes mellitus or hypoglycemic coma can occur quite suddenly. It is preceded by such signs as severe hunger along with anxiety, excessive anxiety, increased pressure and enlarged pupils. Rarely, unusual behavior with a sharp change in mood, headaches and visual impairment is noted. There is a danger of death if the patient is not brought out of the coma within half an hour. During this time, cerebral edema is formed and metabolic disorders occur. As a result, the death of the cerebral cortex is observed.

Hyperosmolar coma in diabetes

This type of complication is distinguished by its symptoms. With it, an increase in sodium compounds with glucose in the blood is noted. As a result of this combination, there is a violation of the nutrition of the cells of the body. Most often, this condition occurs among the elderly.

At the initial stage of the development of hyperosmolar coma, dehydration and a lack of insulin are observed. Prolonged dehydration leads to the occurrence of secondary symptoms, such as impaired stool with nausea and vomiting, and there is also a disorder in the activity of internal organs, accompanied by blood loss. The development of such a complication lasts for several weeks. Initially, symptoms characteristic of diabetes mellitus appear:

  • Intense thirst.
  • Weight loss.
  • Frequent urination.

Probable loss of consciousness. In addition, at the initial stage, short-term convulsions with twitching of the limbs may occur.

In the future, the disease has a progressive character. Loss of consciousness occurs more often and goes into a coma. Some people also experience hallucinations. Symptoms of hyperosmolar coma are very diverse. It can involve the nervous system and be expressed in the form of convulsions, accompanied by a partial or complete absence of any movement. There is also difficulty in speaking. Such signs are also manifested in violation of the brain.

Treatment of complications of diabetes is the use of drugs, various detoxification solutions. Therapy must be comprehensive. In parallel with the reduction in the manifestations of hyperosmolar coma, it is required to act on the causes that caused it.

Consider the vascular complications of diabetes.

complications of diabetes help
complications of diabetes help

Diabetes mellitus and its late complications

Late complications of the disease include nephropathy, retinopathy and diabetic foot syndrome that occur over a long period of diabetes. Probably their manifestation twenty years after the diagnosis.

Such conditions occur gradually and are predominantly characteristic of patients with type 2 diabetes. Rarely, late complications of diabetes are diagnosed in childhood.

Manifestations of diabetic nephropathy

Thiscomplication is manifested by a violation of the kidneys and leads to renal failure. Pathology appears ten years after the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in a person. In type 1 disease, this complication is the main cause of death. Diabetic nephropathy usually goes through the following three stages:

  • Observation of a small amount of proteins in the urine.
  • Observation of significant protein content in urine.
  • The appearance of kidney failure.

Treatment should be carried out already at the initial stage of pathology. Its purpose is to normalize blood pressure. For this, compounds are used that normalize blood pressure and improve blood flow in the kidneys. At the next stage, insulin preparations are used, a s alt-free diet is prescribed. In addition, they take medical means to normalize pressure, the normal value of which should be no more than 130/80 millimeters of mercury. In case of ineffectiveness of prescribed drugs, others are selected.

complications after diabetes
complications after diabetes

Chronic renal failure is divided into two types: conservative and terminal. In the first type, her treatment is carried out without prescribing drugs. The basis of therapy is strict adherence to a diet along with restriction of s alt intake. In some situations, insulin may be prescribed.

Treatment of the second type is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. The measures are aimed at improving the patient's condition and involve hemodialysis. In more severe cases, a transplant is recommended.body.

Complications of diabetes on the legs

This complication is accompanied by damage to the nerve endings, and, in addition, the skin. The consequences are:

  • Appearance of acute and chronic ulcers.
  • Development of purulent processes.
  • Need for limb amputation.

In the neuropathic type of disease, the longest nerves that lead to the extremities of the legs are the first to be affected. As a result of this, there is a violation of the supply of tissues with nutrients, which causes exhaustion, and, in addition, deformation of the feet. In addition, as a result of the uneven distribution of the load, some areas of the foot increase, dense areas appear, the tissue becomes inflamed, and ulcers subsequently form in this place. The ischemic form of pathology can lead to the development of atherosclerotic lesions of blood vessels and arteries. These are chronic complications of diabetes. The feet turn blue, and in more rare cases, a reddish-pink tint. There is also a violation of blood circulation, and the legs become very cold to the touch.

chronic complications of diabetes
chronic complications of diabetes

The main direction in the prevention and treatment of complications of diabetes mellitus on the legs is timely and effective therapy. Moderate exercise along with diet and regular checkups with your doctor will also help minimize your risk.


As part of prevention, in the presence of a disease such as diabetes mellitus, one should maintain personalhygiene, keep order in the home, keep clothes clean. Moderate physical activity and hardening will certainly help reduce the likelihood of complications in diabetes mellitus. This will increase the stamina with the body's resistance. Diagnosis of complications of diabetes should be timely.

Also, special attention should be paid to dental care. With this disease, the risk of caries and inflammation of the gums increases several times. Dentist visits are required at least once every six months.

On top of everything else, control over the condition of the stops is also of great importance. With diabetes, the skin becomes dry, various cracks with ulcers form on it. In this regard, it is recommended to regularly take a bath with emollient oil, and after the procedure, rub the cream into the skin.

Doctors advise not to use sharp objects, blades and scissors during the treatment of the legs, which can injure the skin, which will lead to blood loss. In order to avoid any complications, experts recommend paying attention to all the symptoms that appear during the course of this disease. By no means should they be ignored. Oftentimes, a timely visit to the doctor and the right treatment can help save a life.

Prevention of the complications of diabetes is very important.


Depending on the nature and severity of the pathology, outpatient or inpatient therapy is prescribed. Medicines are prescribed individually. The primary measure is, first of all, the correction of carbohydrate metabolism along with the restoration of the required level of glucose to standard or close to normal values. The most important methods of self-control include regular measurement of blood sugar. In this regard, doctors advise everyone to take tests for sugar from time to time. It will also not be superfluous to buy your own personal glucometer to take measurements.

Complications of diabetes in children

The course of the disease is extremely labile in children, they are especially prone to developing dangerous conditions such as hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis and ketoacidotic coma.

Complications such as hyperosmolar or lactic acid coma occur less frequently.

This pathology in childhood is a serious risk factor for the development of long-term consequences: diabetic microangiopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, cardiomyopathy, retinopathy, cataract, early atherosclerosis, ischemia, etc.