Every mother once wondered "Why does a child's lips crack and what to do in this case?". At first glance, the problem is insignificant, but it causes a lot of inconvenience. The child becomes irritable, tearful, sleeps badly, is naughty. Sores on the lips must be treated in a timely manner, otherwise the problem may become more acute.
There are not so many reasons for the appearance of cracks on the lips, and in the article we will consider the most basic ones. The etiology can be both harmless and hide pathological causes. So why do children's lips crack? Let's look into this matter.

Features of the skin in children
Children's skin is very different from adults. She is too soft and vulnerable. In the first years of life, the sweat glands are not fully developed, so the child gives off excess heat with the help of pulmonary respiration. Moreover, if the baby breathes dry air in a room where it is always hot, the load on the sweat glands increases greatly, and the skin begins to suffer. ATideally dry skin in a baby practically does not exist, this is due to saturation with lipids (such is an innate feature). All chemicals destroy this lipid barrier, so various irritations often occur. Dry skin can also occur with some he alth problems.
The skin on the lips of children is also very delicate and thin, so wounds and cracks often form on it.
Why do babies have chapped lips

The main cause of this problem is dry lips. There are no sebaceous glands, and any lack of moisture immediately affects thin skin. If a child has chapped lips, the reasons may be as follows:
- Weather conditions: dry air in summer and cold in winter. Heat or wind adversely affect the healing rate of skin lesions.
- If the baby does not drink enough water. Children are very active, their metabolism is at an accelerated pace, and if there is not enough fluid, the thin skin of the lips, in which there are no sebaceous glands, immediately suffers from dehydration.
- The body lacks vitamins A, E. At the same time, the skin loses elasticity, becomes thinner, lips dry, cracks appear. If they are not treated in time, the condition will worsen. It will be painful for the child to smile, speak, and even just open his mouth.
- If the baby breathes through the mouth more often than through the nose, the lips on the street become chapped instantly, especially in winter. In the absence of a runny nose of parents, this should alert. Be sure to contact the LOR. The reason may be indeviated septum or adenoids.
- Baby often licks, bites lips. This leads to their weathering. Also, sponges can become chapped if the child drinks or eats something outside in winter.
- Allergy.
- Herpes.
- Increased workload, fatigue, stress.
- Side effects of drugs.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If weather is the cause of children's chapped lips, be sure to start using lip balms and lip balms. Choose products that contain vitamins.
Various oily creams that do not contain water, as well as ordinary petroleum jelly, will help to cope with this problem. Often pediatricians recommend using Rescuer or Bepanten cream.
Means of TM "La Cree" were developed especially for the smallest consumers. The composition excludes fragrances and dyes, only hypoallergenic, natural ingredients are included. Balm for daily care will help soften and heal small wounds and cracks. The cream promotes accelerated cell regeneration. La Cree is safe for babies if they even lick it off their lips.
If a child's lips are cracked to the point of blood and crusts form, in no case do not rip them off, and do not let the baby do this. Thus, the infection can very quickly penetrate the body, while the sores will spread even more. Apply to the area of irritationwound healing agents.
If relief does not come for a long time, you need to show the child to a specialist. He will help determine the cause and prescribe the necessary medicines.
Proper care

If children have chapped lips, proper care is needed. It will help you deal with the problem. The main points include the following points:
- When cracks form, strict hygiene is required. The wounds must always be kept clean. Do not allow the baby to bite his lips, touch them with his hands. If an infection gets in, the wound may fester.
- Cracked lips can be treated with honey. Spread them on the baby's mouth at night. Honey can sting at first, so you can do it while your baby is sleeping so he won't feel anything.
- Older children can already control themselves and not lick products from their lips. You can apply ointments and creams.
- Constantly make up for the lack of vitamins. You can use them in the form of tablets, as well as topically. Buy vitamin capsules and apply them to your child's lips.
- Watch the emotional state of children. Permanent cracks on the lips can indicate frequent stress, fears and stress on the body.
- Pay attention to how much your child is drinking. It is best to drink clean water. In order not to irritate the lips once again, you can use a straw.
- Use hygienic lipsticks, balms, various oils (sea buckthorn, castor, olive).

To avoid chapped lips in children, follow preventive measures. These simple tips will help protect your baby's delicate skin.
- Teach kids how to use lip balms from an early age.
- On a personal example, show that you can not bite, lick your lips. Explain why.
- Humidify the air in the room, increase the amount of liquid to drink, especially when you are sick.
- Strengthen your immune system.
- The main thing is to immediately start treating dry lips, do not bring the condition to the appearance of cracks.
Folk remedies

On cracked lips in children, so-called jams often form on the sides. Traditional healers recommend treating them with earwax. Lubricate the wounds more often, everything will pass very quickly.
One of the main folk remedies is sea buckthorn oil. You can buy it at a pharmacy. Moisten a cotton pad with the product and apply it on your lips. The procedure should be repeated several times a day.
A good remedy for dry lips is a composition of fresh butter and honey. Apply it several times a day.
Pine buds should be placed in a jar (fill the container halfway). Fill them with vegetable oil. The remedy should be infused for 2-3 weeks. The oil must be filtered and lubricated with sores on the lips until they heal. It also helps with runny nose and sore throat.
Once your lips start to dry, lubricate themgoose or pork fat, you can also use fresh butter.